Fengyun Comics World.

Gate of Heaven.

"What's going on? Why do I have a heartbeat? "

Emperor Shitian's brows furrowed, and his face was very gloomy.

The last time this feeling appeared, it was when he met Wu Invincible.

That battle was a nightmare he still doesn't want to recall.

Because that fiasco happened only a few decades ago.

At that time, he had already cultivated for more than a thousand years, and the Sacred Heart Technique was also a great success, and as a result, he failed miserably in the hands of a mortal and was almost killed by the other party.

How did this make Emperor Shitian accept it?

"Could it be that Wu Invincible is not dead yet?"

Emperor Shitian's heart was flustered, his face was gloomy, and his eyes revealed a trace of trepidation.

Over the decades, his strength has not changed much.

However, for the martial invincibility that can defeat him after decades of cultivation, and then cultivate for decades again, what height should the strength reach?

If he encounters Wu Invincible again, he may be killed by the other party.

"There are still almost twenty years before the day of shock, and before that, this god still continues to adjust his state and prepare for the dragon slay."

The reason why Emperor Shitian has not appeared in the rivers and lakes for so many years is on the one hand because he was injured by Wu Invincible and needs to recuperate.

On the other hand, Emperor Shitian did not dare to go out, for fear of encountering Wu Invincible again.

He is immortal, as long as he waits for a hundred years, he can kick the grave of Wu Invincible, why bother to fight Wu Invincible for life and death.

"Chaotic God Dafa!"

"Resentment beads burst me!"

"Three-pin thunder talisman give me a blast!"

After Bai Xiaofei, Ye Man, and Yue Buqun made a move, A Jiu, Zhang Sanfeng, Xiongba and others also launched their own means of concealment.

When Ying Zheng was busy completing the three hidden group tasks in the world of Fengyun TV series, they were not idle.

When assassinating Emperor Shitian's subordinates, he also secretly controlled a Emperor Shitian's subordinates and let him lurk beside Emperor Shitian.

They originally planned to launch their own secret hand to attack Emperor Shitian when they were fighting with Emperor Shitian.

However, after discovering that Yingzheng had obtained 25 million points, everyone in the chat group did not dare to carry out the original plan.

In case Ying Zheng directly used a fourth-grade attack talisman seal to attack Emperor Shitian, maybe he would kill Emperor Shitian in a second.

Where else does their secret hand have a chance to strike?


A huge mushroom cloud rushed straight into the sky, instantly covering a radius of hundreds of miles, the terrible temperature and radiation distorted the void, and thick dark clouds covered the sky, as if destroying the sky and the earth.

Bai Xiaofei's ten super nuclear weapons are not the most attacking power.

However, it is the most moving.

The iceberg where the Gate of Heaven was originally located directly turned into nothingness, leaving a large pit with a radius of several miles, black rumbling, and bottomless in place.


The powerhouses below the Heavenly Human Realm in the Heavenly Gate were directly evaporated on the spot, and one by one the Heavenly Human Realm powerhouses screamed in pain.

After the master of the early stage of the Heavenly Human Realm screamed, he was seriously injured and died.

The masters of the late stage of the Heavenly and Human Realm kept screaming, their bodies were crippled, they couldn't bear to die, and their bodies directly produced certain mutations.

Only warriors who have reached the sixth level can retain a certain strength in the huge explosion, but their skin is still scorched black, and their bodies are also partially damaged.

"What the hell happened?"

At this time, all the surviving Heavenly Gate masters looked wary and indignant.


It's miserable!

They had no idea what was going on, and then they were hit hard.

"What about God?"

However, soon these surviving Heavenly Gate masters found that they could not find any trace of Emperor Shitian.

"Could it be that this explosion was directed against God, who died?"

The masters of Tianmen looked shocked and shocked.

They knew that Emperor Shitian was powerful, and he was like a god.

However, when they saw the explosions around them, everyone was unsure.

Because, the movement of the explosion is too great.

"We can all survive, not to mention God, God certainly survived."

Luo Xian was extremely sure and said.

"Who the hell is it?"

At this time, Di Shitian, who was hiding in the deep pit, was pale, and his eyes revealed a deep trepidation.

Although the super nuclear weapon did not hurt him, the means of the rest of the chat group were to cause some damage to Di Shitian.

These injuries were not fatal injuries to Di Shitian, and they were not even serious injuries.

However, the fright for Emperor Shitian was great, making Emperor Shitian extremely terrified.

The master of the Heavenly Gate was unknowingly controlled by someone.

Moreover, he did not notice anything.

