Journey to the West.

[Daqin Zulong opened the live broadcast room. ] 】

[The world will help the Lord enter the live broadcast room. ] 】

[Heaven and Earth Society, Chief Helmsman Chen entered the live broadcast room. ] 】

[The master of the Flower Shifting Palace entered the live broadcast room. ] 】

[Great Elder of the Tang Gate entered the live broadcast room. 】

After receiving the mission, Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng entered the mission world.

At the same time, Ying Zheng also opened the live broadcast room at the ~ first time.

"Zheng Zhao, if you find anything, remember to give me some advice."

"I won't let you do it for nothing, although I can't give you points, but the Shaolin Temple Great Return Pill, Blood Bodhi, Bodhisattva Snake Gall that improve your skills, I can still manage these things."

Ying Zheng made a promise to Zheng Zheng at the first time.

In the infinite world, there are many novels, movies, TV series, manga, etc. related to chat group members.

The Journey to the West novels and Journey to the West TV series uploaded by Zheng Zhao before provided him with a lot of information.

Even if the world level of the Westward Journey Devil World is far inferior to the Westward Journey World, however, the two worlds definitely have some similarities and have a lot of reference value.

Moreover, according to Zheng Yu's introduction, in the infinite world, there are many derivative works about Journey to the West.

Maybe Journey to the West is a novel derived from the Journey to the West novel, or a movie.

If he can watch the corresponding novel or movie in advance, even if he can only understand part of the plot and world view, it will be of great help to him to complete the group mission.

"The Great Immortal has been given the aura of immortality, try not to trouble the Great Immortal."

Ying Zheng secretly said.

Whether it was him or the rest of the chat group, it was very clear that compared to the points they traded with Ye Hao, the points Ye Hao now obtained completely crushed the points obtained by all of them.

The point rewards Ye Hao obtained from the group tasks he completed these few times were already at the level of hundreds of billions.

And although they have also received tens of millions of points rewards, even hundreds of millions of points rewards.

However, this was all obtained by hugging Ye Hao's thigh.

Even if Ye Hao was really able to participate in the chat group through points, then they could provide less and less help to Ye Hao.

"In the future, I can only give the Great Immortal many beautiful women and repay the kindness of the Great Immortal."

Ying Zheng thought of a beautiful woman recorded in the Journey to the West novel, Chang'e fairy, the king of the daughter country, the peacock princess and other stunning fairies, or stunning fairies.

If he can successfully complete the group mission, he feels that he can act secretly.

"Your Majesty's atmosphere."

"Your Majesty rest assured, as long as I find the corresponding novel or movie or TV series, I will send it to you as soon as possible."

In the main god space, when Zheng Zhao heard this, he was extremely excited and said.

Shaolin Temple Great Return Dan, Blood Bodhi, Bodhisattva Snake Gall these treasures, he is too familiar, all of them are heavenly materials and earth treasures that can improve skills.

The meaning of Ying Zheng even promising to let him eat is self-evident, as much as he can eat, Ying Zheng will give him.

With such rich conditions, how could he withstand the temptation?

What's more, even if Ying Zheng does not give him benefits, he will take the initiative to tell Ying Zheng.

Although Ye Hao can also deduce the heavens and realms, insight into all the heavenly machines.

However, Ye Hao's identity was there.

Under normal circumstances, people chatting with the masses would not find Ye Hao to deduce the heavenly machine.

In this case, he who can be able to participate in the world information of the novel, TV series, movie spoiler group, or the mission world information has a special place in the chat group.

In case he really encounters a death crisis in the main god space, once he asks the chat masses for help, the chat masses may come to the rescue in order to save him, a group member with certain spoiler abilities.

"Zheng Zhao, Lao Dao has also refined some elixirs, including elixirs such as Essence Cleansing Pill and Qi Condensation Pill, no matter what happens afterwards, Lao Dao will give a certain reward."

Seeing this, Zhang Sanfeng also promised Zheng Zhao certain benefits.

As for giving points, that's impossible.

In order to prevent the failure of the group task, when the chat group deducted points, he could take out enough points, and Zhang Sanfeng did not dare to spend points indiscriminately.

"Zhang Zhenren is polite, I will definitely do my best."

Zheng Zheng's face directly smiled, and his eyes stared at the live broadcast room opened by Ying Zheng.

If this time in the process of Ying Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng performing group tasks, he can provide a lot of help.

Then in the future, when other people in the chat group perform group tasks, they will definitely invite him.

Both Ying Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng gave him so many benefits, did the rest of the chat group give less?

Although the points were not given, the resources given to him by Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng were all resources that could improve his strength.

Maybe not as good as the points all-in-one, but it has been able to help him a lot.

When the next reincarnation world is opened in the main god space, his strength will definitely be able to make a huge breakthrough.

"Coupled with the opening of the reincarnation world in the main god space, I can also earn certain points by selling the permission to enter the reincarnation world."

Zheng Zhao found that if the main god space was not too dangerous, it was simply his treasure land.

"Zhang Zhenren, next you call me Zhao Zheng."

The clothes on Huan Zheng's body had already been changed into ordinary Tang Dynasty brocade clothes, and at the same time, he did not forget to tell Zhang Sanfeng.

In the eyes of the Great Immortal, the Journey to the West Devil World is an ordinary world.

In the eyes of the government, it is a very dangerous world.

If you are not careful enough, you can be life-threatening at any time.

Although Daisen will come to the rescue and save his life.

However, once Daxian is allowed to make a move, it is too humiliating.

"Let me call you Mr. Zhao."

Zhang Sanfeng said with a slight smile.

He has lived so long, and he still understands this human feelings.

"The small fishing village there is not small, let's take a look."

Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng looked at the small fishing village a few miles away, and flew towards the small fishing village with light skills.

Without figuring out the situation of Journey to the West, they need to keep a low profile enough.

This time the group mission lasted for ten days, and it was necessary to spend a little time to understand the situation of the Westward Journey to the Devil World.

If they are lucky enough to be able to find the corresponding novel or movie through the information provided by those people in the small fishing village, it will help them to complete the group task next.

"Are these Daoist priests cheating money?"

When Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng arrived at the small fishing village, they quickly understood what was happening through the conversation of several fishermen.

There are fish demons in the fishing village, and the fishing village spends money to invite Taoist priests to get rid of the demons.

However, Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng could see at a glance that several Daoist priests did not have any mana or any internal power in them, and they were completely ordinary people.

"The strength of the fish demon is very average."

Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng instantly locked the fish essence in the river next to the fishing village.

However, Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng did not make a move, quietly watching a few Taoist priests pretending to be ghosts. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In the end, a Gushi fish was blown up with gunpowder by the leading false Taoist priest and became a scapegoat for the fish spirit.

"It's all wrong, it's not a murderer, it's just a Gushi fish, good by nature, positive and optimistic, and quite good personality, but unfortunately it has grown a little bigger."


At this moment, a young man wearing a ragged coarse cloth and wearing an explosive head suddenly spoke up, interrupting a group of fishermen shouting revenge.

"Who are you?"

A fisherman saw the young man with an explosive head suddenly popping up and said dissatisfied.

"Below is Chen Xuanzang, a disciple of the Mahayana Buddhist sect who has not been shaved, and he is an exorcist who descends demons and removes demons."

Chen Xuanzang's self-introduction made the spirit of Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng who watched the play all shocked.

Chen Xuanzang!

According to the records in the novel of Journey to the West, the Tang monk's family name is Chen, the milk name is Jiang Liu'er, the legal name is Xuanzang, and the number Sanzang.

This is probably not a coincidence.

"I'm eighty percent sure that this explosive head is Tang Monk."

Zheng Zhao was extremely sure and said.

Also called Chen Xuanzang, another Mahayana Buddhist disciple, simply a stone hammer.

"I feel that he should also be a Tang monk, looking at his pedantic appearance, he is eight points similar to the Tang monk."

"If it is really a Tang monk, then His Majesty and Zhang Zhenren have good luck to find a key person."

"According to the records of the Journey to the West novel, Pig Gang mistakenly cast himself into the pig fetus, and after going down to the fan, he entered the second sister of the egg, lived in Yunzhan Cave on Fuling Mountain, and was later pointed out by Guanyin Bodhisattva to return to the Buddha Gate, and when he was waiting for the sutra to be obtained from Gao Laozhuang, he entered the house of Mrs. Gao, whether it was Yunzhan Cave or Gao Laozhuang, it was not in the territory of the Great Tang Dynasty."

"Yunzhan Cave and Gao Laozhuang are both in the Usizang Kingdom, and the mission of the group is to submit the pig demon pig gang, even if you find the Tang monk, it seems that you can't provide any help."

The chattering masses also expressed their own suggestions.

Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng are the first time that the chat group does not rely on Daxian to perform group tasks in the advanced world, and whether they can complete group tasks greatly affects the morale of the chat group.

Even Xiongba hopes that Ying Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng will successfully complete the group mission.

Then it means that they are still sure to complete the group tasks corresponding to their own level.

If even Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng join forces to complete the five-star group mission, when they carry out the four-star group mission, I am afraid that the difficulty of completing the group mission is not small.

"The fish demon is here, and this Chen Xuanzang does not have any fluctuations of mana and internal power on him, however, he calls himself an exorcist, let's see his means."

Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng looked at Chen Xuanzang, who was beaten by a group of fishermen, and Chen Xuanzang, who was hanged, and looked at a group of fishermen who jumped into the water, as well as the fish essence swimming quickly not far away, their faces unchanged.

They wanted to see how Chen Xuanzang dealt with the fish spirit, or if there was a god and Buddha secretly helping Chen Xuanzang kill the fish spirit.

After seeing the fish essence eat a fake Taoist priest, and even eat a few fishermen, Zhang Sanfeng was still able to calm down.

"Old way to shoot, next you hide in the secret."

Zhang Sanfeng sighed, revealing the martial arts innate realm, casting Wudang Tiyun Longitudinal, flying out,

A little girl who looked seven or eight years old was sucked by the fish demon, and if he didn't make a move, the little girl would definitely die.

With the help of Zhang Sanfeng, a group of fishermen successfully caught the fish essence on the shore.

The originally hideous and huge fish essence directly turned into a human form.

"Everyone let me deal with it, I'm a professional exorcist."

Just when Zhang Sanfeng was about to kill the fish spirit with a knife, Chen Xuanzang pushed everyone away, quickly walked in front of the goblin, took out his exorcism props, and placed them neatly in front of the fish spirit.

"Let's let Chen Xuanzang give it a try."

Zhang Sanfeng also wanted to see Chen Xuanzang's methods, and couldn't help but open his mouth to stop the crowd from being angry and wanting to kill the fishermen who wanted to kill the fish spirit.

Because Zhang Sanfeng had just taken action to solve the fish essence, although the fishermen looked at the fish essence with great anger and hatred, they still obeyed Zhang Sanfeng's orders.

The rest of the chat group was also shocked, and their eyes looked at Chen Xuanzang.

They also did not perceive any fluctuations in mana or internal force on Chen Xuanzang, but Chen Xuanzang was so confident that he must have special means.

They also wanted to see how extraordinary Chen Xuanzang, one of the key figures in the Western Heaven Scriptures, was in his means of exorcism.

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