Qin Shi Huang: "Are group tasks so difficult?" "

Qin Shi Huang's face instantly stiffened, and his heart became heavy.

His strength is comparable to that of Xiongba, and Xiongba's strength is the top existence in the chat group.

Since Xiongba and a group of group members who are weaker than Xiongba, they can participate in group missions, and he will definitely be able to participate.

However, the situation now seemed to be completely different from what he thought.

"The Heavenly Human Realm is a fifth-order martial artist, and the emperor-level god and demon is an eighth-order martial artist, and the gap in strength between the two sides is probably like a heavenly graben."

"How do the other group members of the chat group perform group tasks?"

Qin Shi Huang originally thought that his strength in the chat group was top-notch, and perhaps he would soon become the most influential group member of the chat group.

As for Daxian, he and the other group members were not considered at all.

Now Qin Shi Huang understands that there is still a certain gap between himself and the old members of the chat group.

This is a gap in insight, and even strength cannot be bridged for the time being.

The World Society will help Lord No. 2: "What are the group tasks you perform?" "

Xiongba No. 2 was also shocked and shocked.

He is only in the late stage of the Great Master!

If it is also divided according to rank, it is only a fourth-order martial artist.

And the world where the group members are located has eighth-order martial artists, so how many seventh-order martial artists are there? How many sixth-order martial artists? How many fifth-order martial artists?

Great Qin Zulong: "The difficulty of group tasks varies, the greater the difficulty, the more points are rewarded, the less difficult it is, and the fewer points are rewarded." "

Great Qin Zulong: "The group mission we carry out is to change the fate of the Terran race, and the world where Zhu Yuanzhang is located is divided into the upper realm and the lower realm, of which the upper realm is incomparably dark"

Ying Zheng quickly introduced the information related to the group mission.


After Qin Shihuang and Xiongba No. 2 listened to Ying Zheng's introduction, they were all a little stunned.

They really didn't expect that there was such a dark and cruel world between heaven and earth, which simply refreshed their cognition.

Ascending to the upper realm does not necessarily mean flying to the immortal realm, but also flying to hell.

A group of immortal emperor-level gods and demons, do whatever they want.

One by one, the emperor-level races devoured other races and continued to grow.

The Terrans are weak and turned out to be food for other races.

At the same time, they also have a new understanding of the abilities of group members.

Such a difficulty, such a dangerous group task 483, those old people in the chat group dared to perform it, it was really beyond their expectations.

Xiongba No. 2: "How did you change the fate of the Upper Realm Terrans?" "

Hsiung Ba 2 was extremely curious and shocked.

Because he really couldn't think of any way to change the fate of the Terrans in the realm of the cloud-filled world.

Unless the Terran race gives birth to an emperor-level god and demon level powerhouse.

Otherwise, the fate of the Terrans in the Upper Realm would hardly change in any way.

And in the chat group, let alone the eighth-order martial artist, there is not even a seventh-order martial artist or a sixth-order martial artist, how to add an eighth-order martial artist to the human race in the realm of the cloud-turning world.

"Is it possible to use immortal cultivation resources to help a Terran powerhouse break through to an eighth-order martial artist?"

The Hsiungba 2 quickly dismissed this speculation.

According to the information in the [Chat Group Newcomer Manual], the emperor-level god and demon combat power is equivalent to that of a Yuan Infant Realm cultivator.

The Yuan Infant Realm is the fourth realm of the Immortal Cultivation Realm, corresponding to the four grade Immortal Cultivation resources.

Any fourth-order immortal cultivation resource is worth millions of points.

And the immortal cultivation resources that can help the Terran powerhouse break through to the eighth-order martial artist, the value may reach ten million points.

How could chatting masses invest so many points for a group task?

"Even if a Terran powerhouse is given the cultivation resources to break through to an eighth-order martial artist, will he definitely be able to successfully break through?"

"Even if he succeeds in breaking through, can he be guaranteed to survive?"

Xiongba No. 2 just substituted himself into the emperor-level god and demon, and instantly understood the huge risk.

If he was an emperor-level god and demon, he naturally hoped that the fewer emperor-level gods and demons in the upper realm, the better.

Best, there is only one emperor-level god and demon in the entire upper realm.