These Heavenly Gate masters who were controlled by people were able to burst out with terrifying power, although he was able to block it.

However, the segment of the attack was unheard of for him.

The thing that made Di Shitian tremble the most, until now, he had not found out who was attacking him.

"Emperor Shitian doesn't need to hide, Xunai Yingzheng, send you on your way today."

A figure flew above Emperor Shitian, and without any hesitation, a sword slashed towards the location where Emperor Shitian was hiding.

Although Emperor Shitian hid secretly, he could not hide his divine sense.

"Give me town!"

Yueyue hesitated, took off a golden bracelet on his right hand, and smashed it towards the hidden location of Emperor Shitian.

Hyunjin bracelet.

Five pins forbidden!

Even if a Qi Refining Realm cultivator refines this forbidden weapon, he can exert a part of the power of the Divine Refining Realm.

This was Ye Hao's gift to Yueyue.


Zhuoyue's attack came first, as if a golden light hit Emperor Shitian's side directly.


Di Shitian's whole person flew out upside down, only feeling that the bones of his whole body were shattered, and the whole person almost exploded into a blood mist, and he was instantly beaten half to death.

This is still the invitation moon did not exert all the power of the forbidden weapon.

Otherwise, the attack just now would have caused Emperor Shi Tian's divine form to be destroyed.

"Sealing Talisman!"


Huan Zheng was slightly stunned at first, but after seeing who controlled the magic weapon, he was instantly relieved, and then quickly took out a talisman and hit Emperor Shitian, who was running wildly.

Emperor Shitian was hit hard, plus he was almost killed just now, and he was no longer his opponent.

It's very simple to seal.

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~"

After Emperor Shi Tian, he did not stop, but killed the other survivors of the Heavenly Gate.

These are at least the masters of the late stage of the Heaven and Human Realm, and the points worth are in the hundreds of thousands of points.

Even for Winzheng, who has just earned 25 million bonus points, hundreds of thousands of points are still not a small amount.

After Ying Zheng joined the battle, everyone in the Heavenly Gate except for the sealed Emperor Shi Tian was killed.

"Is Princess Yueyue's strength so strong?"

When the battle was over, Rainbow Cat couldn't help but walk to Li Xunhuan's side and asked in a low voice.

Under one blow, he actually killed Emperor Shitian who was seriously injured and dying, and ran wildly.

This kind of combat effectiveness feels stronger than that of Ying Zheng. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although it is because of the power of the magic weapon, the magic weapon is also part of the strength.

Qin Shihuang and Xiongba No. 2, including Zhu Yuanzhang, Xia Houwei, Bai Xiaofei and others who later joined the chat group, were also a little confused.

It was said before that Xiongba is the first strong person in the chat group.

After Ying Zheng cultivated the Yun Dynasty, he also said that Ying Zheng was the first strong person in the chat group.

However, in the current situation, the attack of Zhaoyue just now, I am afraid that Ying Zheng may not be able to stop it.

"I don't know, if you want to know, you can directly ask the Lord of the Invitation Moon Palace."

Li Xunhuan's face remained unchanged and said.

No matter what the rest of the chat group thinks, he is determined to know nothing anyway.

"Ying Zheng, this time the suppression of Emperor Shitian is not the credit of you alone, this time to trigger the hidden mission, we must also participate."

Xiongba directly changed the topic.

Since these newcomers don't know what's going on, it's best to never know.

"I give you Emperor Shitian, do you have the ability to trigger the hidden mission?"

Ying Zheng sneered.

Xiongba had been hesitating and entangled before, and did not immediately cultivate the Demon Dao, and the current Immortal Cultivation Realm was only the peak of the Qi Refining Realm.

Even if he added the realm of the middle stage of the Heavenly Tyrant Realm, in front of him, his strength was extremely weak.

With such a weak strength, it is difficult to use Emperor Shitian to trigger hidden missions.


Xiongba's face was extremely ugly, and his eyes were torn.

In the past, he used his strength to look down on Yingzheng, but he never thought that one day, he would be looked down upon by Yingzheng with his absolute strength.

"Although the eighth-order warriors of the Xiongba No. 2 world were suppressed by the Great Immortal, there must still be many seventh-order warriors in the Xiongba No. 2 world."

"If you continue to follow the method of triggering the hidden group mission last time, you may attract a group of seventh-order warriors to besiege you."

Zhang Sanfeng reminded and said.

Di Shitian of the Fengyun Comic World is only a half-step seventh-order realm.

Then it is certain that the strength of Xiao Sanxiao should step into the seventh order of martial artists.

And what about the two sons who laughed three times?

