"Senior Brother in charge, what should we do?"

At the location of Qingyunmen, everyone turned their eyes to Dao Xuanzhenren, and the first Tian of Dazhu Peak couldn't help but ask.


If Yuyangzi's fiasco is completely because of self ~ greatness.

The defeat of thousands of people was really defeated by Bai Xiaofei's hands.

"Bai Xiaofei's speed just now is very fast, even if I can dodge the sneak attack and fight him, I am not sure of victory."

"Unless you use the Immortal Sword."

Dao Xuan Zhenren's face was solemn and said.

He really didn't expect that this kind of immortal cultivation master would lose miserably in the hands of a martial arts master.

He saw very clearly that the reason why Wanxiang failed miserably in Bai Xiaofei's hands was not only because he did not understand Bai Xiaofei's fighting methods, but also because he was related to Bai Xiaofei's strong strength.

When Wanxiang's actions were locked by Bai Xiaofei's arms, it was not without struggle, and the furious mana even he had to retreat.

As a result, the golden qi on Bai Xiaofei's body suppressed the mana that erupted in ten thousand people.

In other words, even if Ten Thousand Thousand Directions fought Bai Xiaofei, the mana of Ten Thousand Thousand Directions could not break Bai Xiaofei's qi.

"The people in this martial arts chat group are really not simple."

When the others in Qingyunmen heard this, they were extremely shocked and embarrassed.

Before the formal exchange, they did not put the martial arts chat group in their eyes, and even thought that defeating the people of the martial arts chat group was a very simple matter.

The reality is to slap them in the face.

The Immortal World has been defeated again and again.

Now even their boss shot is not sure of victory.

"Senior brother in charge, let me try Bai Xiaofei's details, the strength of these martial arts masters is obviously beyond ordinary martial arts masters."

"Maybe there are hidden means, and when I fight him for a while, the senior brother in charge will strike again, and the certainty of winning will be greater."

Tian is not easy to say what he thinks.

If ten thousand people knew Bai Xiaofei's terrifying strength, they would definitely not be directly killed by Bai Xiaofei.

Even if you can't beat Bai Xiaofei, you can definitely hold out for a while.

"I'll do it anyway~"

"This Bai Xiaofei's body is indeed very powerful, but I don't believe that his body can block the divine power of the Dragon Slashing Sword and block the Divine Sword and Thunder True Technique."

The Cangsong Daoist sneered, and a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

If he defeated everyone in the martial arts chat group, he would definitely be able to obtain the reward of the Heavenly Dao.

Then his strength may be able to surpass Dao Xuanzhenren, kill him, and avenge his dead senior brother Wan Jianyi.


At this moment, everyone's attention was attracted by a loud hissing sound.

Then, he saw the Black Water Xuan Snake rushing towards the center of the huge high platform like a moving hill.

"Good to go!"

Bai Xiaofei looked at the Black Water Xuan Snake that rushed straight over, and his expression was calm.

The Black Water Xuan Snake, which can be called a behemoth in the Immortal World, is very average in his eyes.

When he was in the perfect world, he had seen huge creatures like planets, strange creatures with scales like a lake, and figures whose Dharma bodies could fill the entire firmament.

In his eyes, the Black Water Xuan Snake was just a slightly larger basilisk.


The head of the Black Water Xuan Snake raised like a black tower, and then slammed into Bai Xiaofei.

The five-zhang-tall, three-zhang wide head opened its blood basin and mouth, like a bottomless black abyss.


However, Bai Xiaofei not only did not retreat, but rushed towards the mouth of the Black Water Xuan Snake.

"Boom!" , "Boom! "Boom! "

Under the terrified gazes of the ancient beasts, they saw the Black Water Xuan Snake screaming in pain, constantly rolling on the ground.

The body of the Black Water Xuan Snake constantly bulged everywhere, and there was a huge force attacking in the belly of the Black Water Xuan Snake.

This type of attack is too scary.

Although the ancient exotic beasts such as yellow birds, cows, and phoenixes do not know the specific feelings of the Black Water Xuan Snake.

However, looking at the abdomen that was constantly bursting more than ten feet high, and the blood that kept spitting out, they knew that the pain was incomparable, and the pain went into the bone marrow.

Originally, these ancient alien beasts also regretted that their speed was slower than that of the Black Water Xuan Snake and missed the opportunity to defeat Bai Xiaofei.

Now they are just rejoicing.


It's terrible!

This weird way of fighting, this is the first time they have seen it.

In the face of the devouring of the Black Water Xuan Snake, Bai Xiaofei not only did not retreat, but took the initiative to enter the belly of the Black Water Xuan Snake.

As a result, Bai Xiaofei not only did not die, but jumped alive, making a huge movement in the belly of the Black Water Xuan Snake.

