
Ye Hao's face was indifferent, and with a flick of his fingers, a divine light fell on the jade jing bottle, and the jade jing bottle instantly exploded.

This immortal-level jade clean bottle, in Ye Hao's hands, was like an ordinary glass product, and it would be shattered with a light touch.

"How is that possible?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at the broken jade bottle, first looked incredulous, then turned around and ran.

The jade bottle is a top-notch immortal weapon.

Even if Buddha makes a move, he can't easily break the jade clean bottle.

As a result, Ye Hao easily broke the jade clean bottle, and the magical power may be above the Buddha Rulai.

This speculation directly scared Guanyin Bodhisattva.

"Did I really find the murderer?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva thought of the words of the previous Buddha Rulai, the murderer who killed the dragon arhat was covered by the heavenly machine, and the strength of the person behind the scene was not weaker than that of Buddha Rulai.

Now Ye Hao easily broke the jade clean bottle, and his identity was mysterious, and a strange strong man with strength comparable to Buddha suddenly appeared in heaven and earth, which was already very strange.

How could a strange strong man appear out of thin air like a Buddha?

So, there is only one possibility.

Ye Hao was the one behind the killing of the Dragon Arhat.

"I'm so unlucky."

Guanyin Bodhisattva's face was heavy, his heart trembled, and he directly burned his mana to escape.

Even if Ye Hao was a powerhouse at the peak of the Mahayana realm, he would not be so afraid.

The strength Ye Hao is showing now is definitely reaching the realm of Buddha.

The strength of a strong person at this level is too terrifying, not to mention fighting with them for a period of time, it is already a very lucky thing to be able to escape from them.

"Come back~"

Ye Hao chanted the mantra, and luck was supremely powerful in time.

Turn back the clock!

Guanyin Bodhisattva, who flew tens of thousands of miles away in an instant, found himself back in place, his whole body like falling into an ice cave, sweating profusely.

He felt the breath of death!

Ye Hao's right hand was held in the void, and a large hand like white jade, covering the sky, appeared above Guanyin Bodhisattva's head.


The next moment, under the shocked gaze of the hundreds of people and cultivators in Chang'an City, Ye Hao's condensed big hand was like holding a chicken, holding Guanyin Bodhisattva in his hand.

"You're lucky to be able to live for a while."

In order not to affect the progress of the group mission, Ye Hao did not immediately kill Guanyin Bodhisattva.

"Killing you is also a bit wasteful, maybe you can be refined into a heavenly demon puppet and used to trade ginseng fruit trees, or peach trees."

Ye Hao wanted to kill Guanyin Bodhisattva, it was easier than pinching an ant.

Although the strength level of the Westward Journey Devil Descent World is lower than the level of the Westward Journey World, the heaven and earth spiritual roots possessed in the Westward Journey World are also available in the Westward Journey Devil World.

"You can integrate the ginseng fruit tree and the peach tree into the immortal medicine, peach divine tree and ginseng fruit tree obtained from the Shading Sky World before."

Ye Hao secretly reminded himself that if he encountered an opponent like Guanyin Bodhisattva in the future, he should learn to use it rationally.

The extraterritorial evil race that was suppressed in the Great Thousand World before made very good use of it.

The number of extraterritorial evil races is not only tens of trillions, but there are also many top Heavenly Demon Emperors, and even the strength of the leader of the extraterritorial evil race, the Heavenly Evil God, is comparable to the Great Master.

Now he was planted by Ye Hao with the seal of reincarnation, all the slaves of his cave mansion.

With the tireless efforts of an extraterritorial evil race powerhouse who was comparable to a golden immortal and dozens of extraterrestrial evil races comparable to the realm of heavenly immortals, the Eternal Continent had become a land of endless creation.

There are all kinds of fairy grass divine flowers, there are all kinds of fairy sacred mountains, there are all kinds of spiritual veins and rivers, anyway, Ye Hao's body is surrounded by a group of fairies, goddesses, and demon girls every day, visiting the Eternal Continent.

The view is different every day.

In particular, after Ye Hao suppressed the life forbidden area in the Big Dipper Star Domain and moved the life forbidden areas such as the Taichu Ancient Mine, the Desolate Ancient Forbidden Land, and the Divine Ruins to the Eternal Continent, the spiritual power of the Eternal Continent was thousands of times that of other continents in the Great Thousand World.

Although Ye Hao's body did not personally transform the Eternal Continent.

However, he had a behavior comparable to that of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and the Dao Rhyme he inadvertently emitted made the level of the Eternal Continent continue to rise.

After the top forces of the Great Thousand World visited the Eternal Continent, even those powerhouses in the late stage of the Saint Heaven Supreme tried their best to stay in the Eternal Continent for a while.

The top races in the world, such as the Luoshen Clan, the Ice Spirit Clan, and the Futu Ancient Clan, are the most talented and beautiful women in the sending clan, and they want to become the maids of the Eternal Continent.

"You caught Guanyin Bodhisattva"

Princess Gaoyang suddenly jumped up excitedly, and looked at Ye Hao with a pretty face.


The Qingyi maid on the side couldn't help but tug on Princess Gaoyang's trouser leg, and the whole person was about to cry in fear.

Guanyin Bodhisattva, which is a high god and Buddha, was suppressed by Ye Hao, so how terrifying is Ye Hao's divine power?

This must be an immortal even more powerful than Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Although Princess Gaoyang has a noble status in the Great Tang Dynasty, she is not worth mentioning in front of the immortals, let alone a great immortal like Ye Hao.

"If you want to play, play for a while."

Ye Hao said, throwing the sealed Guanyin Bodhisattva in front of Princess Gaoyang.