In this way, the resources of the entire Upper Realm are their own, and the entire Upper Realm is also their own testing ground.

You can do whatever experiments you want, and you can do whatever you want.

"Once the king-level gods and demons have just broken through to the emperor-level gods and demons, I am afraid that they will become the target of the hunting of the veteran emperor-level gods and demons."

Xiongba No. 2 believes that there must be a certain tacit understanding between the old emperor-level gods and demons.

A new emperor-level god and demon must be born, taking advantage of the unstable realm of the opponent's strength, and kill him.

Not only can it devour the energy of the other party, but also use it to improve its own strength.

At the same time, it can also reduce the object of future competition.

In this case, the chat masses are even more afraid to invest so much.

Graphic designer: "Use the third-order top spirit gathering array to devour the spiritual energy of the upper realm, and at the same time, transfer these spiritual energy to our world." "

Graphic designer: "Now, though, it seems that the plan may fail. "

Graphic designer: "The World Will of the Upper Realm has begun to block the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi around the Gathering Spirit Array. "

"Whether it is Qin Shi Huang or Xiongba No. 2, the world level they are in is very high."

"Even if you don't hand it over, you can't offend."

Bai Xiaofei was very willing to sell Qin Shihuang and Xiongba No. 2 a favor.

Xiao Li Feidao: "The world will help the Lord No. 2, you better quickly lead the powerful existence in your world that can peek into the timeline to the upper realm." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "In this way, you can have one less danger, and our group mission may be able to change somewhat." "

Li Xunhuan very much wanted to kill several emperor-level gods and demons.

Unfortunately, chat groups have limited manpower.

Now it's different, in the Fengyun comic book world where Xiongba No. 2 is located, Da Ri Rulai may be an emperor-level god and demon level powerhouse.

Great Qin Zulong: "Qin Shi Huang, do you have emperor-level gods and demons in your world?" "

Great Qin Zulong: "Nuwa is dead, so are the other three emperors dead?" And the water god co-work, the fire god Zhurong, they are all dead? Are there any other gods? "

Great Qin Zulong: "You can also find a way to lure some emperor-level god and demon level powerhouses into the upper realm. "

"Qin Shi Huang's world is probably not simple, and there may be a very powerful existence."

The thoughts of the people who won the government and the chat masses at this time were very simple.

I'm not afraid of the chaos of the upper realm, but I am afraid that the upper realm is too calm.

If because of their schemes, several emperor-level gods and demons died in battle, then it would definitely have a certain impact on the fate of the Terrans.

If you can introduce several emperor-level god and demon level powerhouses into the upper realm from the legendary world of the Son of Heaven or the world of Fengyun comics.

Especially the Terran powerhouse, then the impact on the fate of the Upper Realm Terran will be even greater.

Great Qin Zulong: "If the strong person you introduce can really severely damage or kill the emperor-level gods and demons, we can send you red envelopes." "

Emperor Hongwu: "You can't be too strong, otherwise, it will be completely out of control." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Space station navigator: "Qin Shi Huang, you are the emperor, can you contact the gods who are friendly or have a kind personality, and let the gods kill these emperor-level gods and demons." "

Space station navigator: "Moreover, you can also promise this god to take him into a higher world, maybe you can take this god for your own use." "

The expectation of the chatting masses for Xiongba No. 2 is to attract the Great Riru to the upper realm of the rainy world.

In the legendary world of the Son of Heaven where Qin Shi Huang was located, there were gods, and everyone couldn't help but look forward to it.

Nuwa, one of the three emperors, died though. (CBEBB) However, the other two great gods among the three emperors, if they are still alive, their strength is definitely very strong.

Qin Shi Huang: "I have been looking for immortals before, wanting to live forever, but as a result, not a single immortal has been found." "

Qin Shi Huang was very helpless.