Although the body of the ancient beast is powerful, the defense in the abdomen is very ordinary.

The Black Water Xuan Snake only felt that its internal organs were torn apart, as if someone was eating its flesh and blood.

"Boom!" , "Boom! "Boom! "

The Black Water Xuan Snake's body continued to bulge, and then fell high, wanting to kill Bai Xiaofei in its belly.

It's just that not only did he not hurt Bai Xiaofei, but he also threw himself off his scales.


After the Black Water Xuan Snake found that he had nothing to do with Bai Xiaofei, he couldn't help but flee towards the outside of the huge high platform.

He doesn't want to communicate civilization with the people of the martial arts chat group now, he just wants to escape back to his lair now.

Forget everything you have here, forget the nightmares here.


Before the Black Water Xuan Snake escaped from the huge high platform, it passed out in pain.

The Black Water Xuan Snake did not perceive the error, his internal organs, and even his snake gallbladder were not small damage.

Bai Xiaofei was in the belly of the Black Water Xuan Snake, not only attacking the Black Water Xuan Snake from the inside, but also cutting the internal organs, snake bile and snake meat of the Black Water Xuan Snake, and put them in his storage bag.

He had not entered the advanced world several times, and the ancient exotic beast such as the Black Water Xuan Snake was also a top-notch exotic beast for Bai Xiaofei.

The flesh and blood of the Black Water Xuan Snake are good cultivation resources whether they are used for cooking or cultivation.

After about a quarter of an hour, Bai Xiaofei walked out of the mouth of the black water Xuan Snake whose breath was languishing and his body was constantly spasming, and his body was delicate and clean.

"Who else shot?"

His gaze fell on the ancient beasts, some of these ancient beasts did not dare to look directly at Bai Xiaofei's gaze, and some directly bowed their heads.

They would rather die in battle than suffer such great torture.

They even suspected that in the future, the Black Water Xuan Snake would not dare to open its huge mouth to swallow living things.

"I'll come!"

Abbot Puhong shot.

As a result, he was also hit by Bai Xiaofei's punch and punched and vomited blood and flew upside down.

"I'll come!"

The Cangsong Daoist also shot.

His strength is not as good as that of Abbot Puhong, plus Bai Xiaofei knows who the Cangsong Daoist is, and he didn't keep his hand.

When the Cangsong Daoist cast the Divine Sword Imperial Thunder True Technique, Bai Xiaofei directly broke through an invisible shield laid by the Cangsong Daoist and blocked the Cangsong Daoist from casting spells.

Then he didn't attack the Cangsong Daoist again.

Because, the Cangsong Daoist failed to cast a spell, was eaten back, and directly passed out.

"It's a big trouble."

Abbot Puhong and Cangsong Daoist were defeated in the hands of Bai Xiaofei one after another, which also allowed the various forces of the Immortal World to see clearly the fighting methods of the warriors.

In the case of similar speed to Bai Xiaofei, it is either a head-to-head with Bai Xiaofei.

Either it can cast spells instantaneously without any pauses.

Otherwise, just like the Cangsong Daoist, the process of casting spells will be directly interrupted.

Bai Xiaofei didn't even need to continue attacking, and he would be eaten back because of the failure of casting.

"Is this Bai Xiaofei the strongest in the martial arts chat group?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Dao Xuanzhen was very hesitant, and his eyes turned to Ye Hao and his group behind Bai Xiaofei.

If he used the Immortal Sword, he would have absolute confidence in defeating Bai Xiaofei.

However, even with his Taiqing Realm cultivation, he could only guarantee that using the Immortal Sword once would not be swallowed back.

After using the Immortal Sword, he may not be able to participate in the next battle.

In other words, even if he used the Immortal Sword, he would defeat Bai Xiaofei at most.

If there are people in the martial arts chat group who are stronger than Bai Xiaofei, or those with similar strength to Bai Xiaofei, it will not change an ending.

The highest combat power of the martial arts chat group is stronger than these immortal cultivators.

And, still in their most confident way, beat them.

At the same time, after using the Immortal Sword, he may not be able to demonstrate the Immortal Sword Array.

If you communicate with the martial arts chat group in terms of formation, the Immortal Sword Formation will definitely be able to crush the martial arts chat group.

Because the warrior cultivates his own body, firmly believes that he is invincible, and does not cultivate the heavenly path.

Immortal cultivators can comprehend the Dao of Heaven and Refine Qi and Gather God, and they can create a formation that condenses the power of heaven and earth by sensing heaven and earth.

Martial arts have no advantage in this regard.

"Senior brother in charge, if you don't make a move to defeat Bai Xiaofei, the next blow to morale will be too great."

