Great Qin Zulong: "Hahaha really triggers the group mission, moreover, it is still a group task with the completion degree of the task, with the strength of Emperor Shitian, I am afraid that the reward will be at least millions." "

The excitement and excitement of the victorious government.

Can he not be excited?

No matter what the group task is, Daisen will give group members a chance to perform.

He now has the strength of the mid-level of the Jiedan Realm, coupled with the Yun Dynasty Dragon Vein, which is enough to fight with Emperor Shitian.

In this case, his task contribution is definitely the highest in the chat group.

He may have a chance to earn millions of points, or even more.

This is the first time he has the ability to take the initiative to complete group tasks and earn so many bonus points.

Instead of hugging the thigh of the Great Immortal like before, you can get a huge point reward.

This is a huge step forward for him.

Xiahou Swordsman: "I don't know if Emperor Shitian, who dominates the No. 2 world, has established the Heavenly Gate, with the strength of Emperor Shitian, the forces he has established are probably many martial artists of the Heavenly and Human Realm, and even sixth-order martial artists." "

Xia Houwei was also extremely excited.

He can now have a beast magic weapon and control a thousand-year-old fox spirit.

With the Dao of a thousand-year-old fox spirit, even if he sneaks up on Emperor Shitian, Emperor Shitian may probably be hit.

If it is a master of dealing with the Heavenly Gate, it can make them fall into the illusion realm and be suppressed by him.

Rainbow Cat Young Hero: "This group task has Emperor Shitian, and even Emperor Shitian's subordinates, there are definitely many warriors of the Heaven and Human Realm, and even higher-level warriors." "

Rainbow Cat Young Man: "Wouldn't I be unable to participate in my words?" "

Rainbow Cat World, Rainbow Cat looked lost.

Because, he is only the strength of the Qi Refining Realm now, if he participates in the battle between the Heaven and Human Realm, or even the battle of a sixth-order martial artist.

Not only will it drag its feet, but even its own life is in danger.

Even if he relied on the defensive talisman to ensure his safety, his own attack could not threaten the Heavenly and Human Realm warriors at all.

In this case, the point reward obtained by participating in the group task may not be as much as the points you have invested.

Guo Jing: "To participate in this group mission, you must at least have the strength of the Martial Dao Heavenly Human Realm, or you must have the strength of the Foundation Building Realm." "

Guo Jing: "Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get many points." "

Guo Jing looked gloomy.

Because, these two requirements, he did not meet all 877 parts.

In this case, if you forcibly participate in the group task, the strong person in the chat group can't wait to focus all his energy on the group task.

How is it possible to divide energy to protect weak group members?

"In order to protect your own safety, you must at least purchase a defensive talisman that can defend against the attacks of sixth-order warriors, which requires tens of thousands of points."

Guo Jing's face was extremely complicated, and there was a thick loss in his heart.

In the past, the strength of the chat masses was similar, and when participating in group tasks, everyone's task contributions were almost the same.

It's different now.

The strength of the mid-stage of the Zhengzheng Jiedan Realm, even if he can't kill Emperor Shitian, he can still severely damage Emperor Shitian.

Coupled with Xia Houwei, whose strength has greatly increased, A Jiu and Yue Buqun and these people, maybe they can kill Emperor Shitian.

"In other words, these powerful group members must contribute at least ninety percent to the task."

"Other group members with ordinary strength may have contributed less than 10% to the task."

"The points awarded naturally do not add up to 10% of the total points."

Guo Jing instantly felt a strong sense of crisis.

When the strength of the chat crowd is completely opened, the efficiency of the chat crowd to get points has been completely different.

For example, Yingzheng may earn hundreds of thousands of points or even millions of points for a group mission.

And an ordinary group member like him may get tens of thousands of points, or even thousands of points.

In this case, the strength of the two sides will only grow, or at least like a chasm, which cannot be crossed.

"The most important thing, the group task triggered by the strong person in the chat group, must involve many strong people, and the weak person in the chat group is not even qualified to participate."

As he continued to analyze, Guo Jing knew that he had to make a choice.

He must determine his cultivation path as soon as possible, whether it is the Demon Dao, the Belief in Feng Shen, or other cultivation paths, he must quickly improve his strength.

Unless, he is willing to be an ordinary group member.

When other group members were participating in group tasks, he waved the flag in the chat group and shouted 666.

Maybe which group member who gets a lot of reward points is in a good mood will send him a red envelope.

Moreover, chat groups are now not only inviting group members that are becoming more powerful, but also the world in which these group members live.

In the future, the difficulty of triggering group tasks in chat groups will only increase.

If the strength is insufficient, unless you grab the group task.

