
Ye Hei, the Beginningless Emperor, and the Ruthless Emperor's eyelids couldn't help but jump, looking at the milk stains at the corners of Barren Tiandi's mouth, it was as if there were 100,000 mammoths rushing past.

They followed the quasi-immortal emperors of the three weird races of the weird clan and came to the Chaotic Ancient Era to ask for help from Desolate Heaven.

They also did not expect to directly find the Barren Heavenly Di of the Immortal Emperor realm, or even the Barren Heavenly Di of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor realm.

Even if the Desolate Heavenly Heaven Di found was the Transformation Spirit Realm, the Inscription Realm, they cared.

Because, at this time, the Ara Tianti should be an adult, and their purpose of delivering the message can be achieved.

It's just that they never thought that Ara Tianti was found, but the Ara Tianti found was still a drinking baby.

Don't talk about asking for help, they don't even know how to talk to Ara Tianti.

"What to do?"

Ye Hei, the Beginningless Emperor, and the Ruthless Emperor made quick eye contact, and they all understood the meaning in each other's eyes.

"We may be able to leave a special mark on Ara Tianti, and when Ara Tianti breaks through to the realm of the quasi-immortal emperor, or the realm of the immortal emperor, we will be able to receive the news of our request for help."

The ruthless emperor thought for a while.

"It should not work, we left such important information in the past, let alone whether we can offset such a big cause and effect."

"Just the mark we leave behind can't withstand such a great causal force."

The Beginningless Emperor shook his head, but his eyes couldn't help but look at Ye Hao.

They were able to completely ignore the power of cause and effect, and they were able to communicate any words in the Chaotic Ancient Era because Ye Hao's Heavenly Divine Art helped them offset it.

If Ye Hao hadn't made a move, they might have been able to stay in the Chaotic Ancient Era for a while.

It's simply impossible to speak as freely as you do now.

"Senior, with your world-beating strength, how come the Elder hasn't heard of your legend in the future life?"

Ye Hei also turned his gaze to Ye Hao, puzzled and puzzled.

Is Ye Hao really just an Immortal Emperor?

Even if the Immortal Emperor is far more powerful than the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, I am afraid that the Immortal Emperor cannot ignore the causal power brought about by reversing the long river of time and space.

However, Ye Hao did it.

A strong man above the Immortal Emperor?

Compared to asking for help from Ara Tianti, who was still nursing, asking Ye Hao, a strong man who was at least an Immortal Emperor, could provide them with greater help now.

"Brother Dao, are they?"

Liu Shen, the Six Dao Reincarnation Immortal King, the Endless Immortal King and the others were secretly observing Ye Hei, the Beginningless Emperor, and the Ruthless Emperor.

The aura emitted by these three people was incomparable, suffocating, surrounded by supreme divine light, composed of the brilliant light emitted by the Dao Rune, which was breathtaking.

This is definitely not an invincible posture that an Immortal King level powerhouse can have.

"Three quasi-immortal emperors from the future."

"Emperor Ye Tian, Beginningless Emperor, and Ruthless Emperor."

Ye Hao introduced.

"Three quasi-immortal emperors from the future?"

Whether it was the Liu God or the Six Realms Reincarnation Immortal King, the Immortal Kings of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, all of them were shocked.

These three people were not only people from the future, but also quasi-immortal emperors.

Quasi-Immortal Emperor!

Before Ye Hao appeared, countless immortal kings in the heavens and realms had been breaking the road to becoming emperors, era after era, all of them failed.

These immortal kings have many wonderful and powerful existences with unfathomable strength.

There were even some immortal kings who joined forces to create a cultivation system, and even so, they did not set foot on the road to breaking the king and becoming an emperor in the end.

Now they are told that there are people in the future who have broken through to the realm of the quasi-immortal emperor, and there are even three people who have broken through to the realm of the quasi-immortal emperor.

This was too great an impact for the immortal kings of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

They can become immortal kings, which can be called the world's Tianjiao of an era, and their talent and talent overwhelm their peers.

Even so, after they stepped into the Immortal King realm, it became more and more difficult for them to improve their strength.

For tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, the improvement of strength is minimal.

"It's normal that I haven't heard of me, because I don't belong to this ancient history in the first place."

Ye Hao answered Ye Hei's doubts.

"I wonder if the predecessors can tell us why in the future life, the traces of the Barren Heavenly Di also disappeared in ancient history."

Ye Hei asked again.

It was hard to communicate with the people of the Chaotic Ancient Era, and he was still a strong man at least the level of the Immortal Emperor, he would definitely ask all the doubts in his heart.

"Before your rise, Ara Tianti had been leading his followers on the weird plateau."

"Ara Tianti knocked again and again, his followers died one after another, and he himself almost died on the plateau."

"After this battle, the heavens were destroyed, the worlds were destroyed, and an era was buried."

"After the strength of Ara Tianti surpassed the strange ancestor, he launched a super-large-scale reflection, resurrected the heavens and realms, and saved one era after another, and the desolate entered the weakest period, and the entire ancient history could not find him, and he was no longer able to take care of him, nor was he able to protect the heavens."

Ye Hao replied.

"So it is."

