"Soldier secret!"

Ye Hao was very hungry for the two immortal king weapons of the Red King, the Red King Furnace and the Red King Bell, and directly used secret techniques to seize the Red King's Immortal King Weapon.

The secret of the word of war is in the world of shading the sky, although it is only a secret technique at the level of the great emperor.

However, after Ye Hao's deduction, the soldier secretary has reached the level of the immortal king, and has supreme power in Ye Hao's hands.

"Swoosh~", "Swoosh~"

Under everyone's shocked and shocked gaze, Chiwang Zhong and Chiwang Zhong obediently flew into Ye Hao's hands, as if Ye Hao was their master.

A crimson stove erupted with immeasurable divine light, as if it was about to burn the heavens.

A mouthful of gray fluttering bells emitted chaotic qi and rippled through time.

If the Red King had the strength of the Emperor Light Immortal King, he might still have some resistance when Ye Hao used the Soldier Secret to seize his magic weapon.

Unfortunately, he was just an immortal king at the Immortal King Giant level, and he couldn't resist the Immortal King level soldier secret.


The Six Realms of Reincarnation Immortal King, Endless Immortal King and others looked at each other, looking at each other, and in addition to shock, there was shock in their eyes.

The Red King Furnace and the Red King Bell are the magic weapons of the Red King!

Especially the Red King Bell, that is the Red King's original king's weapon, as a result, under Ye Hao's magical power, all two magic weapons flew away from the Red King and fell into Ye Hao's hands.

It is clear that the two magic weapons have changed hands.

It's horrible.

Since Ye Hao was able to easily seize the Red King's magic weapon, it meant that Ye Hao was also able to control the Red King's magic weapon to sneak up on the Red King.

Ye Hao can control the magic weapon of the Red King, so naturally he can also control the magic weapon of other immortal kings.

As soon as he thought of fighting with Ye Hao, his magic weapon suddenly sneaked up on him, and the immortal kings of Nine Heavens and Ten Lands felt their scalps tingle.


The Red King was so frightened that he retreated again and again, looking at Ye Hao with a terrified expression.

This person is too weird, too scared.

Silently, he took away his magic weapon.

He Red King is also a giant-level powerhouse, and he has also been to the Realm Sea, and he has seen and heard about it.

However, I have never heard of such a strange and terrifying magical power.


Ye Hao didn't say anything, his right hand gently probed towards the void, and a white jade hand like an ordinary person appeared, and infinite mysteries emerged, condensing the three thousand avenues.

A strange scene appeared, in the eyes of the chatting masses and the immortal kings of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the red king's body that filled the sky was constantly shrinking.


The Red King screamed, as if a chicken was grabbed by Ye Hao's hand, and a huge pain appeared towards the Red King.

A red body, the head of a jiao, the body of a lion, covered with red scales, the fierce and fierce beast of time was held by Ye Hao in his hand.

It seemed that as long as Ye Hao gently held it, the Red King would be destroyed.

"Reincarnation Seal!"

Ye Hao did not kill the Red King, but then controlled it and collected it into the black hole in the dantian.

How can the Red King say that he is also an immortal king giant, and it is too wasteful to kill directly.

Just gave his cave mansion as a slave to transform his cave mansion.

"Let's go to the next target."

Ye Hao's words made everyone who was in extreme shock and loss of consciousness come back to their senses, and then descended into the realm of another Immortal King Giant level Immortal King in the Exotic Land.

Immune mana, invincible in the flesh.

The immortal kings of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands fought against Wujian again, and as a result, they did not kill Wujian within a hundred breaths.


Ye Hao's five fingers were stretched together, and he grabbed towards the void, and the Wuxian that was hundreds of millions of miles away was directly grabbed by Ye Hao in his hand, and was planted with the reincarnation seal by Ye Hao and thrown into the black hole in the dantian.

Another Immortal King of the Immortal King Giant level was easily suppressed by Ye Hao.


The immortal kings of the nine heavens and ten lands were no longer speechless, and they were another immortal king giant-level existence, which was suppressed by Ye Hao's move.

As for the eyes of the chatting masses, in addition to shock, it is reverence.

Ancient desert.

King of the Sword.


And this is just the beginning, within a hundred breaths, the immortal kings of the nine heavens and ten lands simply cannot kill the immortal king of the immortal king giant level.

In the end, all of them were suppressed by Ye Hao and included in the black hole.

"Solved the exotic threat, it's time for me to harvest."

Ye Hao's avatars incarnated thousands of places, descended to various places in foreign lands, and began to collect exotic creations.

The ancestral land of the An Lan family was directly removed.

The ancestral land of the Yutuo family was directly removed.

The ancestral land of the Red King family was directly removed.

Ye Hao didn't have any politeness.

"Great Bloodline Technique!"

"Great Devouring Technique!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Great Soul Art!"

Ye Hao condensed the supreme runes with nine supreme divine powers, like flying snow falling into an exotic land.

These runes fell into the bodies of exotic creatures, whether they were humane creatures, or immortal creatures, bloodlines, root bones, Dao fruits, etc., all of which were swallowed by runes.

Originally comparable to the exotic land of the Immortal Domain, in an instant, all living beings became ordinary people.


Then these heavenly runes poured into Ye Hao's body like a river of stars.

"Great World Art!"

"Great Devouring Technique!"

"Great Origin Art!"

Ye Hao formed a Dao Rune with more than a dozen supreme divine powers, and drilled into the origin of the exotic heaven and earth.

Against such a dark realm as a foreign land, Ye Hao naturally would not be merciful.

He not only wants to turn all the exotic creatures into ordinary creatures, but also turn the entire foreign realm into an ordinary world.

To be precise, Ye Hao wanted to devour all the creations and avenues of the foreign land.

"The foreign land is completely shattered, and there will be no more chance to rise."

The immortal kings of the nine heavens and ten lands looked at Ye Hao's operation, their expressions were calm, and the six reincarnation immortal kings sighed.

The true age of the last law.

There is no aura and heaven and earth energy, no avenue and heaven and earth rules, no creation, it is the true portrayal of the foreign land at this time.

Not to mention the powerhouse of the Immortal King level, it is the powerhouse of the Supreme level, and the breath may be able to make the foreign land collapse immediately.

"The creatures of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

The Endless Immortal King was a little unreal, Dao.

After Ye Hao resurrected him, he knew the situation of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Before Ye Hao let them fight with the Exotic Immortal King, he originally thought that it would be a big battle with heavy casualties.

Who knew that he would win so easily, and even suppress all the immortal kings of foreign lands.

Now the whole foreign land has turned into mortal land.

"If the news of the destruction of the foreign lands spreads, I am afraid that all the heavens and realms will shake the heavens."

The True Dragon King said, and couldn't help but glance at Ye Hao.

This is the most mysterious and heaven-defying powerhouse he has ever seen, and nine out of nine may be the supreme powerhouse who broke the king and became the emperor.

"There are still some giant-level powerhouses in the foreign lands entering the Realm Sea, and these are still hidden dangers."

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone reminded.

"What's next for you?"

Liu Shen looked at Ye Hao with a pair of beautiful eyes, and his voice was soft.

Ye Hao's action this time is so big, he will definitely not destroy a foreign land and stop.

"Next, go to the Immortal Domain to avenge you, and then level all the forbidden areas of life."

Ye Hao thought for a while.

He needs to fuse and refine more Immortal King Dao Fruits to get more creation.

This time into the perfect world, his goal is very simple.

Break through to the level of a quasi-immortal emperor!.

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