Otherwise, it is almost difficult to earn many points.

The chat group now has twenty group members, and there will be more in the future.

With so many group members, how long does it take to grab a group mission?

Emperor Hongwu: "We used to fight soy sauce together, but now watching you kill all sides, we can only play soy sauce, it's so uncomfortable!" "

Although Zhu Yuanzhang also intended to establish the Yun Dynasty.

However, he joined the chat group for too short a time, and many things have not yet had time to prepare.

At this time, his strength has not improved much.

In the past, group tasks with such difficulty were all group members playing soy sauce together, and Daxian shot to solve the strong among them.

Because, it's all soy sauce.

So, there are no special ideas yet.

However, now some group members do not play soy sauce, and even rely on their own ability to hope to complete the group task, and the gap is too big.

Qin Shi Huang: "The world will help the lord, since the emperor Shitian of the No. 2 world can trigger the group task, then the emperor Shitian of your world can trigger the group task." "

Qin Shi Huang: "We will also kill the emperor of your world, Shi Tian, and replace the Tianxing Dao." "

Qin Shi Huang knew that he was not the opponent of Fengyun Comic World Emperor Shi Tian.

However, he has a lot of certainty about Di Shitian in the world of Fengyun TV series.

Although because Xiongba used the Gathering Spirit Array to absorb the heaven and earth spiritual energy of the world realm of the rain and clouds, the world level of the Fengyun TV series world was improved to a certain extent.

Emperor Shitian's strength may have improved.

However, Emperor Shitian had been defeated by the Wu Invincible of the Heavenly Human Realm.

Therefore, Di Shitian's strength at this time was even in the sixth-order realm, that was the early sixth-order realm, and at most the sixth-order mid-stage.

He is now at the peak of the Heavenly and Human Realm.

If he can really trigger the Fengyun TV series world and kill the group mission of Emperor Shitian, he will buy pills and directly break through to a sixth-order martial artist.

As long as he kills Di Shitian of the Fengyun TV series world, he will be able to return to his roots.

"Since Emperor Shi Tian of World No. 2 can trigger the task of Tianxing Dao, if I kill my own Emperor Shi Tian, is it equivalent to completing a hidden group mission?"

Xiongba didn't seem to see Qin Shihuang's words, and the whole person fell into a tangle.

After all, he had promised Qin Shi Huang to hunt Emperor Shi Tian together.

However, now that killing Emperor Shi Tian may complete a hidden group mission, Xiongba is very hesitant.

Emperor Shitian was definitely a sixth-order martial artist.

The group mission of killing a sixth-order warrior may reward more than one million points.

Do you monopolize millions of points, or do you share them with Qin Shi Huang?

"If the old man backtracks, in the chat group, I am afraid that no one will trust the old man anymore."

Xiongba finally made a decision.

He fulfilled his previous promise.

Just the thought that he might lose hundreds of thousands of points made his heart twitch and even faintly ache.

The world will help the lord: "Emperor Shi Tianyi has harmed the world for thousands of years, causing great calamities to the martial arts of the rivers and lakes again and again, and he must be killed." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "That's right, Emperor Shitian has done a lot of evil, we should do it for Tianxingdao." "

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "A scum like Di Shitian, everyone has to blame." "

Seeing this, other group members who are not strong enough (cfbf) in the chat group quickly joined it.

Di Shitian of the Fengyun Comic World, as well as Di Shitian's subordinates, are too strong, and it is very dangerous for them to join this level of group missions.

The Fengyun TV series Di Shitian is different, they may not be able to deal with Di Shitian, but they can deal with Di Shitian's subordinates.

"Ding-dong! Trigger group missions, kill Emperor Shitian for Tianxingdao, and destroy all forces of Emperor Shitian. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"The higher the completion of the mission, the greater the reward."

"All group members can participate in this mission, and task rewards will be distributed according to everyone's contribution."

At this moment, the crisp voice of the group system sounded again.


Listening to the prompt tone of the group system, Xiongba's face turned green, and he couldn't help but burst into foul language directly.

Originally, he wanted to share the group task with Qin Shi Huang, and now even other group members want to join it?

Great Qin Zulong: "The emperor Shitian who dominates the world is weaker, let's quickly solve the emperor Shitian who dominates the world first." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Then we will go to solve the emperor Shitian who dominates the No. 2 world." "

As soon as Huan Zheng thought of the opportunity to kill the two Emperor Shitian immediately, he was extremely excited and looking forward to it.

Because, these two emperors Shi Tian were both Xu Fu who stole Qin Shi Huang's elixir of immortality.

The world will help the Lord: "You"

The hero's eyes widened angrily.