The first Water Moon Master of Xiaozhu Peak reminded in a low voice and said.

With the defeat of a well-known immortal cultivator in the Immortal World in the hands of Bai Xiaofei, the spirits of all forces were shortened.

Before this, they thought that immortal cultivators were completely above martial artists.

The harsh reality tells them that it is they who are abused.

Even if Dao Xuanzhen had not yet made a move, Qingyunmen's morale was seriously affected, and many disciples were shaken.

After all, in the eyes of the disciples of Qingyunmen, the Cangsong Daoist was already the strongest of the Qingyunmen.

The Cangsong Dao people all failed miserably in the hands of Bai Xiaofei, and even if the Dao Xuan Zhenren personally made a move, it was not necessarily Bai Xiaofei's opponent.

Their immortal cultivators couldn't beat those who practiced martial arts, and this huge gap made many people collapse.

"Dao Xuan Zhenren, you are the number one powerhouse in the land of Shenzhou, why don't you communicate with the two of us?"

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei suddenly opened his mouth and took the initiative to invite battle.

Previously, the forces of Gao Yao and the Immortal World were completely crushed than the culinary civilization.

If he defeats Dao Xuan Zhenren again, then in the exchange of combat power with the Immortal World, he will also completely defeat the Immortal World.

Compared with the culinary civilization, it is definitely a victory in combat effectiveness, and the contribution is even greater.

"As another cultivator who has broken through to the Taiqing Realm in the Qingyunmen Gate for thousands of years, if you don't make a move, your world will also be completely defeated by the martial arts chat group in terms of strength exchange."

Bai Xiaofei exposed the strength of Dao Xuanzhen.

If you don't defeat Dao Xuanzhen, this time the strength exchange is still not perfect.

In the eyes of all the forces in the Immortal World, Dao Xuanzhen is faintly the strongest person in the world.

Especially with the Immortal Sword in hand, it is even more invincible.

"What? Dao Xuan Zhenren broke through to the Taiqing Realm? "

At this moment, not to mention the disciples of Qingyunmen, that is, the Tianyin Temple, Ghost King Sect and other forces were all extremely shocked and shocked.

Although the three exercises of Taiji Xuanqing Dao, Incense Burning Jade Book and Dafa Prajna are known as the top three exercises of the right path.

However, all forces are very clear that the Taiji Xuanqing Dao is the top exercise, and the level is better than the burning incense jade book and the Great Brahma Ruo.

Even if the incense burning jade book and the Great Brahma Ruo cultivation reached the peak, the Dao Xing was only comparable to the peak of the Shangqing Realm.

The reason why Taiji Xuanqing Dao, Incense Burning Jade Book and Dafa Panruo are listed as the three top exercises of the right path is because the sect where the three exercises are located is the three main sects of the right path.

On the other hand, it was because since the Qingyunmen Daoist, he had never heard of a cultivator who had broken through to the Taiqing Realm.

Although the Taiji Xuanqing Dao has the cultivation method of the Taiqing Realm, no one in the Qingyunmen can cultivate to the Taiqing Realm, just like an ethereal existence.

Now tell them that Dao Xuan Zhenren actually broke through to the Taiqing Realm.

It's amazing.

"Senior Brother in charge, did you really break through to the Taiqing Realm?"

Tian Buyi, Master Shuiyue and other peak masters of Qingyunmen, and even the Cangsong Daoists who had just been awakened after being swallowed by the failed spell casting, all looked at Dao Xuanzhen in amazement.

Although they recognized the talent of Dao Xuanzhen, among their junior brothers, they were also top-notch.

However, now tell them that the Dao Xuanzhen people's strength realm has reached the Taiqing realm, which still gives them too much impact.

Perhaps the Dao Xuan Zhenren is not as good as the Aoba Zhenren who created the Taiji Xuanqing Dao, but the Dao Xuan Zhenren is likely to be the first person after the Aoba Zhenren.

The first Qingyun Gate disciple to break through to the Taiqing Realm!


Seeing this, Dao Xuan Zhenren did not hide anything.

Even if he was a cultivator at the peak of the Shangqing Realm, holding the Immortal Sword could coerce the world and deter all those who had bad intentions towards Qingyunmen.

In this case, there was naturally no need for him to expose his Taiqing Realm cultivation.

If someone really dares to make a move against Qingyunmen, when that time comes, he will expose the strength of the Taiqing Realm, and he will definitely be able to give the enemy a huge surprise.

"Daoist, why do you know that I broke through to the Taiqing Realm?"

Dao Xuan Zhenren hesitated and asked.

Since breaking through to the Taiqing Realm, he has never exposed his true strength.

I didn't tell anyone else.

The more I communicate with the people in the martial arts chat group, the more weird and mysterious I feel.

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