The Great World of the Sacred Ruins.

Highland ancestral land.

The ten strange ancestors woke up at the same time, and they all revived in the first time, and their hearts were a little sick, making them feel creepy.

"Danger recovers us from our slumber, and heart palpitations make our souls uneasy."

A strange ancestor's eyes flickered, looking at the end of the plateau.

He had just had two nightmares.

This feeling is so perverse!

He's a weird ancestor!

The true pinnacle of the world.

Experiencing a nightmare, it can also be said that dreaming of future doom and being awakened in advance.

However, it is too weird to experience two nightmares now.

The faces of the other weird ancestors were also not good-looking, and it was obvious that they were also suspicious.

"Do you really think you woke up in a dream?" It was me, with the help of that person's former power, who changed everything. "

The voice of the weird plateau consciousness sounded.

The ten great ancestors were shocked, they had never found out for so many years, and the strange plateau actually had its own consciousness.

"The original substance is ashes, belonging to a living being, who once lived on this plateau, and died 14 on this plateau, and his power was spilled here, and he made the plateau, and he could constantly resurrect those related to him."

"You absorb its primordial substance and are recognized as part of the plateau power, so you can continue to resurrect."

The weird plateau consciousness answers the doubts that the ten ancestors have always had.

"Your two nightmares are actually two times I changed the trajectory of history, and you have been killed twice by Ara Tianti and others."

"If I hadn't changed the trajectory of history, you would have fallen long ago."

The weird plateau re-assigns the memories before the change of historical trajectory to the ten weird ancestors.

"How is that possible?"

"How can those people from Desolate Tianti and Ye Hei be so powerful?"

"The ten of us can't beat the six people of the Desolate Tianti, and the Desolate Tianti alone can suppress the four great ancestors?"

After the ten strange ancestors digested their memories, they were all a little unbelievable, extremely shocked and shocked.

Strange races have never had enemies, but if rebels appear, their evolutionary path will eventually collapse, and the flame of civilization will be extinguished forever, leaving only ruins.

Now tell them that they were completely killed, even more than once.

"The ancient road of reincarnation has been mastered by unknown mysterious people, and the ancient road of reincarnation has become an underground mansion, in charge of the reincarnation of heaven and earth."

"Behind those people in the wilderness and Yehei, there is the support of the lord of the prefecture."

"Until you think of a solution to the Lord of the Earth, don't go out of the weird plateau again."

The consciousness of the weird plateau warned, said.

He was a little uncertain, he became a little weak because he changed the trajectory of history twice.

Or some other reason.

He just felt that some of his Origin Power was being lost now.

Moreover, this state has been continuing.



The time and space where the ten strange ancestors were located completely turned into nothingness, ten thousand paths disintegrated, the river of time was rerouted here, and in the chaos, the universe was born and destroyed, destroyed and reborn, constantly reopening the scene of heaven and earth, and the horror of the great destruction of heaven and earth.

Can't step out of the weird plateau?

Once they step out of the weird plateau, they are in danger of falling?

What a shame!

They are strange ancestors high above, overlooking countless eras, destroying countless brilliant civilizations, and breaking the massive evolutionary path.

The Ten Great Ancestors never imagined that they would one day be forced to shrink in the strange plateau.

However, let them out of the weird plateau, they really dare not.

Because, in the memory of the weird plateau consciousness, there are pictures of the first two battles, each time more miserable.

"We must now find out who the lord of the mansion is?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"In addition, if it is possible, destroy the prefecture, in this way, the lord of the prefecture will no longer be able to compete with the strange plateau without the support of the prefecture."

The ten ancestors quickly reached an agreement.

As time passed, the strength of Ara Tianti, Ye Hei, and Liu Shen would only become stronger and stronger.

And their strength is almost fixed.

Ara Tianti was now able to suppress the four strange ancestors alone, if the combat power of Ye Hei, Liu Shen, and the female emperor also grew to such a height.

From then on, they may never be able to step out of the weird plateau again.

The strange plateau will become their cage, imprisoning them for eternity.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the civilization of the heavens and great worlds will prosper again, and with the six powerhouses of the Sacrifice Dao Realm, it will definitely usher in an incomparably magnificent golden age.

Not to mention the birth of several immortal emperors, I am afraid that it is possible to give birth to several sacrificial Dao-level powerhouses.

The number of sacrificial Dao-level powerhouses in the heavens and the great world of the heavens is less than the number of the weird race, and they can't beat them.

When the sacrificial Dao-level powerhouses of the heavens and the heavens of the great world surpass the weird race, then from now on, the weird clan can only be trapped in the strange plateau and experience endless epochs.

"The strength of the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin may have surpassed the realm of sacrifice, so will the Lord of the Earth Mansion reach this realm in the future?"

"And that wilderness, his potential has no end in sight, once his 663 strength approaches the level of the third bronze coffin master, I am afraid that the strange plateau will also be breached."

The ten strange ancestors never thought that when they woke up, the strange family would actually reach the point of life and death.

If they can't find a solution, they may end up with only one, and they will all be destroyed.

At this time, in the prefecture, while Ara Tianti, Ye Hei, Liu Shen and others were in retreat to recover their strength, Ye Hao also entered a deep retreat.

The fist-sized golden ball in his body, the blooming brilliance is converging, from brilliant gold to dark gold, the flame burning above is also turning dark gold, and the power is increased by dozens of times.

With the transformation of the golden orb, its strength to devour the strange high origin directly increased by hundreds or thousands of times.

If it was like a trickle before, it is like a rushing river at this time.

At the same time, the speed of swallowing Void Source Qi was also increased by tens of thousands of times, and a large amount of Void Divine Power was born with each breath, making Ye Hao's whole person in a state of uncertainty and reality, as if he was not in the same dimension as the Great World of Divine Ruins.


Ye Hao's figure was hidden near the strange plateau, and the time flow rate around him directly increased by hundreds of millions of times, and he began to frantically devour the origin of the strange plateau.

Today is the day of the fall of the strange plateau.

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