He originally thought that Ying Zheng would lead the powerhouse of the chat group into the world of Fengyun Comics and solve the powerful Di Shitian.

Then the chat group of people with insufficient strength enters the world of Fengyun TV dramas and solves the weak Di Shitian.

As a result, Ying Zheng actually wanted to eat it all.

With the current strength of Ying Zheng, he can definitely kill Di Shitian of the Fengyun TV series world alone.

If Ying Zheng killed Emperor Shitian alone, what else would happen to him?

He is now only at the peak of the Qi Refining Realm, and in the middle of the Heavenly and Human Realm, if he participates in the task of the Tianxing Dao Group in the Fengyun Comic World, he will only be a soy sauce at most.

How many points do you earn for this?

He lost a lot!

Da Qin Zulong: "Xiongba, is there anything wrong with this?" "

Daqin Zulong: "If the world where the group mission is located is not the world of the group members, Xu will definitely migrate a large number of martial arts sects and people into the Daqin world." "

Ying Zheng sneered.

If it weren't for the emotions of other people in the chat group, the martial arts forces such as Sword Worship Villa, Eight Gates Faction, Wushuang City, etc. in the Fengyun TV series world, he planned to move to the Daqin world.

The world will help the Lord: ".

What can he say?

What else dare he say?

If he provokes Yingzheng now, Yingzheng will have a reason to attack him.

At that time, I am afraid that even the World Association will move to the Daqin world.

"The strength of the chat masses has become stronger, the stronger the strength, the greater the boldness."

"Otherwise, how would they have the courage to kill Emperor Shitian of the Fengyun Comics World?"

Ye Hao enjoyed the massage of the moon god and was extremely satisfied with the situation of the chat group.

As for whether the chat group can complete the group task alone, Ye Hao doesn't care at all.

【Administrator: Immortal Cultivator】

[Points: 270 million.] 】

[Realm: Late Primordial Realm (0/1 billion). 】

[Exercise: Star Immortal Technique.] 】

[Divine powers: Six Reincarnation Techniques (0/1 billion), Instant Killing Dafa (0/100 million)]

Especially after seeing the data on the personal page, Ye Hao's heart was even calmer.

The task of the Fengyun TV series for the Skywalk Road Group, Ye Hao didn't care at all.

Even if the chat masses complete all the group tasks, they will be awarded millions of points at most.

As for the task of the Fengyun Comic World for the Sky Walking Dao Group, Ye Hao did not pay attention to it.

At most, it is a reward of tens of millions of points.

And Ye Hao now wants to upgrade his strength, and the points he needs are billions of points.

Tens of millions of points are drizzle, and for him, it is insignificant.

Immortal Cultivator: "You should cherish the opportunity now, now is the opportunity for you to get a lot of points." "

Immortal cultivator: "Especially in the world where Xiongba 2 is located, the Great Sun has been solved, which has reduced the danger of the world a lot." "

Immortal cultivator: "I am afraid that the world where the group members are located in the future will become more and more advanced, and if someone successfully establishes the Yun Dynasty that unifies the world, the strength may reach the Yuan Infant Realm, or even higher." "

Immortal cultivator: "If you can't rise quickly, in the future, the gap in strength between you and the powerful group members in the chat group will be even greater." "

Ye Hao did not hesitate to start stimulating the chatting masses.

He just let the chatting masses do things and trigger more group tasks.

In particular, it triggers group missions that reward hundreds of millions of points, or even billions.

Immortal cultivator: "Since Emperor Shitian can trigger group missions, demons like the dominating dynasty in Xia Houwei's world, who want to transform dragons, and demons who occupy the prefecture as kings, all of them may trigger group missions." "

Immortal Cultivator: "If you can't rise quickly, I'm afraid the gap in strength between you people will soon widen." "

Immortal cultivator: "Ying Zheng, Yue Buqun, A Jiu, these people may not be long before they will end up in the Dan Realm and the Yuan Infant Realm." "

Ye Hao groaned and directly threw out a bombshell.

Immortal cultivator: "Since the chat group can be upgraded once, it can be upgraded twice." "

Immortal Cultivator: "As the strength of Ying Zheng, Yue Buqun and the others becomes stronger and stronger, they will complete more and more group tasks, and the difficulty will become more and more difficult. "

Immortal Cultivator: "The chat group is not far from the next upgrade. "

Immortal cultivator: "The next time the chat group is upgraded, the invited group members may not have world restrictions, and may invite group members similar to Qin Yu's world and Willow God world." "

Immortal cultivator: "When that time comes, the group members of this top world will directly bring a strong person similar to Liu Shen to participate in the group mission, will the group task still have your share at that time?" "

Chat masses: ""...

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