The World of Immortals.


"Gone, they're leaving?"

After Ye Hao and his group left, the huge high platform on the firmament disappeared, and at the same time, sending all forces to the place of departure, the disciples of Qingyunmen looked at the firmament with an extremely complicated expression.

Everything experienced today is like a dream, even more bizarre than a dream.

Not to mention the Immortal Dao realm of the perfect big world, it is the Venerable Realm of the Humane Realm, and they are all terrifying and boundless existences in their eyes.

Above the Divine Fire Realm, the True God Realm, and the Heavenly God Realm were in their eyes, that was the gods.

As for the territory of the Perfect World, it was beyond their imagination.

Now without Ye Hao's blessing, their minds could no longer remember how vast the territory of the Perfect Great World was.

They only knew that even a strong person in the Immortal King realm would not be able to set foot in every corner of the Perfect Great World in his life.

Even the powerhouses of the Immortal Emperor realm couldn't do it.

"If they don't go, will they stay in our world?"

Master Shuiyue looked bleak and said.

"How could the Azure Dragon stay because of a puddle?"

In the past, Master Shuiyue felt that Shangqing Realm was still a powerful cultivator in the Immortal World, but after this exchange with the martial arts chat group, she deeply understood the gap between the 893 ants and the true dragon.

The martial arts chat group has even entered the super big world of Perfect World, how can they be interested in their world?

"I wonder where they went?"

Dao Xuanzhen's eyes were deep, and his heart was filled with endless yearning.

How wonderful would it be if he could join the martial arts chat group?

He will break out of the shackles of the Immortal World and witness the truly vast and majestic real world.

"Maybe they're traveling to a more powerful civilization to communicate?"

Tian Buyi sighed leisurely, and his heart was mixed.

Their world is about to change.

Witnessing with my own eyes so many cultivation systems, or such a powerful cultivation system, I am afraid that many cultivators will try to create a corresponding cultivation system.

Although the possibility of success is unlikely, if there are really talented people who create a new cultivation system, it will definitely bring earth-shaking changes to the entire world.

The only lucky thing was that they Qingyunmen had Dao Xuanzhenren, a powerhouse of the Taiqing Realm, sitting there.

Even if there are any fluctuations in the Immortal Cultivation Realm, it will not be able to affect the Qingyun Gate for the time being.

"I wonder if we'll ever have a chance to meet them in the future?"

A woman (aibi) with a face like a hibiscus, beautiful and compelling, wearing a red long dress, red silk at the waist, watery eyes, two small dimples on her cheeks, fair skin and snowy woman, beautiful eyes and confusion, Dao.

She is Tian Linger.

Seeing Ye Hao, who was like a supreme deity, his words were unfathomable, and his appearance was handsome, Ye Hao's figure was now in her mind.

Compared to Ye Hao, the disciples of Qingyunmen were too ordinary, like Haoyue and dust.

There are many women like Tian Linger in Qingyunmen.

"Buzz~", "Buzz~", "Buzz~"

At this time, in the Great World of Stars, one figure after another appeared in the Great Qin Empire.

It was Ye Hao and his group.

"Great Immortal, what realm is Qin Yu in now?"

Yue Buqun couldn't help but ask.

If the chat group did not restore the freedom of world time, he would still be able to roughly guess Qin Yu's strength realm, at most, it would be the Golden Pill Period and the Yuan Infancy Period.

No matter how high it is, it is impossible.

Now he couldn't be sure.

The eyes of the others in the chat group also turned to Ye Hao, and they were also a little curious.

On the last group mission, Ye Hao and Yue Buqun entered the Star World, and when they left, Qin Yu's strength was only a congenital perfection of external skills.

"The planetary realm is equivalent to the empty period of this world, and it is equivalent to the combined realm of your immortal cultivation system."

Ye Hao ran the Heavenly Mechanic Technique, and instantly saw the changes in the Heavenly Mechanism of the Star World.

"Fit Realm?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The corners of the chatter's mouths couldn't help twitching a few times, with deep helplessness.

Qin Yu's current strength is stronger than any of them.

"You guys are free to move~"

After Ye Hao finished speaking, the figure disappeared directly in place.

When his figure appeared again, he had already appeared in the Hongmeng space.

Although he is now the peak of the Black Hole Realm, his combat power is already comparable to that of the Hongmeng Master.

Ye Hao's purpose is very simple, he wants to become the new Hongmeng controller.


Ye Hao entered the Hongmeng space silently, did not alarm Hongmeng, did not alarm Lin Meng, and quietly summoned the Hongmeng Golden List.

A golden scroll passed through the endless Hongmeng Aura from hundreds of millions of miles away and floated in front of him.

The Hongmeng Golden List is six meters long and half a meter wide, and the entire Hongmeng Golden List is golden, with two juxtaposed handwritings on it, Hong and Lin.

As the controller of Hongmeng, everything in Hongmeng, no matter which universe, the fate of almost all life can be calculated.

At the same time, the energy of either universe can also be mobilized.

Ye Hao did not have any hesitation, his heart moved, and a trace of soul power was integrated into the Hongmeng Golden List.

Suddenly, endless information surged out of Ye Hao's mind, including the information of Hongmeng Space, as well as all the information of Hongmeng Universe and Lin Meng Universe.

All of these messages will be transformed into Ye Hao's foundation, and under his heaven-defying understanding, it will also be quickly transformed into his strength.

This is also the reason why Ye Hao became the controller of Hongmeng in the first place.

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great World Art Advanced! "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Time Technique Advanced! "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Space Technique Advanced! "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Destiny Advanced! "

After becoming the controller of Hongmeng, Ye Hao could easily control the law of time to a billion times acceleration.

His heritage exploded rapidly, and it was rapidly transforming into strength.

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your comprehension of the supreme power, Hongmeng Avenue! "

Ye Hao even comprehended all the rules of the Great Avenue of the Star World, and comprehended a higher-level supreme divine power.

Moreover, Ye Hao also integrated the supreme avenue that he had comprehended in other worlds into the Hongmeng Avenue.

With the operation of the divine power, Hongmeng Avenue will replace all the laws of heaven and earth, replace the Dao of Heaven, replace the Dao, control the world, and Ye Hao will become the supreme being who dominates the world.


At the same time, the huge black hole in Ye Hao's dantian also burst and collapsed, and in an instant, it turned into a golden ball only the size of a fist.

The golden orb connects to a special space, directly absorbs the most primordial power of the Star World, and swallows energy at a higher level than Hongmeng's aura.

If Ye Hao continued to absorb it, it might even reduce the world level of the Star World.

If Ye Hao entered a world at the level of the Immortal World, without control, the golden orb would be able to suck all the origin of the Immortal World dry in an instant, completely turning it into a ruin.

On the golden orb, there were also wisps of golden flame, which was a supreme divine fire that was enough to burn the Heavenly Saint, burn the powerhouse of the sacrificial path, and turn the Hongmeng controller into ashes.

Black Hole Realm Breakthrough!

Origin Realm!.

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