Great Qin Zulong: "The Five Elements True Technique of Immortal Cultivation at the peak of the Foundation Building Realm?" "

"At least two hundred years of life!"

In the Great Qin World, Ying Zheng's entire face was distorted, and his eyes were hot, as if he was about to spew out flames.

He remembered very clearly that the Immortal Cultivation Jade Jane uploaded by the Great Immortal recorded that there were two hundred years of life yuan for breaking through the Foundation Building Realm, and five hundred years for breaking through the Jiedan Realm.

That is to say, breaking through to the foundation building realm is at least two hundred years of Shouyuan, if there are special means, Shouyuan may not exceed five hundred years, but it is very likely to extend to three or four hundred years.

At least 200 years of life!

In the Daqin world, even if the life of the princes and nobles is only fifty or sixty years old, how big is the gap between the two?

What's more, the Foundation Building Realm cultivators also possessed extremely powerful power, which was beyond the realm of mortals.

The world will help the Lord: "Great Immortal Mercy~"

In the Fengyun World, Xiongba's face will be blue for a while, and he will be white for a while, and he no longer knows how to describe his mood at this time.

He was jealous and wanted to kill Zhang Sanfeng and kill people to seize treasures.

At the same time, it is extremely exciting.

Since Zhang Sanfeng traded such a top-notch immortal cultivation resource with 69,000 points, if he had the same points to trade with the Great Immortal, wouldn't he also be able to trade so many top-notch immortal cultivation resources?

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Thank you Daxian!" Thank you Daisen! These cultivation resources are really in line with my heart. "

Zhang Sanfeng was even a little incoherent with excitement, his heart was boiling, and the whole person collapsed directly on a large rock, gasping for breath.

He finally understood why those old people in the chat group supported Daxian, they traded with Daxian with points, and Daxian gave them dozens or hundreds of times more resources than the chat group.

Even the gap is no longer measurable.

The preciousness of immortal cultivation resources is far above martial arts resources, and if there are no great immortals, even if they have more points, they can only be a martial arts master.

He only longed for the Great Immortal to give him an Immortal Cultivation Technique that could cultivate to the mid-level level of the Qi Refining Realm, and as a result, the Great Immortal directly gave him the Immortal Cultivation Technique that could cultivate to the peak of the Foundation Building Realm.

The preciousness of the other three immortal cultivation treasures also made his heart tremble, his scalp numb, and his excited body trembling.

At this moment, Zhang Sanfeng also became Ye Hao's loyal supporter, and absolutely did not allow others to slander Ye Hao.

"Five Elements True Tips! 50,000 spirit stones! The cultivation experience of ten Foundation Building Realm cultivators! Second Grade Gathering Spirit Array! "

The moods of the rest of the chat group are also overturned, and their hearts are mixed.

Although there are only four kinds of immortal cultivation treasures, compared to Li Xunhuan's, they are too advanced.

There are 50,000 spirit stones, which is too scary.

The other immortal cultivation treasures were all cultivation treasures at the Foundation Building Realm level.

Xiao Li Feidao: "There should be more than four immortal cultivation treasures!" "

Li Xunhuan shook his head to sober himself up.

The immortal cultivation treasures that the Great Immortal gave him last time, among which the storage bag and the spirit beast bag were attached.

With the atmosphere of the Great Immortal, at least Zhang Sanfeng will be given a storage bag.

[The immortal cultivator sent an exclusive red envelope to the Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist. 】

A prompt in the chat group that made the chatter's hearts jump.

In this red envelope, it must be the immortal cultivation resources that Daxian gave to Zhang Sanfeng.

And at this time, the heavenly world.

Although Song Yuanqiao was a little puzzled as to why Zhang Sanfeng inquired about a disciple surnamed Yue of the Huashan Sect, he still carefully inquired in the secret vault of the Wudang Sect.

Just when he was about to tell Zhang Sanfeng the results of the query, he saw a scene that shocked him.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Come on!


Song Yuanqiao saw Zhang Sanfeng lying on a large rock, his body was straight, his face was even more red and abnormal, and he directly pounced, hugged Zhang Sanfeng, howled fiercely, and cried directly loudly.

Master is about to celebrate his 100th birthday, and as a result, on this big and festive day, he ushered in earth-shattering bad news.

His master may be dying soon!

Not only did he pass out directly to the ground, but even his body trembled uncontrollably, and his face was an abnormal blood red, which could drive the crane west at any time.

"Master! Ah~"

"Come on!"

Song Yuanqiao was extremely guilty, and tears rained down.

Although he and Zhang Sanfeng have a master-apprentice relationship, the relationship between them is like a father and son.

Obviously knowing that Master is a hundred years old, why does he not accompany him from time to time.

Maybe when he went to the secret vault to inquire about the information, the master accidentally fell.

"It's the voice of Senior Brother, Master~"

In the Wudang Hall, Zhang Songxi, Yin Liting and Mo Shenggu, who were discussing Zhang Sanfeng's 100th birthday, as well as Yu Daiyan who was paralyzed on the bed, all of their bodies trembled violently at this time, as if they had been shocked.

Apparently they all guessed something.

"Sixth brother, bring it..." All healing elixirs! "

Zhang Songxi only felt dizzy, his body stumbled, and he couldn't accept this bad news, so he calmed himself down and ordered.

Then, he ran towards the source of the sound, and his emotions could no longer be contained, and the tears were as follows.

Yin Liting ran to the medicine hall of the Wudang Sect with a lost soul, Mo Shenggu was pale, and his heart was like a knife cutting behind Zhang Songxi.

Yu Daiyan, who collapsed on the ground, cried bitterly, and even forced himself to get out of bed and crawl towards the cry of Song Yuanqiao.

Under the sunlight, the shining Wudang Sect was like a dark cloud covering the top at this time, and the storm hit, and all the disciples burst into tears.

Although they knew that this moment could come at any time, they did not expect it to come on this big day.

Two more days, two more days!

It is the 100th birthday of the ancestor!

Why is the sky so cruel?

Almost instantly, Zhang Sanfeng, who was lying on the ground, was surrounded by disciples of the Wudang Sect, and everyone was full of grief and choked softly.

[Zhang Sanfeng received the red envelope of the immortal cultivator. 】

As the prompt sounded, four things appeared in front of Zhang Sanfeng out of thin air.

A gray jade Jane that records the true secret of the five elements!

A black storage bag containing 50,000 spirit stones!

A red jade Jane that recorded the cultivation experience of ten Foundation Building Realm cultivators!

A formation plate containing a formation plate depicting the Second Grade Gathering Spirit Array, and a cyan storage bag with related formation weapons.

"Hahaha... My old way will be cultivating immortals from today! "

Zhang Sanfeng stood tall with a carp, directly leaped several zhang, and shouted excitedly.

The people of the Wudang faction: "...

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