Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "Does time pass so quickly?" It's great to be able to see Daisen strike again. "

Xiao Li Feidao: "I don't know if I can return the book to this group mission?" "

Princess Changping: "I feel that I may have to lose money." "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Too humiliated, there are too many strong people in the mission world, and there is nothing to do." "

Graphic designer: "I wonder what heaven-defying magic spell the Great Immortal will cast?" "

The chatting masses who were originally busy and wanted to change the fate of the Upper Realm Terrans as much as possible through their own means, saw Ye Hao's words, and instantly stopped moving.

With only three minutes left, they couldn't do anything.

Moreover, it has always been intelligent robots and spaceships in action, and they are all honestly hiding with strength.

"Did Daisen make a move?"

In the legendary world of the Son of Heaven, Qin Shihuang entered Zhu Yuanzhang's live broadcast room and looked around intently.

He very much wanted to know what height the strength of the immortals in the chat group had reached.

"Only three minutes? I wonder how Daxian will complete the group mission? "

Xiongba No. 2, who had been hiding next to Zhu Yuanzhang, was extremely curious.

The chat masses also filmed the scene of more than a dozen emperor-level gods and demons fighting through the spacecraft, and it was also posted to the chat group.

Such an earth-shattering, burning mountain and sea battle is too powerful.

In the eyes of Xiongba No. 2, those emperor-level gods and demons are actually no different from immortals.


"Where do I see you can run?"

At this time, more than a dozen emperor-level gods and demons were constantly surrounding Da Rirulai.

Although it did not hit Da Ri Rulai hard, it also made Da Ri Rulai's face pale and suffered some minor injuries.

These emperor-level gods and demons did not intend to kill Da Ri Rulai immediately, they planned to kill Da Ri Rulai within a hundred years.

Anyway, for these immortal and invincible emperor-level gods and demons, a hundred years is like an instant.

Killing a strong person of the same level as them in a hundred years is completely a very pleasant thing.


Da Ri Rulai's face was extremely gloomy, and there was a tremor in the depths of his eyes.

Because, he found himself in a desperate situation.

Before, he entered the passage from the Fengyun Comic World to the realm of the Cloudy World, but he couldn't find it at all.

In other words, he has been unable to return to the world of Fengyun comics.

He had also tried to fight to the death with a certain emperor-level god and demon, hoping to repel the siege of these dozen emperor-level gods and demons.

As a result, if he desperately attacked a certain emperor-level god and demon, although the other emperor-level gods and demons would not assist this emperor-level god and demon, they would increase their attack.

If he continued to attack a certain emperor-level god and demon, I am afraid that he would not be able to lightly injure the other party, and he would be besieged and killed by the other twelve emperor-level gods and demons.

At this time, Da Ri Rulai found himself completely on a dead end.


At this moment, an indescribably powerful force instantly enveloped the upper realm of the rainy cloud-turning world, as if to condense time and space and fix everything.

In addition to chatting, the masses can also move, and the entire rainy world seems to fall into stillness.


At the same time, Ye Hao's condensed prefecture was also revealed.

"The hell is in charge of the cycle of life and death, in charge of all living beings, and all things in heaven and earth, after death, their souls will be detained by the ghosts of the earth to the netherworld, and all their good and evil in the yang will be ended here."

Almost at the same moment, all the creatures in the Upper Realm had an additional piece of information in their minds.

"The Terrans act as the ghosts of the prefecture."

Ye Hao's heart moved, and all the hundreds of millions of Terrans in the Upper Realm were absorbed into the prefecture.

All the Terrans who did not reach the god and demon level, that is, the sixth-order martial artists, the moment they became ghosts, their strength was all raised to the god and demon level.

As for the other stronger Terrans, Ye Hao did not give them higher treatment.

It's all ghosts.

To attain a higher priesthood requires greater merit.

"Buzz~" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

The races that disappeared at the same time as the Terrans, as well as the dragons, phoenixes, demons and other emperor-level races.

And these disappeared races all appeared in another prefecture.

This kind of prefecture is Ye Hao's use of the six reincarnation techniques on the Dantian inner planet, condensing the rules of the divine power.

In the future, all these emperor-level races became Ye Hao's cultivation tools.

However, after doing all this, Ye Hao did not stop.

Instead, let the prefecture manifest itself and begin to exhibit various functions.

Even in order to increase the deterrent power of the prefecture, Ye Hao intercepted a wisp of the souls of many emperor-level gods and demons and showed the punishment they received in the eighteen-layer hell to every living being in the upper realm.

Moreover, it also allowed thousands of ghosts to seduce tens of thousands of living souls in the Upper Realm.

For a time, there were millions of fifth-order martial artists, sixth-order martial artists, and even seventh-order martial artist level demons, and their souls were hooked away, and only the next corpse was in place.

Qin Shi Huang: "Is the prefecture a great immortal condensation?" "

The world will help Lord No. 2: "Is this the means of the Great Immortal?" "

The two newcomers Qin Shihuang and Xiongba No. 2 were completely stupid.

Yin Cao Di Mansion!

The Great Immortal was able to easily condense the prefecture in other worlds, and appoint Yin Chao at will?

Because of a group mission, the Terrans of the rainy and cloudy world directly ascended to the sky in one step and became the ghosts of the prefecture?

Xiao Li Feidao: "What do you think?" Of course, it is the magical power of the great immortal. "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "There is nothing to fuss about, it's a completely small scene, and when you meet a few more times, you will get used to it." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "The Terran race has directly jumped from the lowest race in the upper realm to the most peak race in the upper realm, and it is not even a boundary with other races, I feel that the point reward this time is probably very scary." "

Space station navigator: "I want to know now how many points I will be able to earn. "

The chatting masses were already able to watch Ye Hao make a move with an extremely shocked and calm attitude.

"Ding-dong! Group tasks are completed, and 1 billion points will be rewarded. "

"Ding-dong! Immortal cultivators get 950 million points, Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist gets 6 million points, Huashan Paiyue head gets 5 million points, and space station navigator gets 5 million points."

"Ding-dong! Immortal cultivators are chat group administrators, triggering administrator reward points*2 permissions, and obtaining 1.9 billion points. "

When the crisp prompt of the group system sounded, the chat masses were all stupid.

Reward 1 billion points???。

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