Ye Hei, the Beginningless Emperor, and the Ruthless Emperor had complicated feelings, and they did not expect such a result.

Desolate Heavenly Ti has paid too much, too much, for the heavens and the heavens.

Fortunately, Ara Tianti is still alive.

Otherwise, the three of them really didn't have the slightest certainty about whether they would be able to defeat the weird clan in the future.

The ability of the weird race is too strange, even if they are killed, they can still be resurrected, which is simply immortal.

"I can't imagine that his future has grown to such heights?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Liu Shen subconsciously glanced at Ara Tianti, a little surprised.

Beyond the weird ancestor, this is definitely a supreme realm beyond the level of the Immortal Emperor.

"An era buried?"

"Launch a super-large-scale reflection, resurrect the heavens and realms, and save one era after another?"

The chatting crowd was also stunned and trembling.

What horrible darkness and turmoil is this?

And what a supreme power?

It is really scary that the five-year-old child in front of him can reach such heights in the future.

"If I can become a strong person against the sky at this level, this life will be worth it."

Ninth Uncle's voice became a little hoarse, and his eyes were filled with endless yearning.

"This is not to resurrect a person, but to save one era after another, I don't know how much gap there is between this Desolate Heavenly Di's realm and the Great Immortal?"

Mr. Tang Men was puzzled and said.

"It must be the Great Immortal Strong."

Bai Xiaofei was extremely sure and said.

"Ara Tianti is only a five-year-old child now, and when he grows up to the realm of surpassing the strange ancestor, I don't know how many years it will take."

"And the current realm of the Great Immortal may be able to crush the so-called strange ancestor."

Unless Barren Tianti and the strange ancestors can also join the chat group, otherwise, Bai Xiaofei still thinks that their strength cannot be compared with Ye Hao.

"Senior, why did the strong people of the strange clan kill them, and they can still be resurrected?"

"What level of powerhouse is the ancestor of the weird race?"

"What is the source of the weird race?"

Seeing that Ye Hao really answered their doubts, the Beginningless Emperor asked several questions one after another.

The weird race was too strong, and he, Ye Hei, and the ruthless emperor, the three quasi-immortal emperors, couldn't even defend in the face of the weird race, and they were defeated one by one.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have asked Ara Tianti for help.

Whether it was him, Ye Hei and the Ruthless Emperor, they had all killed more than one strange quasi-immortal emperor.

However, no matter how much they killed, it was useless.

Kill the weird quasi-immortal emperor, and soon they will be resurrected again.

And the people on their side, if killed, will really die.

They really have no certainty about defeating the weird race.

"The reason why the weird race is immortal has a huge relationship with the source of the weird race."

Ye Hao also wanted to see if he could change the future by telling Ye Hei and the three of them this information.

"At the beginning of creation, there was a man who was extremely powerful, and in order to pursue a higher realm, he sacrificed everything, but did not want to lose everything."

"He went from nothing to nothing, and from something to nothing, and in the cycle he got sick."

"The patient knew his fate not long ago, and before he died, he refined the third copper coffin and an urn, burned himself, put the ashes in the jar, and buried him in the outer plateau with the third copper coffin."

Ye Hao shook his head.

The Corpse Immortal Emperor was secretly calculated before being eroded by darkness, causing him to fall.

And the strong man above this sacrificial path completely lost himself to play.

"After the death of the patient, an earthquake occurred on the outer plateau, the copper coffin was lifted, the ashes were spilled out, and the plateau was contaminated with the ashes, generating consciousness and becoming a strange plateau."

At this moment, whether it was Ye Hei's three people, or the immortal kings of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, or the chatting masses, all of them were shocked and extremely shocked.

Although Ye Hao had not said anything next, they had already vaguely guessed.

The birth of the strange race, the terrorist force that destroyed the heavens and left the worlds in ruins, may be related to a dead man.

To be precise, it is related to the ashes of a dead person.

The weird race has many quasi-immortal emperors, immortal emperors, and ancestor-level powerhouses!

Such a terrifying dark force that made all worlds tremble and make countless powerful people despair was actually made of the ashes of a dead man.

What an incredible thing to do.

"What terrifying realm has this strong man who buried himself reached?"

Everyone felt that their imagination was no longer able to fathom.

"After endless years, ten strong people broke into the strange plateau, they were contaminated with ashes, so that they underwent metamorphosis and continued to evolve, and finally ten strong people surpassed the realm of the Immortal Emperor and became the powerhouses of the sacrificial realm, known as the strange ancestors, and were sheltered by the plateau."

Ye Hao's leisurely voice seemed to carry boundless magic, which made everyone tremble, and many people felt numb scalps.

Their guess turned out to be correct.

An unimaginably powerful man, his ashes have long been a strange force that has made the worlds despair and brought boundless darkness to the ten thousand worlds.

It's just that the strength of this strong man is even more terrifying than they expected.

It's just a few ashes, there are already ten sacrificial level ancestors!

The sacrificial path is a realm quality above the Immortal Emperor.

The strength of this strange race is simply extremely powerful, enough to subvert the worlds and turn the ten thousand worlds into ruins.

Can this terrifying and weird force really be destroyed?

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