Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Great Immortal, this newcomer Xiongba doesn't even have to consider the threat of Di Shitian for the time being, how is it the most miserable group member?" "

Great Qin Zulong: "A murderer like a newcomer Xiongba, who kills a brother who worships his brother, no matter what the outcome is, the fate is not tragic." "

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "Is the world where the newcomer Xiongba is located different from the world of another Xiongba?" "

Space station navigator: "The fate of the newcomer does not look tragic." "

Although the hero of the Fengyun comic book world No. 2, because of the tragic death of his daughter, all thoughts were ashen, and he chose to commit suicide.

However, the chatting masses did not have the slightest sympathy.

It even feels taken for granted.

What Hsiung Ba 2 did, being able to commit suicide and die, was already a very good ending.

Everyone really couldn't see from Ye Hao's future machine of Xiongba No. 2 that there was something tragic about Xiongba's fate.

Especially with several group members such as Gao Yao and Qiao Feng, the future fate of Xiongba 2 is even more tragic.

The World Association Gang Lord No. 2: "Daxian, why am I the most miserable group member?" "

Hsiung Ba 2 is extremely puzzled.

His future fate is that his daughter is killed, he is in disarray, and then he commits suicide.

This future fate is definitely not a good fate for him.

However, it doesn't need to be described as the most miserable group member, right?

Immortal cultivator: "The title of you two Xiongba is too troublesome, I will call you Xiongba No. 2 now, as for how you determine your title in the future, you will solve it yourself." "

Immortal Cultivator: "Although Xiongba is in danger of being spied on by Emperor Shitian 21, he can completely use the chat group to cover the heavenly machine and breath, and then hide." "

Immortal Cultivator: "Moreover, Xiongba can also enter other worlds to perform group missions. "

Ye Hao believes that the tragedy of Hsiungba No. 2 is not the tragedy of future fate.

He determined one thing through the art of deduction, in the world of Fengyun comics, there really is a big day.

Immortal cultivator: "You are different, once you have any changes, or even be covered by the chat group, it is when you are in great trouble." "

Immortal Cultivator: "In your world, there has always been a powerful being peeping into the timeline, and if you show anything beyond his understanding, he may attack you." "

Ye Hao stopped when he said this.

He revealed enough heavenly machines to Hsiungba 2.

If Xiongba No. 2 dares to enter the group mission world to participate in the group mission, when he returns to the Fengyun comic world again, I am afraid that Da Ri Rulai is already waiting for him.

The World Will Help Lord No. 2: "??? "。

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Great Qin Zulong: "??? "。

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "In the world where Xiongba No. 2 is located, there is a powerful existence that peeks into the timeline?" Hsiung Ba No. 2 please mourn. "

"Once there is any change in the timeline, Hsiungba 2 disappears into its own world, or its strength suddenly skyrockets, it will definitely attract the attention of this powerful being."

"Even Xiongba No. 2 can't fly with a sword even if he learns to cultivate immortals, otherwise, that powerful being will also notice him."

Zhang Sanfeng finally understood why Ye Hao said that Xiongba No. 2 was the most miserable group member.

Because, if there is any abnormality in Hsiung Ba 2, I am afraid that it is his death.

Even if he is not killed, I am afraid that he will be controlled by Dai Riru.

Space station navigator: "That is to say, three days later, the sword saint seeks revenge on Xiongba 2, and if Xiongba 2 does not want to attract the attention of that powerful existence, he must follow the original plot?" "

The corners of Liu Peiqiang's mouth couldn't help twitching a few times, and he only felt that his scalp was numb.

It's just death.

If Xiongba No. 2 fights with the Sword Saint according to the original timeline, as long as there is a little accident in the middle, Xiongba No. 2 may die.

After all, Xiongba No. 2 at this time already knew the horror of the Sword Saint, and under the influence of this state of mind, it was definitely different from the original performance.

Not to mention other places, as long as you push down the body of the Sword Saint for a second, maybe Xiongba No. 2 will be killed.

Graphic designer: "Even if you avoid this calamity, it is useless, and then Xiongba 2 cannot enter the world where the group mission is located, and it will lose the main channel to get points." "

Graphic designer: "In this case, how can Xiongba 2 improve its strength?" "

Graphic designer: "According to the fate deduced by Daxian, Xiongba No. 2 may not be long before he will be killed by Bu Jiaoyun and Nie Feng." "

Graphic designer: "Just ask Xiongba No. 2, how is this timeline acted?" "

Bai Xiaofei shook his head repeatedly.

He recognized Hsiunga 2 as the most miserable member of the chat group.

Maybe Hsiung Ba 2 is the first group member to be killed in the chat group.

Who would have thought that in the world of Fengyun comics, there would be a terrifying existence that can peek into the timeline.

Although Di Shitian and Xiao Sanxiao are powerful, they have not yet reached the level of going against the sky.

And the Great Sun has obviously turned against the sky.

The world will help the Lord: "Lucky! The old man is so lucky! "

Xiongba looked shocked, and then looked happy.


The world where No. 2 is located not only has more immortals, but even has an existence that can peek into the timeline.

What does this make number 2?

