"This god is Emperor Shitian, not Xu Fu."

"You are not Qin Shi Huang at all."

"This god will let you know the price to pay for provoking the gods."

Emperor Shitian's face was livid, and the killing intent in his eyes seemed to condense into substance, and the powerful chill made the void condense.

This mysterious person who suddenly appeared knew that he was Xu Fu.

This made him very uneasy.

So, this mysterious man must die.

"Xu Fu, let the Sect teach you nearly two thousand years of cultivation."

The mood of the government is somewhat excited.


At the same time, the dragon vein that Ying Zheng carried with him emitted a dragon groan, and then turned into a golden divine sword and appeared in Ying Zheng's hand.


Emperor Shitian's eyes suddenly looked at Yingzheng, exuding the fluctuations of the Yuan God, directly suppressing the Yuan God of Ying Zheng.

"Too slow!"

Huan Zheng instantly appeared behind Emperor Shitian and slashed towards Emperor Shitian's head.

Shocking Tribulation is more suitable for killing those who are far weaker than Di Shitian.

"Qingqiu Bai is now!"

Relying on the illusion of the thousand-year-old fox spirit, Xia Houwei, who also came quietly, suddenly gave an order.

"Wan Cheng piercing the clouds!"

Emperor Shitian "180" did not panic, and he didn't even look at the government behind him, and he was extremely confident.


At this moment, a terrifying spiritual storm rushed straight towards the Yuan God of Emperor Shitian, instantly interrupting the True Yuan in Emperor Shitian's body, and even causing Emperor Shitian to lose his mind for a short time.


It was this loss of concentration that allowed Ying Zheng to easily kill Emperor Shitian's head.

"Xia Houwei, your timing is really wonderful!"

Ying Zheng sealed Emperor Shitian's head with one hand and Emperor Shitian's body with the other. Emperor Shitian has phoenix blood, and now he has broken through to a sixth-order martial artist, even if he cuts off Emperor Shitian's head, Emperor Shitian will not die.

Of course, Ying Zheng did not expect Emperor Shitian to die.

He also needed to obtain information from Emperor Shitian about all the forces under Emperor Shitian, only in this way could he complete the group mission more perfectly.

"Are you guys over the fight?"

A Jiu, who had just flown over, looked at Huan Zheng carrying Emperor Shitian's head, and his expression froze.

"It's just to solve Emperor Shitian, and it hasn't solved the forces under Emperor Shitian."

Huan Zheng said as he took out a mantra talisman from his storage bag and pasted it towards Emperor Shitian's head.

"Mother of God."

"Tianwen Temple presides over Yuanjue."

"Breaking waves."

Soon, Ying Zheng obtained information on all of Emperor Shitian's subordinates.


Ying Zheng directly turned into a streamer and flew away, and began to kill according to the target.

Princess Changping: "If you haven't arrived yet, don't come over, Your Majesty and Xia Houwei have already suppressed Emperor Shitian, and now start strangling Emperor Shitian's subordinates." "

Guo Jing: "??? "。

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "??? "。

Emperor Hongwu: "??? "。

Rainbow Cat Shaoxiao: "I haven't determined where Di Shitian is, you tell me, the group mission has ended?" "

If the chat masses were not too impressed by the strength of the chat group members and the gap before, they did not have much impression.

However, everyone is now impressed.

It's miserable!

Some of them were still rushing towards the Gate of Heaven, and some had not yet determined the location of Emperor Shitian.

As a result, the swarm task has begun to wrap up.

How afraid is that?

In other words, they don't even have a sip of soup, they don't even contribute to a group task.

and other post mission rewards, they can't even get 1 point.

The chatters thoroughly understood the consequences of the large gap in strength between the group members.

Group members are not immortals, and they do not give weak group members a chance to perform.

The stronger the group members, how can they share a piece of the pie with other group members who can't wait to complete the group tasks alone and get all the task rewards?

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "I wonder if we will have the opportunity to carry out group missions together in the future?" "

Zhang Sanfeng, who was about to fly to the location of the Gate of Heaven, instantly left the world of Fengyun TV dramas and entered the world of Fengyun comics.

Continue to stay in the world of Fengyun TV dramas, with the intelligence held by Ying Zheng, as well as the strength of Ying Zheng, the powerful Tianmen master, I am afraid that he will also be killed by Ying Zheng first.

He grabbed some leftovers at most.

Instead of this, it is better to enter the world of Fengyun comics first.

He is not Emperor Shitian's opponent, can he still kill a few of Emperor Shitian's subordinates?

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~"

Almost at the same moment, the rest of the chat group also left the world of Fengyun TV series with a complicated look and entered the world of Fengyun comics.

"Supposedly all left, right?"

According to Emperor Shitian's memory, Huan Zheng wiped out all the forces of Emperor Shitian, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but outline a smile.