Guanyin Bodhisattva: ".

I am Guanyin Bodhisattva, a famous figure in the Three Realms, and you actually use me as a toy for a mortal to play?

As long as Princess Gaoyang dares to agree, as long as he does not die, he will definitely destroy the Li Tang royal family in the future.

"I heard my father say that Guanyin Bodhisattva is a Buddhist person, and his status is higher than that of some Buddhas, so if you catch him like this, it will be fine, right?"

Princess Gaoyang was excited for a while and gradually calmed down.

Buddhism, Taoism, and the Heavenly Court, these three forces are the top forces in heaven and earth, and even ordinary people know about them. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The reason why the Li and Tang royal family was established was that it had the support of Taoism.

"Meet Shangxian!"

At this time, Li Shimin also led the military generals of the Great Tang Dynasty to gallop on horseback, quickly ran to Ye Hao, and bowed in unison.

Easily suppress Guanyin Bodhisattva, this is definitely a super strong person comparable to Buddha and Taishang Laojun.

At the same time, they stared at Guanyin Bodhisattva lying on the ground, embarrassed, and their hearts seemed to turn over the sea.

The Bodhisattva Guanyin, who is high above and looks down on all living beings, even has today.

I'm afraid the Three Realms are about to change the sky!

"Great Sealing!"

Ye Hao's face remained unchanged, and he exerted magical powers to seal the connection between Chang'an City and the outside world, and after Guanyin Bodhisattva was suppressed, some cultivators quickly notified their respective forces, Ye Hao did not want to influence Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng to complete the group mission.

Once he intervenes in the group task, although he will not be punished by the chat group, it also means that the group task fails, and the group member cannot get the point reward.

"Get up, today's events will not affect you."

Ye Hao also knew what Li Shimin and the others were worried about, and assured.

"I don't know that Shangxian is a trumpet, and I must have ordered people to build temples of Shangxian all over the Great Tang Dynasty, worshiping all the time, and incense is endless."

Li Shimin hurriedly asked.

Ye Hao was the strongest immortal he had come into contact with in his life, and if he didn't establish some contact with the other party, he would be stupid like a pig.

"I stay in this world for a few days and I will leave."

Ye Hao shook his head.

If he wanted incense, the Great Thousand World had three thousand endless continents and thousands of lower planes, and he could definitely easily obtain hundreds of millions of believers.

Although the world level of the Douluo God Realm is not as good as the Great Thousand World, it also has hundreds of lower planes, with a population of hundreds of millions.

With his current strength, it is too simple to develop believers.

"I can give you a chance, and I hope that the next time I come to this world, you can give me a surprise."

Ye Hao groaned, and a divine light hit Li Shimin's body.

Entering the Journey to the West Devil World, leaving at the end of the Avenue of Enlightenment, doing nothing, it is really a bit of a lack.


Li Shimin's qi and blood were like dragons, rising into the sky, directly tearing the void, and the breath of the whole person was skyrocketing, instantly surpassing the breath of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

However, the entire Chang'an City had been sealed by Ye Hao, and only the people of Chang'an City saw such a scene.

"This is the Martial God realm I deduced, comparable to the Earth Immortal Realm, your current strength is already comparable to Taishang Laojun, for example, the Buddha is even stronger."

Under Ye Hao's supreme divine power, Li Shimin instantly increased from a martial artist with only a martial arts innate realm to a martial god realm comparable to an earth immortal.


The Guanyin Bodhisattva who was sealed on the side was directly frightened and stupid.

Others may still doubt Ye Hao's authenticity, but he can clearly sense that Li Shimin's aura has surpassed him.

His terrifying qi and blood were too terrifying, and a single punch might be able to blast him into serious injuries.

"Thank you Shangxian~"

Li Shimin sensed the surging qi and blood in his body, and within the dantian, the true yuan that was as full as the sea, the terrifying power that could pick the stars and take the moon with every move, and bowed sincerely to Ye Hao.

For Ye Hao's words, he did not have the slightest doubt.

Because at a glance, he could see the heavenly court in the sky and the underground mansion.

Even the Jade Emperor, who sat high above the Nine Heavens, was not as strong as him.

"Three Emperors Peerless, Five Emperors Star Fist, Five Emperors Royal Dragon Fist, Five Emperors Mountain and River Palm"

At the same time, (good), there was also a kind of supreme martial arts that appeared in his mind, and Li Shimin had a clear feeling that as long as he wanted to, he could easily pick up any star in the starry sky.

"Maybe you can do this in the future, every time you enter the mission world, you can train my people and rule the mission world."

Ye Hao ordered while thinking.

"Stay in Chang'an City for the time being, and when you receive my notice, you can do whatever you want in the Three Realms."

Li Shimin's current martial arts strength, such as coming to the Buddha is still strong, if he is allowed to walk out of Chang'an City, it will definitely set off boundless waves in the three realms, which will affect the completion of the group's mission.


Li Shimin said without hesitation.

With Ye Hao's help, his strength leaped to the realm of Martial God, becoming one of the most peak powerhouses in the Three Realms.

He also needed time to plan the next development strategy of the Great Tang.

"The road of the westward journey to the Devil World, I have already realized the end."

"If you want to let go of your hands and feet, you still need to wait for Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng to complete the group task, and I don't know when they will start."

"I might be able to apply for a Ten Star Group mission."

Ye Hao was eager to try.

He is also a little bored now staying in the Westward Journey to the Devil World.

Group members can apply for a group mission corresponding to their group level every month.

The rest of the chat group did not dare to apply, but he did not have this scruple.

"Apply for the Ten Star Group Mission!"

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