The world will help Lord No. 2: "Great Immortal Save Me!" Daxian save me! Kowtow JPG"

The World Will Help Lord No. 2: "Kowtow JPG"

The World Will Help Lord No. 2: "Kowtow JPG"

In the world of Fengyun comics, Xiongba No. 2 wanted to kneel and beg Ye Hao to save him, but he was afraid that Da Riru would notice his abnormal performance and suddenly descend in front of him.

He can only keep kowtowing in chat groups. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Immortal cultivator: "The danger of your own world, solve it yourself." "

[Chat group newcomer manual.] 】

Ye Hao's heart moved, and he directly uploaded a file and placed it on the top.

Immortal cultivator: "There is the basic information of the chat group, the use of the chat group, the benefits of newcomers, the precautions for group tasks, and so on." "

Immortal cultivator: "Whether you can find a way to save yourself depends on your own wisdom." "

[Qin Shi Huang received the documents. 】

[The master of the Shifting Flower Palace received the documents. 】

[Chef Gao of the cafeteria received the documents. 】

[The World Society helped Lord No. 2 to get the documents. 】

Not only the newcomers in the chat group received the documents, but even the old people in the chat group also received the documents.

This is a document released by Daisen, maybe there is some information in it that they overlooked.

Qin Shi Huang: "Thank you Great Immortal, Great Immortal Mercy!" "

The legendary world of the Son of Heaven.

"Each newcomer can actually advance 100,000 points of immortal cultivation resources in advance, and then repay the Daxian points later?"

Qin Shi Huang's expression was extremely excited.

"Don't rush yet! First understand the [Chat Group Newcomer Manual] clearly. "

Qin Shi Huang forced himself to suppress his strong desire to immediately purchase immortal cultivation resources, and continued to comb through the information in the document.

The World Will Help Lord No. 2: "Thank you Daxian." "

In the world of Fengyun comics, Xiongba No. 2 thanked him, and quickly sat down, as if he was cultivating.

In fact, his attention was all on the newcomer's manual.

Daisen did not say that he was not saved.

It shows that he actually has life, just to see if he can grasp it.

"I can teleport to the world of other group members through the chat group, as long as the old man never returns to his own world, there is no need to worry about that terrible existence."

Hsiung Ba 2 quickly found his own way through a piece of information in the newcomer's manual.

"I can advance 100,000 points of immortal cultivation resources in advance, can I use these 100,000 points to let the immortals help me deduce more information about that terrifying existence?"

Hsiungba 2 wants to know more information about Dai Riru.

"For me now, even if I know all the information about the existence of that horror, it is useless."

"Because, the gap between my strength and his is too big."

Hsiungba 2 did not hesitate to reject this plan.

Da Qin Zulong: "The world will help the Lord No. 2, Xu has an idea." "

Great Qin Zulong: "The world where the group mission we are performing now is a high-level world, and if you can lead that powerful existence to the mission world, your own world will be much safer." "

"Although the world of Xiongba No. 2 is more advanced than the world of Xiongba, the strength of Xiongba No. 2 is only the late stage of the Great Master."

Yingzheng 300 quickly analyzed.

"This shows that the gap between the two worlds is not very large."

"The world where Xiongba is located, like Emperor Shitian, Xiaosan Xiao should have the strength of a sixth-order martial artist."

"In the world where Xiongba No. 2 is located, Di Shitian and Xiao Sanxiao will increase their strength by one order at most, and the existence of that spying timeline should be the strongest in the world and the most eighth-order martial artist."

Ying Zheng quickly came to the conclusion that the Great Sun Rulai had at most an eighth-order martial artist, and it was impossible to be higher.

Otherwise, Xiongba No. 2, the world's helper, should at least be the strength of the Tianren Realm.

"Although spying on the timeline is against the sky, it also depends on what level of the world it is in."

The more powerful the world, the stronger the rules of time, and even immortals are difficult to spy on the timeline.

In some weak worlds, some people can even build time-traveling machines.

Ying Zheng still understands these common senses.

Although extremely shocked that the world where Hsiung Ba 2 is located, there is an existence that can spy on the timeline.

However, Yingzheng did not think that the Great Sun was unrivaled.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Xiongba No. 2, you can take that spying timeline existence and find a way to lead to the mission world." "

Emperor Hongwu: "We can give you the permission to enter the upper realm, and you can use the teleportation array to directly teleport that terrifying existence to the upper realm." "

Graphic designer: "You can enter the Upper Realm from the teleportation array first, and then leave the teleportation array, and if that terrifying being notices, it will definitely enter the Upper Realm." "

The chattering masses are also very much in favor of the plan of winning the government.

If Da Ri Rulai is really an eighth-order martial artist, then he may fight with the emperor-level gods and demons of the Upper Realm.

If Da Ri Rulai can kill one or two emperor-level gods and demons, or injure one or two emperor-level gods and demons, it will be of some help to the group mission.

The world will help the Lord No. 2: "Then the old man will try." "

Hsiung Ba 2 gritted his teeth and quickly made a decision.

He wants to send Da Riru to other worlds, and the Fengyun comic world will definitely not allow such a powerful existence.

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