Has the strength also reached the seventh-order realm?

In addition to the laughing family, in the world of Fengyun comics, are there other strong people hidden.

"Don't worry, I have 25 million points in my hand now, and the more seventh-order top martial artists appear, it will be a huge good news for me."

Ying Zheng is full of confidence, Tao.


Zhang Sanfeng was dumbfounded.

With 25 million points, Winning Zheng does have this confidence.

Not to mention a seventh-order martial artist, even an eighth-order martial artist, Ying Zheng can also deal with it now.

"Xu Fu, who has been a scourge to the world for nearly two thousand years, will be sentenced to death at the top of the imperial city."

"During the Qin Dynasty, Xu Fu hunted the phoenix, one of the four great beasts, refined the immortal medicine, and lived until now, in the past thousand years, provoked martial arts disputes, played games with all living beings, and committed great crimes"

Same as in the world of Fengyun TV series, Ying Zheng directly used amplification notes this time to make his voice resound in the world of Fengyun comics.

With 25 million points as a hole card, Ying Zheng intends to play a big game at this time.

He was not afraid of attracting a seventh-order top martial artist to attack him, but he was afraid that he would not attract a seventh-order top martial artist.

If these seventh-order top martial artists made a move against him, it would be even more wonderful.

There is a more than ninety percent chance that hidden group missions can be triggered.

At that time, he may be able to get tens of millions of points again.

East Seaside.

An old man who was fishing, listening to the sound that resounded in the sky, his face changed drastically.

"Qin Shi Huang captured Xu Fu?"

"Qin Shi Huang is not dead yet, and his strength has reached such a height?"

This fishing old man was just smiling, and he looked into the distance with a shocked face at this time, as if he saw the figure of Ying Zheng.

Xiao Sanxiao has been thinking about how to crack the Thousand Autumn Tribulation, and he didn't expect such a huge accident to suddenly pop up.

"Is this person called Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng really Qin Shi Huang, or is it fake?"

The figure of the smile instantly disappeared in place and flew towards the imperial city.

He wanted to determine who this suddenly appeared Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng was.

"There are still people who are immortal?"

Fusang Island, a tall and burly figure with a violent body, stared at the location where Ying Zheng was with a murderous face.

He is the eldest son of Xiao Sanxiao, the Great Demon God.

After Xiao San Xiao met the dragon turtle, he drank the dragon turtle blood, had an immortal body, and married a mortal woman by chance.

After Mrs. Xiaosan gave birth to Xiao Shocking and Xiao Ao, Xiao San Xiao soon felt that a catastrophe in the world was about to happen because of her unrestful mood, so she said goodbye to Mrs. Xiao and her two sons for the time being.

He handed over the Peerless Ten Thousand Daosenluo and the Four Peerless Heavens that he had created to his wife, and instructed his two sons not to read them, and to transfer them to him later.

Xiao San Xiao continued to hide and painstakingly study the future calamity.

When he returned home fifteen years later, he found that there had been an accident at home, his wife had died, his son had disappeared, and finally he heard that the two sons had set up their own portals, and they had first trained into Wandao Senluo and Chaotian.

Because of Xiao Sanxiao's lack of care for his two sons and his wife, and his wife missed her, he was unable to see him until his death.

Therefore, the relationship between father and son is broken, so that the son has hatred and disgust for his father.

After the two sons were obsessed, Xiao Sanxiao thought that the two sons would become the demons of martial arts in the long run.

As the right way to decide to abolish his two sons.

At the last moment, Ren was secretly calculated by his injured son, so that his son took the opportunity to escape.

In the end, Xiao San Xiao continued to understand, and through the mirror of the monk emperor, he knew that the future catastrophe would be promoted by his two sons.

"Is this Qin Shi Huang also the Qin Shi Huang more than a thousand years ago?"

Fuso Island, a figure with a rather round face, an ordinary hairstyle, a few small braids tied behind his head, wearing a blue full-body suit, eight clothes belts on the back of his clothes, and images similar to gossip symbols printed on his clothes, was also looking at Kyushu Country with an indifferent face at this time.

He is the other son of Xiao Sanxiao, the big boss, and the world is proud of the world.

"Emperor Shitian has lived for nearly two thousand years, could it be that Qin Shi Huang has also lived for nearly two thousand years?"

"Are there many immortals in our world?"

"Can the four great beasts make people immortal?"

"I must get the secret of immortality."

As the voice of Ying Zheng spread throughout the world of Fengyun comics, all of a sudden, the whole world exploded.

One by one, the strong people rushed towards the imperial city.

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