The Great World of the Sacred Ruins.

Age of Blood.

Ye Hei and the female emperor were concealing the perception of the strange family and quietly breaking through to the level of the immortal emperor.

Moreover, they also reflected their relatives and friends in secret, as well as the Beginningless Emperor who fell for them in the Soul River War.

The three began to discuss a strange plan to break through at the minimum cost, the Beginningless Emperor changed his identity and entered the Heavenly Emperor burial pit as an undercover agent, the female emperor attracted firepower outside, and Ye Fan led his subordinates to secretly cultivate.

"Has Ara Tianti already fallen? Or is it dragged down by something? "

Inside the third bronze coffin, Ye Hei's expression was heavy.

Although he had broken through to the Immortal Emperor realm, Ye Hei did not feel any ease.

When he was the quasi-immortal emperor, he once traveled through time and space with the female emperor and the beginningless three, returned to the chaotic ancient era, saw the experience of Desolate Tiandi, and strengthened their belief ~ thought against the strange family.

As soon as Arantianti broke through the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, he had to face the siege of four Black-Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperors.

When they were quasi-immortal emperors, they faced the slaughter of the corpse immortal emperor, and Desolate Tianti calmed the darkness in this desperate and dark situation, which was an example for them to move forward.

However, now the traces of Desolate Tianti have completely disappeared, and almost no trace can be found in ancient history.

Even if he broke through to the Immortal Emperor, he couldn't even find Desolate Heavenly Di.


The next moment, Ye Hei felt that he was enveloped by an invisible force, completely freezing him, unable to move.

When he returned to his senses, he found that the female emperor and beginningless had also appeared in front of him.

At the same time, there are three figures, one of which is the Desolate Heavenly Di that he is looking for.

"I know you're curious about who I am?"

Ye Hao glanced at the six people, stretched out his hand, and the relevant memories appeared in their minds.

"This is the sacrificial Dao-level Dao Fruit of the six of you, you can directly fuse this Dao-fruit and reach the sacrificial Dao realm."

"You can also use this sacrificial Dao-level Dao Fruit as a reference to surpass the previous one."

"Although the ten strange ancestors were awakened by the strange plateau, they could not break through the prefecture with their abilities."

"The world in which your people live is also hidden by me, and will not be discovered."

Ye Hao waved his hand and condensed six Dao fruits, placing them one by one in front of Barren Tianti, Ye Hei and the others.

"Thank you, senior!"

After digesting the information, Huang Tianti, Ye Hei, the female emperor and the others had heavy faces.

The means of the weird plateau are so amazing that they can directly change the trajectory of history.


Fortunately, Ye Hao exists.

Especially the two of Ara Tianti and Ye Hei, they looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of fear in each other's eyes.

Even if their previous plan succeeds and kills ten weird ancestors, once the weird ancestors change the timeline, all their plans will come to naught.

Without them being well prepared, in the face of the siege of the ten strange ancestors, their defeat was absolutely inevitable.

The choices of Ara Tianti, Ye Hei, the female emperor and others were the same, all of them were based on the original Dao Fruit as a reference, intending to break through to a higher level.

The existence of the lord of the three bronze coffins shows that there is a higher realm above the sacrificial path.

The strange plateau consciousness, Ye Hao, who controls the prefecture, should be a supreme existence with a part of the power above the sacrificial path.

Since Ye Hao was able to reach this realm, they were also able to reach this realm.

When they reached Ye Hao's strength, ignoring the changes in the historical trajectory, when that time came, it was time for them to disintegrate the strange plateau.

While Ara Tianti, Ye Hei and the others were in retreat and cultivation, Ye Hao once again began to collect all kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures in the Great World of the Divine Ruin.

With an experience of the Perfect Great World and an experience of the Great World of Divine Ruins, Ye Hao's collection efficiency was much faster.

"Boom!" , "Boom! "Boom! "

And at this time, the ten figures stood side by side, allowing the river of time to roll upside down, and letting the ten thousand paths disintegrate, all surrendering at their feet.

They were born together, affecting the stability of the ancient and modern future, shaking the foundation of the present world.

It is the ten ancestors of the weird family.

It's just that the face of the ten ancestors at this time is very ugly, as if they have experienced a nightmare.

In a nightmare, they actually saw six Dao Realm powerhouses killing them, and they were even burned to death by Ara Tianti with mysterious golden flames.

"All outliers must be found! All destroyed! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

An ancestor was indifferent, and his incomparably murderous aura made the great universe outside the strange plateau all explode.

At their point, dreams are signs of the future, and they absolutely do not allow nightmares to become reality.

The ten strange ancestors stood tall, emitting immeasurable light, as if condensed into a whole, becoming an ultimate ancestor who transcended the sacrificial path.

Their figures stood out of the world, gathering for a while and scattering for a while, everywhere, and began to push the numbers.

One day!

Two days!

Three days!

"Why can't you find it?"

Time continued to pass, and the faces of the ten strange ancestors became more and more ugly.

Their power is one, and there should be nothing between heaven and earth that can hide from them.

However, now they couldn't even discover the existence of Ara Tianti, Ye Hei and the others.

This made them very uneasy.


Barren Tianti suddenly appeared, holding the barren sword, the sword light was extremely terrifying, the sword fetus turned, the light was billions of wisps, what was eternal, what was immortal, what was inviolable, all invalid.

The sword light cut off eternity, defeated and could not be destroyed, turned into the most powerful calamity, shrouded the two ancestors, and instantly revealed them to fall.


A three-legged and two-eared big ding appeared, held by Ye Hei in his hand, and smashed towards a strange ancestor, directly smashing the strange ancestor into a blood mist.

Liu Shen, the female emperor and others also shot one after another, bursting a strange ancestor into a blood mist.

Compared with the last big battle, the strength of Ara Tianti, Ye Hei and the others was one point stronger.

"I'll do it~"

Let Ara Tianti and the others fight for a while and hone their strength, Ye Hao once again made a secret move, burning the ten strange ancestors to death and seizing their ancient coffins and magic weapons.

He had already obtained the peak Dao Fruit of the Ten Strange Ancestors, and apart from being a good slave of the Sacrifice Dao Level, only their magic weapons had some value.

If it weren't for the fact that Ara Tianti and the others could hone their strength and better grasp their own strength, Ye Hao would have burned ten strange ancestors to death.

"I wonder if the weird plateau will change the historical trajectory?"

Ye Hao was not too jealous of the weird plateau, but was frantically devouring the origin of the weird plateau.

Although the weird plateau contains infinite great power, the means and methods of combat are too lacking.

It's just a carrier of these infinite powers.


The strange plateau roared, and the mist was pervasive, sweeping towards Ara Tianti and the others.

After seeing that the ten strange ancestors were burned to death twice in succession, the strange plateau planned to take action personally.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao hid behind Barren Tianti, mobilized the origin of the prefecture, and dispersed the vast mist.

He just let the consciousness of the weird plateau think that it was Ara Tianti who made a move, let the weird plateau constantly change the history of weirdness, and then he took the opportunity to harvest.

"If the weird plateau no longer changes the historical trajectory, I will continue to devour the origin of the weird plateau."

"No matter how the weird plateau is chosen, I will not lose money."

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