Rainbow Cat Shaoxiao: "In this case, we can only put our hopes in the terrifying powerhouse of the world where the newcomer dominates?" "

The world will help the lord: "The world will help the lord No. 2, do you have any ideas?" How do you plan to introduce that terrifying powerhouse into the Upper Realm? "

Guo Jing: "Maybe we can let Qin Shihuang and Xiongba No. 2 also establish a spirit gathering array in the upper realm." "

Guo Jing: "The world will of the world where Qin Shi Huang is located, and the world will of the world where Xiongba No. 2 is located, may not be weaker than the world will of Hongwu Emperor's world." "

Guo Jing: "The collision of the will of the three worlds may cause some changes. "

Guo Jing voiced his new ideas.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Such a risk is too great, if the will of the three worlds collides and reveals the rules of heaven and earth in the three worlds, maybe it will make some emperor-level gods and demons break through." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Maybe it can be like this, Emperor Hongwu, you can open the world permission, so that Qin Shihuang and Xiongba No. 2 can enter the upper realm at any time." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Then, Qin Shihuang and Xiongba No. 2 directly established a one-way teleportation channel, allowing the powerhouses of their world to enter the upper realm. "

Zhang Sanfeng optimized Guo Jing's plan to a certain extent.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "However, there are also certain risks in this way. "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Especially for Xiongba 2, if the powerful existence that spied on the timeline did not enter the teleportation array, but waited for Xiongba 2 to appear again, I am afraid that Xiongba 2 would not be able to return to its own world." "

Master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "The best way is to carry out this plan without revealing yourselves." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "Xiongba No. 2 wants to hide that terrifying existence from his world, and at least needs a third-order top-level Heavenly Machinery Talisman. "

The world will help the master: "Anyway, after three days on the 2nd, if you don't fight with the sword saint, you will also expose yourself, it's better to enter the old man's world now for a while, and then return to your own world after you can ensure your safety." "

The chatting masses put forward their opinions one after another.

Emperor Hongwu: "It's better like this, Xiongba No. 2, you open the world permission, let's arrange a teleportation array to your world." "

Emperor Hongwu: "In this case, you will not expose yourself, and those top powerhouses in your world should discover the teleportation array, and even take the initiative to enter the teleportation array." "

Zhu Yuanzhang decided to gamble big.

Through the inference of the chatting masses, Da Ri Rulai is suspected of being an emperor-level god and demon level powerhouse.

Then in the world of Fengyun comics, it is very likely that there are other emperor-level god and demon level powerhouses.

Zhu Yuanzhang intends to lead all the emperor-level god and demon level powerhouses in the Fengyun comic world to the upper realm.

It is best to let the emperor-level god and demon level powerhouses of the two worlds fight each other.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Everyone calm down first, when the emperor-level god and demon level powerhouses of the two worlds meet, it is possible to fight, or it is possible to join forces." "

Master Wing Chun Ye: "If the emperor-level god and demon level powerhouses of the two worlds join forces and rule the Upper Realm together, then I am afraid that the fate of the Terran will be even more tragic." "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Maybe not only do we not have any contribution, but it increases the difficulty of the group task. "

Ip Man voiced his concerns.

If the right side and the evil side meet, the two sides may fight together.

In case both sides are evil, maybe they will directly join forces and cause greater harm to the Terrans in the realm of the world.

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "If we have too many scruples, we will not be able to use the resources of the world where the two newcomers are." "

Qin Shi Huang: "Maybe it can be so, I first ask the Great Immortal to help me deduce the fate of the future heavenly machine." "

Qin Shi Huang: "Maybe I will really find immortals in the future, in this case, I may be able to contact more immortals through this immortal and let them eradicate those emperor-level gods and demons in the upper realm." "

Qin Shihuang pondered, and also came up with a plan.

Xiongba No. 2 asked Daxian to deduce the future destiny of the heavenly machine, knowing that the world of Fengyun comics has such a terrifying existence as Dairulai.

He may also be able to find some information about the strong from Ye Hao's future destiny heavenly machine.

At the same time, Qin Shi Huang also wanted to know his future destiny, whether he had found immortals, and whether he had lived forever.

Great Qin Zulong: "You have to be mentally prepared." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "That's right, everything hasn't happened yet, don't care too much." "

Wudang century-old Taoist: "Join the chat group, no matter what happens in the future, there is a chance to change, be calm." "

Chef Gao of the canteen: "No matter what the future holds, think about Xiongba No. 2, we are all too lucky." "

Qin Shi Huang: "??? "。

Why should he be mentally prepared?

Why should he be calm?

He is not only Qin Shi Huang, but also one of the top masters in the world, how can his heavenly fate be dark?

He, Qin Shi Huang, is invincible in the world! .

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