"Daxian is too strong!"

Ninth Uncle's face was shocked, and his voice trembled.

Ever since seeing the video of Ye Hao fighting with the ruthless emperor, the chattering masses knew the terrifying power of the real strong.

Compared with the Immortal King, the Great Emperor was incomparably weak.

Now that Ye Hao has made a move, he has been able to resurrect more than a dozen fallen immortal kings, what a taboo means to go against the sky?

"I don't know what realm the Great Immortal is?"

Zheng Yu was also extremely shocked, and his eyes looked at Ye Hao with reverence.

Although there was some speculation before, everyone was not clear about the strength of the Six Realms Reincarnation Immortal King, the Endless Immortal King, the True Dragon King and others, and guessed that some of them might be true immortals and some immortal kings.

They never expected that they were all super powerhouses at the Immortal King level.

"This world is too powerful."

"There are more than a dozen immortal kings in nine heavens and ten lands, so how powerful is the foreign land that defeated the nine heavens and ten lands "five five zero"? "

"And in this world, there are probably many great realms like Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and foreign lands."

Qiao Feng felt his scalp numb just thinking about it, and his blood was boiling.

Compared to the real big world, the world he is in is too small.

"The last time the Great Immortal suppressed the Life Forbidden Zone in the Big Dipper Star Domain, we missed it."

"This time, we must watch carefully."

Zhang Sanfeng was looking forward to it.

Once the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands and the Exotic Lands start a war, at least dozens of Immortal King-level battles will help them broaden their horizons.

The chatting masses were discussing while staring at the live broadcast room.

Next, the Great Immortal is afraid that he will use heaven-defying means to resurrect these dozen immortal kings, and they must not miss it.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao also knew that these immortal kings did not believe that they could still be resurrected, and directly cast supreme magical powers, shrouding the Endless Immortal King in it.


The Endless Immortal King only felt that his obsession was rapidly condensing, transforming from an obsession to a true Yuan God.

He is resurrected!

He's really resurrected!

Although his state at this time was extremely weak, with this wisp of Yuan God power, he only needed to cultivate for a few epochs to be able to recover to the peak.


As soon as the Endless Immortal King wanted to say something, he found that his Yuan God power was rapidly growing, and the fragments of the Yuan God scattered in the heavens and the earth, and his broken body were rapidly returning to his body.


Liu Shen, True Dragon King, Kunpeng King, these Immortal King level powerhouses, all widened their eyes, shocked and ecstatic.

At this moment, their gazes towards Ye Hao were as if they were looking at a supreme forbidden powerhouse.

"The power of six reincarnations!"

"This is the true power of six reincarnations!"

The most shocking was the Six Realms of Reincarnation Immortal King, who stared at the immortal light on the Endless Immortal King's body, his eyes fiery.

He understood the six laws of reincarnation, and even created the six reincarnation heavenly skills, and he always wanted to establish a real place of reincarnation.

As a result, failed.

However, from the six reincarnation techniques performed by Ye Hao, he saw that the real reincarnation was perfect and mysterious.

"Amitabha Buddha, the means of Brother Dao can be called a forbidden divine art."

Another Immortal King who studied reincarnation in Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, the Immortal Monk King looked at Ye Hao with a little reverence in his eyes at this time.

He finally knew why the ancestor spirit of Liu Shen called Ye Hao a Dao brother, let alone brother, even as their senior, he was also fully qualified.

"Senior, have you already stepped into that realm?"

The Six Realms Reincarnation Immortal King couldn't help but ask.

Break the king into an emperor!

I am afraid that only by becoming a true emperor can he resurrect the Immortal King who only has a trace of obsession.

I am afraid that only a true emperor can comprehend the laws of the six reincarnations to such a height.

"Remember the question I asked you earlier?"

Ye Hao did not answer the Six Reincarnation Immortal King's inquiry, but asked instead.

Break the king into an emperor!

Of course he doesn't now.

However, not necessarily.

"I will wait to follow the orders of my predecessors."

Immortal King, Six Dao Reincarnation Immortal King, True Dragon King and other immortal kings all bowed towards Ye Hao.

Who doesn't want to be resurrected?

What's more, after they resurrected them, they just let them fight with the foreign lands again.

No matter what Ye Hao's purpose was, they would not refuse.

They also want revenge and make the foreign land pay in blood.

Among them, the most excited people are still the True Dragon King, the Old Sky Horned Ant and others.

Because, when Ye Hao took away their obsession, he also put away the dead eggs of their heirs.

After resurrecting them, Ye Hao is likely to resurrect their heirs by hand.......

In the battle of the Immortal Ancient Era, for their own death, the True Dragon King, the Old Heavenly Horned Ant and others were actually not too unwilling. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although the foreign lands used various conspiracies, they were eventually killed by great force.

As for the multiple immortal kings who surrounded and killed them, there was nothing to say about this at all.

To be able to surround and kill them, only a fool would think of singling it out.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao threw a supreme magical power towards the remnants of the immortal kings.

"Thank you, senior."

The first to recover his peak was not the Endless Immortal King who was the first to be resurrected by Ye Hao, but the second and immortal golden Daoist in the world.

Although these two immortal kings were also severely damaged in the Immortal Ancient Era, most of the Yuan God and body were still intact.

"Thank you, senior!"

"Thank you, senior!"

"Thank you, senior!"

The other Immortal Kings who had been resurrected one after another and recovered to their peak all bowed towards Ye Hao at the first time.

Even if he was as proud as the lord of the forbidden area, he was happy and sincere towards Ye Hao at this time.


Ye Hao nodded gently, and then used his supreme divine power to resurrect all the heirs of the ten fierce beings, such as the True Dragon Son and the Heavenly Horned Ant Heir.

"Thank you, senior!"

These descendants of the ten fierce people directly bowed down, thanking Ye Hao for his great grace of resurrection.

"I'll help you recover one 5.0 down!"

Ye Hao said, turning his gaze to Liu Shen.

Liu Shen's strength at this time had just recovered to the Immortal Dao realm, and there was still a big gap from her peak.


Liu Shen bowed his head slightly, and a smile could not help but appear on his noble and beautiful face.

"Great Healing!"

"Big Time Technique!"

"Great Soul Art!"

Ye Hao was able to restore the dead Immortal King to the peak, not to mention that a Liu God who had awakened and his strength had returned to the realm of true immortals could be restored to the peak.


Ye Hao looked at the dozen immortal kings in front of him, condensing a supreme divine light with the Great World Technique, the Great Space Technique, and the Great Cutting Technique, directly tearing the world barrier, and bringing the chatting masses to the foreign land.

Operation Harvest has officially begun!.

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