"Xu Fu, who has been a scourge to the world for nearly two thousand years, will be sentenced to death at the top of the imperial city."

"When Xu Fu was in the Qin Dynasty, he hunted the phoenix, one of the four great beasts, refined the immortal medicine, and has lived until now, in the past thousand years, provoking martial arts disputes, playing with all living beings, and committing great crimes."

With the blessing of the dragon vein, Yingzheng's voice spread throughout Kyushu, and even several small countries near Kyushu could hear it.

The whole person is a small sun, exuding brilliant brilliance, shining in the sky above Kyushu Country.

"Because of Xu Fu's reasons for the decline of martial arts, in the place where Xu Fu was killed, two martial monuments will be erected, each recording a peerless martial art."

"Xu Fu spent thousands of years to create the Sacred Heart Technique that can make people immortal."

"The martial arts master who once defeated Emperor Shitian, the Xuanwu True Skill created by Wu Invincible."

"I hope that everyone can live forever, everyone can become a peerless master, and everyone is like a dragon."

The reason why Ying Zheng started so quickly did not give the rest of the chat group a chance to intervene.

On the one hand, he really wants to monopolize group mission points.

On the other hand, it is to make the chat masses feel that they will not get points in the world of Fengyun TV dramas and enter the world of Fengyun comics in advance.

"If you want to trigger a group mission, you have to make a big move."

Ying Zheng intends to make an attempt in the world of Fengyun TV series.

He wanted to tell everyone in the Fengyun World about the existence of Emperor Shitian, who had lived for nearly two thousand years.

Moreover, judge Emperor Shitian in public and kill Emperor Shitian.

He also wants to reveal the news of the laughter and smile.........

At the same time, he also taught two top martial arts articles in the world of Fengyun TV series.

He didn't believe that such a big move would not make any waves in the Fengyun World?

"Ding-dong! Trigger hidden missions to inform people in the mission world about real-world situations. "

"Ding-dong! Trigger a hidden mission to expose Emperor Shitian's crimes to the public. "

"Ding-dong! Trigger the hidden mission and revive the inheritance that was once severed by Emperor Shitian. "

At this moment, the crisp voice of the group system sounded in the ears of Huan Zheng and Ye Hao.

"Hahaha, this time I am going to get rich."

The government is extremely excited.

Except for Daisen, the group administrator is able to receive notifications, and the other group members have no idea at all.

And Daxian will give him a chance to play. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In other words, he has three hidden missions to himself.


"Very good!"

Ye Hao also smiled.

The three hidden group missions cannot be achieved at all with the strength of the government.

With his strength, he can brush the mission point reward to the limit.

Coupled with the permissions of the chat group administrator, the point reward *2, this time in the world of Fengyun TV drama may be able to get hundreds of millions of points reward.

"Xu Fu is immortal because of the phoenix, and Xiao San Xiao is immortal because of the dragon turtle."

"One of them has lived from the Warring States period to the present, and the other has lived from the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors to the present"

Ying Zheng began to fly in the world of Fengyun TV series, telling everyone all the secrets he knew.

"Xu Fu practiced the elixir of life, swallowed it on his own, and became an immortal body, and afterwards, lest Qin Shi Huang learn about this and suffer the scourge of killing, he lied about Dongdu going to Fusang to find the elixir"

Ying Zheng also did not expect to complete the three hidden tasks completely, he only needed to inform the entire world of the Fengyun TV series with the information he knew.

Then when the group task is completed, his contribution will definitely allow him to earn a lot of points.

The world will help the Lord: "Have you found out about the government?" After these 1.4 hours, why haven't I seen him move? "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "It's a little abnormal, killing the warriors of the Heavenly Human Realm under Emperor Shitian, I'm afraid the reward points are more than 100,000, he didn't appear, it was really very unexpected." "

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "Your Majesty won't have any plans, right?" "

Xiahou Swordsman: "It's good if you don't appear." "

Xia Houwei's mouth was crooked.

He didn't dare to make a move against Emperor Shitian, but with the help of the thousand-year-old fox spirit, he had already successfully killed the three masters of the Heavenly and Human Realm in the Heavenly Gate, and there were more than a dozen masters at the level of the Great Grandmaster.

Great Qin Zulong: "Great Immortal, my ability is limited, the task can only be completed to this extent, and then I will trouble you." "

In the world of Fengyun TV series, after Ying Zheng did all the things that he could do in the three hidden tasks, he immediately entered the world of Fengyun comics.

Immortal Cultivator: "I'll finish the three hidden missions now, so that you can get more points and have a better performance in the world of Xiongba No. 2." "

Ye Hao had a smile on his face.

Chatting masses: "??? "。

Three hidden missions?

When are there three hidden group quests?

What did Ying Zheng do secretly behind their backs? .

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