"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao ran supreme divine power and began refining the ancient path of reincarnation.

This is the easiest way to control the ancient path of reincarnation.

Although the weird race, the heavens, and some forces of the heavenly world, occupy some ~ nodes of the ancient road of reincarnation, or cities.

But they didn't have complete control.

The ancient road of reincarnation opened by the lord of the third copper coffin is condensed by its avenue, and after the death of the lord of the third copper coffin, the ancient road of reincarnation is like a masterless treasure of reincarnation.

Whether it is the Immortal Emperor or the sacrificial Dao-level powerhouse, they have the ability to control part of the ancient road of reincarnation, but they do not have the strength to fully control the ancient road of reincarnation.

Because this is an existence that only the strong above the sacrificial path can master.

However, for Ye Hao, there was not much of a problem.

His Six Realms of Reincarnation is innate supreme, no matter which world he is in, he can condense the reincarnation of the earth that coincides with the Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

If the world he was in originally had innate reincarnation, he would be able to directly refine the Earth Mansion with the Six Realms of Reincarnation and become the true Lord of the Earth Mansion.

There is no innate earth mansion reincarnation in the perfect big world, so Ye Hao intends to use the power of the great road of the perfect big world to refine the ancient road of reincarnation into the innate earth mansion reincarnation with the power of the six reincarnation techniques.


When Ye Hao began refining the ancient path of reincarnation by using the Six Reincarnation Techniques, a supreme majestic and indifferent force descended on Ye Hao's body.

Ye Hao's speed of refining the ancient path of reincarnation directly increased by more than ten thousand times.

Once the reincarnation of heaven and earth is formed to manage all the great worlds of Perfect World, it is also a supplement to Perfect Great World itself, and can make the entire world more stable and powerful.

Therefore, after the Great Dao of Perfect World discovered that Ye Hao had the ability to open up the Innate Earth Mansion, it naturally wanted to help Ye Hao.

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, the six reincarnation techniques advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Reincarnation Technique Advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Soul Technique Advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Life and Death Technique Advanced. "

When Ye Hao refined the ancient road of reincarnation, he was also comprehending the avenue contained in it.

Obviously, the Avenue of Perfect Great World also wants Ye Hao to open up the reincarnation of the innate earth mansion as soon as possible, and it is also to assist Ye Hao to comprehend these avenues.

Such a god-given opportunity, how could Ye Hao miss it.

Even his body and doppelganger in the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe suspended his cultivation, and almost all his attention was focused on the avenue contained on the ancient road of comprehension of reincarnation.

Avenue of Reincarnation!

Origin Avenue!

Avenue of Souls!

Avenue of Life and Death!

Avenue of Time and Space!

And many other avenues!

At this time, the benefits obtained by Ye Hao were even greater than the benefits of refining and fusing the ten Immortal Emperor Dao Fruits.

The long river of time and space emerged, solidified, the years stood still, where Ye Hao was, time and space no longer flowed, only the immeasurable divine light condensed by the endless avenue rune continued to spread along the ancient road of reincarnation, towards the depths of the void.

In the depths of the void, some broken ancient paths of reincarnation quickly became complete and brand new under the repair of immeasurable divine light.

Whether it was the forces occupying the nodes of the ancient path of reincarnation, or the strange ancestors who were high above, they did not notice any abnormalities.

The entire heaven and earth seem to be unaffected by the changes in the ancient path of reincarnation, but only those fallen creatures know about the great changes in the ancient road of reincarnation.

In a large world, there are the founders of ancient dynasties falling, ancient gods who coerce all worlds fall, and invincible races that dominate one era after another

These ancient and powerful beings, after the fall, found their true spirits imprisoned by an invisible force, sending them to the great cities of light, sacredness, and brilliance.

Moreover, they saw one soul after another jump into the huge millstone, and the true spirit returned to its origin, turned into the mark of the most primordial and disappeared on the other side of the millstone.

"This is the prefecture! The legendary prefecture actually exists. "

"Can people really be reincarnated after death?"

"I saw that it was the Taisu Immortal King, an immortal king giant, I couldn't imagine that he had actually fallen, moreover, he also entered the reincarnation of the prefecture."

"I wonder if there is a supreme god in the prefecture who controls the cycle of life and death?"

Some powerful souls are excited and helpless. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If the scene here spreads, it will inevitably cause an unimaginable sensation in the Great World of the Heavens.

It is a pity that they have all fallen.

No matter how strong their strength was during their lifetime, after they entered the reincarnation of the earthly prefecture, an invisible force imprisoned them and threw them into reincarnation.

0 ask for flowers

What happened here may only be known to the undead.

"It's too rewarding."

As the creatures of the Great World of the Heavens began to reincarnate in the ancient path of reincarnation refined by Ye Hao, Ye Hao's whole person was shocked and extremely shocked.

Before these souls were reincarnated, Ye Hao actually refined their Dao Fruit through the fusion of the ancient path of reincarnation.

Although these Dao fruits are very weak, the stronger ones may be comparable to the Immortal Kings of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and the weaker ones are comparable to the Cave Heaven Realm and the Spirit Realm.

A huge number of souls are just ordinary people.

However, even so, Ye Hao's harvest was unimaginable.

The great worlds of the heavens, thousands of universes, the heavens are strange, every breath, the fallen life is innumerable.

Among them, there are trillions of monks.

The Dao fruits of these Daoist priests before their death all became the nutrients for Ye Hao's Dao fruit growth.

Among these fallen cultivators, there are some Heavenly Prodigies.

The magic method they created had a lot of trigger for Ye Hao.

"Finally, refine all the ancient roads of reincarnation and open up a new prefecture."

Ye Hao quickly converged his mind and tried his best to refine the ancient road of reincarnation, I don't know how long it took, Ye Hao breathed a long sigh of relief and looked excited.

The previous ancient road of reincarnation was like a magic weapon, relying on its own power to influence the Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

After Ye Hao's refining, the new prefecture has become a part of heaven and earth.

It has become a vast and magnificent place of supreme reincarnation that runs through the heavens and great worlds, spreads to the heavens, and radiates around the strange plateau.

As the master of the prefecture, Ye Hao's Yuanshen could perceive all the situation of the prefecture in an instant.

And he can indirectly perceive the situation in the Great World of the Heavens, the heavens, the strange plateau and other places through the prefecture.

Except for the weird plateau that has a power beyond the sacrificial level, the prefecture cannot penetrate it, and everywhere else, he can descend to any corner of the perfect world through the prefecture.

"In the prefecture, I can mobilize all the power of the prefecture to easily suppress the powerhouse of the sealing sacrificial level."

"Once I leave the prefecture, I can only mobilize part of the prefecture's strength, and I should be able to fight one against two."

Ye Hao first carefully perceived the situation in the prefecture, and then turned his gaze to himself.

His strength has reached a new level!

The realm is the peak of the black hole realm!

The combat power is comparable to the Sacrificial Dao Realm Factory!.

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