
With the disappearance of all the Demon Dao powerhouses in the Fengyun Comic World, Heavenly Dao became more and more restless.

The whole heaven and earth seemed to have lost their light and became unable to reach their fingers, giving people an extremely depressed feeling.

The lightning in the sky turned pitch black, incomparably penetrating, filled with the aura of destruction, as if to destroy the heavens and the earth.

Ye Hao's shot made Tiandao feel that there was an existence beyond his control in the world of Fengyun comics.

This seriously violated the basic rules of the Heavenly Dao and was the most intolerable outlier of the Heavenly Dao.

"Ding-dong! The task is completed, your shot makes the demon leader tremble, and he does not dare to give birth to any intention of resisting at all, and he will get 50 million points. "

"Ding-dong! Trigger administrator permission, points*2 permission, get 100 million points. "

Ye Hao listened to the prompt tone of the group system, smiling, and did not care about the anger of Fengyun Comics World Heavenly Dao.

After triggering the group task of going against the sky and changing the will of heaven, in Ye Hao's eyes, the Heavenly Dao of the Fengyun Comic World was already a dry bone in the grave.

When the chat masses try various operations, regardless of whether they trigger other group tasks, that's when he strikes.

"Fuso can be miserable."

Ye Hao looked at the direction where Fusang was located, with a playful face.

At this time, the Heavenly Dao can be called thunderous, and a 660-day chat crowd controls Fusang Fatian, and will definitely bear the terrible anger of the Heavenly Dao.

"Let's go!"

At this time, the Fuso Imperial Palace, the chat masses have successfully controlled the emperor, together with Fuso's ministers, all of them are under the control of the chatting masses.

Cutting the sky is not a simple matter.

In the fairy world, although there is also the act of cutting down the sky, the basic conquest of the heavenly path is a small world, or a thousand world's heavenly way on one side.

Before, no Immortal Cultivation Family or Immortal Cultivation Sect dared to destroy the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal World.

Even so, only a handful of sects had succeeded in destroying the heavens.

The other Immortal Cultivation Sects or Immortal Cultivation Families who participated in the Heavenly Destruction were almost all wiped out by the Heavenly Dao.

"Heavenly Dao Talisman Seal!"

Zhang Sanfeng handed a black talisman to the emperor and asked him to trigger it.

In an instant, the Heavenly Dao Talisman Seal formed a special void vortex, directly connecting to the location of the Origin of the Heavenly Dao.


At the same time, the emperor burned his spirit, induced Fuso qi luck, wrapped the souls of all living beings in Fuso, and the thoughts of all living beings rushed towards the origin of the heavenly path.

If Fuso had enough seventh-order martial artists, eighth-order martial artists, they might be able to kill the Origin of the Heavenly Dao.

It is a pity that apart from the Great Demon God and the Great Dang, Fuso has not reached this level of powerhouses at all.

In this case, Fuso could only rely on the power of sentient beings if he wanted to fight against the Heavenly Dao.

However, the souls and thoughts of all living beings that the emperor is entrapped are only those who are loyal to Fuso.

Those ordinary people who were not loyal to Fuso were forcibly wrapped in their souls and minds after the emperor burned the fortunes of the country.

Only those warriors who are not loyal to Fuso and have a certain strength can get rid of the power of the burning fortune of the country.

"What is the emperor doing?"

Godless Peerless Palace, absolutely Godless Emperor's soul with red eyes, staring at the sky.

Just now, he felt that his Yuanshen was being pulled by an invisible force, and his soul almost flew away.

When he fixed his mind again, he found that all the subordinates in the Godless Palace were all dead.

This is his power to conquer the Central Plains, and now they are all dead.

Even though he was extremely confident in his strength, he could not rule the Central Plains alone without his subordinates.

"What am I doing?"

As the souls and thoughts of the Fuso gods poured into the emperor's body, the emperor also got rid of the control of the chattering masses and returned to consciousness.

At this time, he looked ahead in horror.

In front of him was a powerful mass of light, like a huge ocean, exuding incomparably terrifying fluctuations.

"Heaven's way is not benevolent, take all living beings as dogs!"

"Cut the sky today!"

At this moment, another talisman in the emperor's body, noting the fluctuations emitted by the amplified notes of the emperor's voice, resounded in the sky.

"(CEAF) Harvest Heaven?"

Xiao Sanxiao, who was rushing towards the Central Plains Imperial City, the Great Demon God, the Great Dang Family and other strong people, all cast their eyes on the sky above Fusang, stunned.


They actually saw the Heavenly Dao.

The thing that shocked them the most was that Fuso was really able to destroy the sky.

What kind of anti-heavenly behavior is this?

"Is the emperor's brain in water?"

The Great Demon God and the Great Boss looked extremely gloomy.

Although I don't know how the emperor obtained the method of destroying the heavens, he is too self-conscious to vainly try to provoke the heavenly path with the power of Fuso.

With their strength, they couldn't spy on the power of the Heavenly Dao.

The emperor is completely dead.

The emperor died, they didn't care.

However, the emperor actually brought Fuso sentient beings to fight the heavens together, which they could not endure.

They have been promoting the Great Tribulation of the Thousand Autumns, and now Fuso actually goes against the sky and dares to destroy the sky.

Whether successful or not, Fuso will definitely be punished by the Dao of Heaven.

How else did Fuso become the protagonist of the Great Tribulation? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If Heavenly Dao abandoned Fuso, wouldn't their efforts for so many years be in vain?

How else can they take revenge on their father, laugh three times?

"What an eventful time!"

Xiao Sanxiao's face was solemn, and his voice was even more hoarse.

He thought that he had seen through most of the heavenly machines in the world of Fengyun comics, but now he found that he still had too many things he didn't know.

Who is Qin Shi Huang who captured Emperor Shi Tian?

How did the demon heads who had just escaped from the Sword Realm all disappear out of thin air?

Now that Fuso actually knew the method of cutting the sky, he was even more stunned.

He discovered the secrets of the world of Fengyun comics, far beyond his imagination.

At this moment, Xiao Sanxiao even had a feeling that he was very small.

"I don't know what the result of the sky is cutting?"

Whether it was laughing three smiles, the big demon god, the big master, or the chatting masses, the eyes of the people all cast their eyes on the sky above Fuso, and their eyes did not turn their eyes.

Although most speculation about Fuso is bound to fail.

However, can Fuso's action of cutting down the sky cause certain damage to the Heavenly Dao.

"Heaven Breaker, die!"

The ruthless voice of the Heavenly Dao resounded through the sky, endless coercion descended, and the destructive divine light instantly hit the business thoughts and souls of the Fusang people.

The power of Fuso beings was instantly covered by the Divine Light of Destruction, like ice and snow meeting magma, constantly dissolving.

It lasted about a quarter of an hour, and all the power of Fuso sentient beings dissipated.

However, all those who watched the battle of the sky noticed a phenomenon.

The light mass in the corner of the Heavenly Dao turned out to be transparent.

Although Heavenly Dao easily suppressed Fuso's battle to destroy the sky, Heavenly Dao obviously also paid a certain price.

"Heavenly Dao can also be killed?"

A terrifying thought flashed in everyone's hearts, making everyone's scalp numb.

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