Wuxia chat group.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "Do the mission cards you purchased have group missions to open the advanced world?" "

Emperor Hongwu: "We are too miserable, buying more than a dozen mission cards, the world that triggers the task is all ordinary worlds, and they are not even comparable to the world we are in." "

Xiahou Swordsman: "The world triggered by the mission card I purchased, I only used a thousand years of fox essence to solve it easily, and none of them can fight." "

The world will help the lord: "It's too pitted, the old man almost overturned, the task of the mission card is to let the old man kill a ninja from Konoha Village, a ninja named Shimura Danzo, who knew that there were so many powerful ninjas hidden in that village." "

Space station navigator: "The mission card I purchased is to destroy a pirate group, I originally thought that it was not easy to destroy a pirate group, who knew that the strength of those pirates was not weak, and even had various special abilities." "

The chatting masses kept buying task cards and triggering one task after another.

While learning about other group members through chat groups.

Bai Xiaofei and Daxian performed group missions in the Great World together, and Bai Xiaofei directly received a reward of 500 million points, which was too scary~.

They want to be the second lucky one, not the other group members to be the second lucky one.

Immortal cultivator: "Guo Jing, the mission card you purchased this time, the world where the trigger task is located is a high-level world. "

Huashan sent Yue to the head: "Guo Daxia, your luck is too good." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Daxian, how does the world triggered by Guo Jing's mission card compare with the world of Daqian and Qin Yu?" "

The World Association will help the master No. 2: "Guo Jing, brother Guo, can you invite the old man to participate in the group mission together?" The old man has never entered the advanced world to carry out a mission. "

Guo Jing: "Daxian, are you participating in this group mission?" "

The faces of the chatting masses changed in unison, and many of them looked extremely stiff.

The mission world triggered by the mission card purchased by Guo Jing turned out to be a high-level world.

Why aren't they the ones who trigger the world of advanced quests!

Immortal Cultivator: "The mission world triggered by Guo Jing is similar to the world where Liu Shen is located, and the world level of the two is also similar. "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Similar to the world where Liu Shen is?" That's a very advanced world, Guo Daxia, you may have to send it this time. "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Guo Daxia, can you take me, I can not have points." "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Guo Daxia, how about I give 100,000 points and let me participate in group tasks?" I also don't want bonus points. "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "When I entered the advanced world, I was trying to find a way to obtain some cultivation resources in the advanced world. "

Qin Shi Huang: "??? "。

Qin Shi Huang: "Guo Daxia, I am also willing to give 100,000 points, and I don't want to reward points." "

Qin Shihuang was slightly stunned at first, and soon reacted.

He thought of Bai Xiaofei's situation in the Douqi Continent.

In addition to Bai Xiaofei's 500 million points reward, he also purchased a large amount of resources in the Douqi Continent.

All kinds of fighting qi exercises, all kinds of elixir magic cores.

If they entered the Douqi Continent with Bai Xiaofei last time, even if they couldn't get the point reward.

However, they could completely use gold coins to purchase a large amount of cultivation resources in the Douqi Continent.

Those elixirs that can improve Dou Ling, Dou King, and Dou Huang can also improve their strength.

In addition to that, they can also buy some Warcraft.

Guo Jing: "Daxian, can I bring other group members with me?" "

The rest of the chat group did not want point rewards, and even took the initiative to give him points, Guo Jing naturally did not intend to refuse the chat masses to enter the mission world with him.

However, thinking of the level of the mission world, Guo Jing felt that he still needed to consult Ye Hao's opinion.

The world level of the mission world is similar to the level of the perfect big world, and there are many immortal king level, quasi-immortal emperor level, and immortal emperor level powerhouses.

Entering such a high-level world, without the protection of the Great Immortal, is too dangerous.

Immortal Cultivator: "If you want, of course, there is no problem. "

Ye Hao didn't care.

Escorting Ye Hei and his group from Earth to the Big Dipper Star Domain, this group task is not difficult.

Ye Hao's mind was also not on the group task.

"Those fallen emperors, as well as ancient emperors, some leave remnant souls, some leave thoughts, and some leave life imprints, I can completely use the six reincarnation techniques to obtain their Dao fruits."

Fusing the Dao Fruit of the Fallen Emperor-level powerhouse, this is Ye Hao's first goal to enter the Big Dipper Star Domain.

"I don't have a magic weapon to take advantage of right now."

"Barren Tower, Green Ding, Immortal Bell, Heavenly Desolate Halberd, Immortal Sword" (Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Ye Hao's second target was some ownerless Extreme Dao Emperor Soldiers, or the Extreme Dao Emperor Soldiers who had launched the Dark Turmoil of the Life Forbidden Zone Supreme.

"Wudao Ancient Tea Tree, True Dragon Immortal Medicine, Ginseng Fruit Tree, White Tiger Divine Medicine"

Ye Hao's third goal is to undead medicine in the mission world.

Da Qin Zulong: "Thank you Daxian, thank you Guo Daxia." "

The world will help the lord: "Thank you Daxian, thank you Guo Daxia." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "Thank you Daxian, thank you Guo Daxia." "

Everyone in the chat looked pleased.

Although they cannot participate in obtaining point rewards, they may be able to obtain some advanced cultivation resources in the Big Dipper Star Domain.

【Ding-dong! Guo Jing enters the mission world. 】

【Ding-dong! Immortal cultivators enter the quest world. 】

【Ding-dong! The Great Qin Ancestral Dragon entered the mission world. 】

【Ding-dong! The world will help the lord enter the mission world. 】

Whether it was Ye Hao or the rest of the chat group, they all felt that time was urgent, and without any delay, they quickly entered the task world.

Shade the Sky World.



"Great Immortal, the earth we entered seems to be an ordinary technological earth, how can these ordinary people reach the Big Dipper Star Domain?"

After the chattering masses descended on Mount Tai, they looked at Ye Hei and his group with a puzzled expression.

In their eyes, there was no difference between Ye Hei and his group and other tourists in Mount Tai.

They were really curious about how these ordinary people had the ability to travel to the cosmic starry sky and to the Big Dipper Star Domain that did not know how many light years away from them.

"The earth is in the end of the world, in your eyes, the earth is like an ordinary earth, in fact, the earth you see is not enough for the real earth."

"As for how these ordinary people went to the Big Dipper Star Domain, the spaceship that picked them up came."

Ye Hao said, several black dots suddenly appeared in the sky, and then gradually became larger, and there was a gust of wind and thunder.

Nine behemoths fell from the sky, like nine long black rivers falling down, and at this moment, everyone on Mount Tai froze with shocked expressions and looked at each other stunned.

It turned out to be nine huge dragon corpses, pulling a bronze ancient coffin and pressing towards the peak of Mount Tai.

Under the astonished gaze of the chatting masses, on Mount Tai, only Ye Hei and his group fell into the bronze ancient coffin.

"Let's go, let's go in too!"

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