"Who the hell is this person?"

Outside the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, the Hongjun Chaos Great Sage's face was slightly gloomy, and a cold cold light flashed in his eyes.


His body exudes a terrifying aura, causing the surrounding void to collapse, there is a terrifying scene of opening the heavens and the earth, and the river of time is swaying, and the ocean of fate is stirring.

Back then, the Flood Barren Chaos Universe was besieged by the Heber Chaos Universe, the Black Fool Chaos Universe, and the Abyss Chaos Universe, and it was his ingenious layout that allowed the Pangu Chaos Great Sage to fall, and the Yangmei Chaos Great Sage to be severely damaged, thus becoming the strongest in the Flood Barren Chaos Universe in one fell swoop.

In today's Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, the three thousand worlds, the top ten worlds, half of the big thousand worlds are under his control.

In the lower ranked world, there are hundreds of worlds under his secret control.

Once he was recognized by the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe Origin Will, he would be able to refine the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe Origin and become the master of the Chaos Universe.

"The old plan is about to begin, and no one is allowed to break it."

"Even the old man can't deduce the origin of the new Chaos Great Sage, and Yang Mei and Demon 677 Ancestor may not be able to deduce it."

"If this is the case, then this person who controls the law of chaotic reincarnation must be a creature from other chaotic universes."

"I don't know what tricks were used to seize a certain creature in the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe, there must be some ulterior purpose."

A hundred plans instantly appeared in Hongjun's mind.

Ye Hao's appearance brought him too much danger.

Because the status of the Earth Mansion in the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe is too important.

Once his plan begins, Ye Hao may become his biggest threat.


"It's really interesting~"

"I can't imagine that a strong person will appear out of thin air between heaven and earth."

The demon world, a figure that is like the source of the magic path, has endless darkness on its body, and every move makes all the heavens and the earth stained with dark figures, with a playful face.

He is the Great Saint Demon Ancestor of Chaos!

Each Chaos Great Saint controls a law of chaos, and as long as this law of chaos is mobilized, they can go back in time.

However, they couldn't find any trace of Ye Hao in the long river of time now.

"However, the most urgent thing in this (CBCH) should be Hongjun."

The Demon Ancestor's face was gloomy, and he said coldly.

At that time, he was secretly calculated by Hongjun to become the lord of the Demon Dao, and although he broke through to the Chaos Great Sage, he had killed too much, and it was no longer possible to be recognized by the Chaos Origin Will.

Hongjun completely cut off his path to becoming the master of the Chaos Universe.

"It's amazing."

In the Flood Barren Continent, in a chaotic small world, a huge willow tree that covered the sky, crowded the sky, swallowed a huge amount of chaotic aura, and was covered in pitch black, among which was an old man with white eyebrows and white hair, with kind eyebrows and good intentions, looked at the figure standing on the law of chaotic reincarnation, extremely shocked.

Every strong person in heaven and earth has his own origin.

Maybe someone can break through to the Da Luo Golden Immortal realm by cultivation, but they want to break through to a higher realm.

Either obtain the inheritance of other powerhouses, or travel through the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe and discuss with other cultivators.

It can be said that any of the top powerhouses in the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe are not nameless.

Now, however, there are surprises.

He couldn't find any trace of Ye Hao in the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe, as if it appeared out of thin air.

If a saint emerges, he can still accept it.

What is emerging now is the Great Saint of Chaos.

If he only relied on hard cultivation, he would be able to cultivate to the Chaos Great Sage, and in the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, the Chaos Great Sage would have long been everywhere.

In today's Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, apart from the ferocious beasts, none of the cultivators above the saint level were cultivated in retreat.

"Is there another Chaos Great Sage born between heaven and earth?"

The Jade Emperor, Rulai Buddha, Moral Heavenly Sage, and other heaven and earth powerhouses with a long tradition looked at Ye Hao with complicated faces and awe.

At this moment, they finally understood why the Earth Mansion blocked the heavenly machine, and with their strength, they could not detect any situation in the Earth Mansion.

The prefecture has a master!

Still a Chaos Great Sage.

With a Chaos Great Saint sitting in the prefecture, they are just saints, the strength of the Heavenly Sage, how can they be clear about the situation in the mansion.

"I wonder if this Chaos Great Sage is the Lord of the Six Realms or the Lord of Reincarnation?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Chaos Great Sage was able to see clearly the figure above the Chaos Reincarnation Law, and the cultivators below the Chaos Great Sage could only see a hazy figure, and they couldn't see Ye Hao's appearance clearly at all.

However, they all have a rough guess.

The Lord of the Six Daos and the Lord of Reincarnation are the innate supreme deities of the Earth Mansion, and the years of existence are incomparably old.

Second only to Hongjun, Demon Ancestor, Yang Mei, these Chaos Great Sages, these innate chaos gods and demons.

The two of them have been cultivating in the prefecture for endless years, and they can mobilize the six reincarnation origins, and they are the most likely people in the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe to control the laws of chaotic reincarnation.

And these people like the Great Emperor of the Imperial Capital, the Green Emperor, and the Bodhisattva of Jizo have not even reached the Heavenly Saint, and there is no hope of controlling the law of chaotic reincarnation.

"This throne will preach in the immeasurable world after a thousand years, and anyone who is destined for it will come and listen to it."

Ye Hao's gaze was leisurely, and his voice resounded in any corner of the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe, ringing in the ears of any living being.

His rise in the immeasurable world can also be regarded as giving some opportunities to the sentient beings of the immeasurable world.

"Hahaha great! Our immeasurable world is about to develop. "

"Thank you to the Lord of the Earth Mansion, the Lord of the Earth House is eternal and immortal."

"So lucky! It is really fortunate that the Lord of the Earth has placed the place of preaching in our immeasurable world, which is simply a great opportunity. "

The cultivators of the Infinite Great World were first stunned, and then fell into endless ecstasy.

Once the sermon is over, the Heavenly Dao of the Immeasurable Great World will surely absorb the rhyme of the Dao, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will rise, the rules of heaven and earth will manifest, and cultivation will be a hundred times easier than before.


A high platform that seemed to be only a thousand feet long and wide, containing a chaotic universe inside, appeared above the firmament of the immeasurable world.

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~"

At the moment when the high platform appeared, the powerhouses of the Heavenly Saint level, such as the Moral Heavenly Venerable, the Yuan Shi Heavenly Saint, the Lingbao Heavenly Saint, the Nuwa Heavenly Saint, and Amitabha Buddha, arrived at the first time.

For example, the Buddha, the Jade Emperor and other cultivators below the Heavenly Saint level continued to exert magical powers, tearing time and space, and frantically rushing to the immeasurable world.

Listening to the sermons of the Chaos Great Sage-level powerhouse is definitely the top opportunity between heaven and earth.

"I wonder if Hongjun, Demon Ancestor, Yang Mei, those Chaos Great Sages will come?"

Ye Hao was looking forward to it.

Because, the Chaos Universe in the high platform was opened by him with the Hongmeng Dao, even if the Chaos Great Sage entered it, he could gain insight into the other party's Dao Fruit and fuse and refine.

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