The world will help the master: "Hahaha... This is the 10,000 points sent to the door, Zhang Sanfeng is really grateful. "

The hero looked ecstatic.

10,000 points!

That's 10,000 points.

Whether it was trading with the Great Immortal to deduce the fate, or trading the treasures of the Immortal Cultivation Realm, I am afraid that there would be a huge gain far beyond his expectations.

As for the battle of the same rank, whether he could win Zhang Sanfeng or not, Xiongba did not consider at all.

Even the Great Grandmaster will decline in strength because he is too old, not to mention Zhang Sanfeng, the peak of the innate realm.

The master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "Zhang Zhenren is sorry, I will determine these 10,000 points." "

Yueyue is also smiling brightly and her heart is happy.

Before she traded 1,000 points with Daxian and asked Daxian to guide her cultivation, how long can 1000 points be instructed?

She now wants to use these 10,000 points to trade with the Great Immortal, and also let the Great Immortal guide her to cultivate.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Zhang Zhenren, 10,000 points is too much, I will go all out." "

Li Xunhuan also did not mean to be humble.

The elders of these chat groups know better the value of points.

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "I will definitely defeat Zhang Zhenren, get this 10,000 points reward, and make amends to Daxian for all my crimes." "

Yue Buqun hurriedly expressed his loyalty.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "Zhang Zhenren, when the battle of the same rank is over, I will definitely make amends to you." "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Zhang Zhenren, I want to use my points to buy martial arts cheats. "

Although Zhang Sanfeng is a martial arts legend and founded the Wudang Sect, Zhang Sanfeng is now a hundred years old.

Zhang Sanfeng was able to live to be a hundred years old in ancient times and was already a legend.

Now I don't know how many percent of the peak combat power there is, as long as they drag hard and exhaust Zhang Sanfeng's strength, they will be able to win steadily.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "It seems that you all think that the old Tao is old, I hope you will not regret it in the future." "

From today onwards, he Zhang Sanfeng is no longer low-key.

Start by suppressing group friends.

"Tip: The chat group will condense the Jade Emperor Top of Wudang Mountain as a ring, in order to ensure that both sides go all out, everyone will enter Wudang Mountain with their minds, and the chat group will condense the same body."

"The sensation of touch, pain, smell, etc. is the same as the real thing, including the feeling of death, and the war ends with the death of one side!"

The chat group's beep sounded again.


Then everyone saw a majestic and imposing mountain, which was instantly condensed by the chat group.

Above the peak, there are seats formed by white clouds, no more, no less, exactly nine, and you can clearly see the situation in the ring.

"There are a total of nine people in the chat group, except for Zhang Sanfeng, that is to say, there are eight battles, which will generate a reward of 80,000 points."

A thick smile appeared on Ye Hao's face, and he was in a high mood.

If he acquired all these 80,000 points and used them to improve his strength, he would be able to directly upgrade to the third layer of the Jiedan Realm.

The Linghe Sect's Immortal Cultivation Sect, the elders of the Jiedan Realm are only a few people.

"The chat group seems to have a unique treatment for the number one in each world, and when Shangguan Jinhong challenged me before, it triggered a battle mission of the same rank."

"Now because Zhang Sanfeng, the number one in the world who relies on the sky, he has also triggered the battle mission of the same rank."

"Is it easy to trigger group missions by challenging the world number one in each world?"

Ye Hao kept analyzing and was thrilled.

"If everyone in the chat group becomes the number one in their respective worlds, will there be a group task similar to Zhang Sanfeng?"

"When the battle mission is over, the experiment will be carried out immediately."

You only get 10 points for checking in every day, and tens of thousands of points for any group task.

"Who comes first?"

At this moment, a body completely controlled by Zhang Sanfeng's mind had already appeared in the ring.

Zhang Sanfeng of the Heavenly World sat cross-kneeled, as if he was asleep.

"I'll come first!"

Xiongba's heart moved, and a body exactly like him appeared in the ring.

It's just that the strength realm of this body condensed by the chat group was suppressed to the innate peak.

"Don't say I bully you."

Behind his hands, the dragon walked with great confidence, with a calm smile on his face.

"Zhang Sanfeng's battle against the hegemon has officially begun!"

At this moment, the voice of the group system sounded.


Zhang Sanfeng was like a cheetah, appearing in front of Xiongba's body like lightning, and smashed a punch into Xiongba's chest.

"Let me teach you Tai Chi..."

Xiongba's right hand blocked, filled with the terrifying cold aura of the Heavenly Frost Fist, and with his left hand behind his back, the cloud qi of the Pai Yun Palm completely enveloped it, ready to sneak attack at any time.


Zhang Sanfeng turned his fist into a palm, easily dodged Xiongba's right hand, and like a spirit snake, slammed it on Xiongba's head.


Xiongba's face changed drastically, and his left hand quickly leaned forward and slapped Zhang Sanfeng's chest.

"Tai Chi ~"

Zhang Sanfeng seemed to have expected it, his left hand easily removed Xiongba's left hand, and his right hand was like an iron tongs clamping Xiongba's head, making Xiongba unable to move, and then pressed sharply.


Xiongba's head hit the boulder without accident, and the huge force directly smashed the mountain rock, and Xiongba's head was even more bloodied, and the huge pain made his eyes black and confused.

Zhang Sanfeng, a hundred-year-old old Taoist priest who did not talk about martial arts, took advantage of his hands behind his back to sneak up on him.


Before Xiongba could say anything, Zhang Sanfeng's left foot had already kicked Xiongba's chest violently, and he kicked it away.


Xiongba's body flew out directly upside down, and at this time, Zhang Sanfeng's right hand grabbed Xiongba's right leg and slammed it to the ground.

"Click! Click! "

Xiongba's body was like a wave, smashing on the boulder, I don't know how many bones were broken.


Xiongba's figure was twisted, and a mouthful of blood directly spurted out, mixed with his internal organs.


Zhang Sanfeng did not stop in the slightest, his attack became more and more fierce, and his right hand instantly turned into a sword, directly inserted into Xiongba's throat, penetrating it, and blood rushed wildly.


Xiongba's scattered pupils looked at Zhang Sanfeng in horror, wanting to say something, but unfortunately, his throat was penetrated and he couldn't say anything, only the fierce blood spilled on Zhang Sanfeng.

Bully, die!

"In the battle of the same rank, Zhang Sanfeng fought against Xiongba, Xiongba died, Zhang Sanfeng won, and 10,000 points were rewarded."

The crisp voice of the swarm system sounded.


Zhang Sanfeng looked indifferent and said.

He has lived for a hundred years and practiced for more than eighty years, and he has already seen through what martial arts and what exercises.

The best way to fight is to kill the opponent in the shortest possible time.

Martial arts is used for self-cultivation.

Li Xunhuan, Zhaoyue, Huan Zheng and others: "...

This is also too atrocious!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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