One year!



Every time a force invaded a party, its strength could be improved to a certain extent, and in the endless void, Ye Hao could not feel the passage of time at all.

"My combat power at this time is close to the ancestor-level void life."

Ye Hao infiltrated a second-rate force called the Kyushu Multi-Realm, and spent several months not only fusing and refining all the abyss-level void beings in this force.

Even the Dao Fruits of the three Chaos-level Void Lives of this force, Ye Hao also successfully fused and refined through indirect means.

"The names of the second-rate forces are somewhat familiar."

After leaving the second-rate forces of the Diverse Realm of Kyushu, Ye Hao came to a force called the Main God Space.

There are many Lord Gods in the main god space who have reached the Chaos-level Void Life, and the strongest Lord God in its "Eight Eighty-Seven" has even reached the Chaos-level peak Void Life.

However, Ye Hao did not feel the slightest pressure.

His purpose in entering the main god space was only to obtain the Dao fruits of all the void lives in this force, and he had no intention of fighting them.

The third-rate Void Forces he had sneaked into before, thousands of them, and none of the Void Beings had found any trace of him.

Now that his combat power has reached the peak level of the Chaos level, his Heavenly Mechanic Aura is not only covered by the chat group, but even his Great Heavenly Mechanic Technique has reached the Ancestor-level Void Life Level, and there is no need to worry about being discovered by the Chaos-level Void Life.

SCP Foundation!



Space-Time Authority!

Plane agents!

As Ye Hao sneaked into more and more second-rate void forces, he also had a deeper understanding of the Endless Void.

After the strength reaches the abyss-level void life, it has been able to engrave its own traces in the endless void, as long as it leaves a trace in any cosmic plane, it can be immortal.

In any plane, any river of time, any space crystal wall, any ocean of destiny, no situation will weaken the power.

The chaos-level void life above is becoming more and more terrifying, and the destruction of thousands of multiverses is just a movie in the eyes of chaos-level void life.

Their existence will be inscribed by the endless void, and there must be their projection in the multiverse of any side that evolves.

"It is necessary to break through to the Ancestor-level Void Life as soon as possible."

Ye Hao also had a trace of fiery in his heart.

Once they reach the Ancestor-level Void Life, they will be able to leave their traces in any plane world of the Endless Void.

According to the memories of those chaos-level void lives, once they reach the ancestor-level void life level, even if they are killed, after the evolution of the endless void, they will definitely be reborn again in hundreds of millions of years.

Therefore, in the endless void, it has always been rumored that the ancestor-level void life is truly immortal, has reached true eternity, and is a strong person who has truly reached the transcendent level in the endless void.

Wuxia chat group.

The world will help the Lord: "What realm have your strength reached?" Has anyone become an immortal? "

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "More than thirty years have passed in the world I am in, how many years has your world passed?" "

Guo Jing: "Qin Yu's world is still extraordinary, and he can live forever when he reaches the cave void period." "

Graphic designer: "I found that since the chat group opened the permission for us to enter Qin Yu's world, your desire to do tasks is not very strong." "

Space station navigator: "This is also normal, cultivation is endless, now in Qin Yu's world can obtain immortality, it is also very normal to relax." "

Ninth Uncle: "My current strength has long exceeded the limit of the world, and even I feel that I contain more power than my world, I don't know what will happen if I completely destroy the world?" "

Great Elder of the Tang Gate: "Ninth Uncle, your current thoughts are very dangerous." "

Reincarnation: "There must be a world beyond the world, but if there is no special means, even if the world is completely destroyed, I am afraid that what remains is just nothingness." "

The chattering crowd was constantly communicating, wanting to know about the other group members.

Except for coincidence, the Purple Xuan Star of the Star World will meet once by chance, and in other cases, they basically communicate in the chat group.

In this case, it is difficult to know the strength of the other group members.

Daqin Zulong: "Now in the points mall, there are trillions of goods, and Daxian even uploaded his supreme divine powers and artifacts such as the Great Law of Transformation, the Great Fate Technique, and the Gate of Eternal Life, once the right goods are purchased, it is very normal to quickly become stronger..."

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "I saw an introduction to the ancient word eating, once refined, insight into the essence of eating, you can simply swallow any item, use it to improve your own strength, and even have no side effects." "

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "What are these, haven't you seen the latest products on the shelves of Daxian?" System, main god space, deep blue and other incredible treasures, and even chat groups. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Really? I've been in retreat, and I really haven't noticed? But I'm afraid we can't afford it, right? "

Hongwu the Great: "The system, the main god space, the chat group, these strange commodities, there are high-level and low-level, and some of them we can completely afford." "

Princess Changping: "I really don't know what incredible power the Great Immortal has reached. "

Because of the words of the chattering masses, they couldn't help but quickly check the newly added goods in the points mall, and they were stunned one by one.

Reincarnator: "Against the sky!" That commodity called the divine ring can actually enter the heavens and realms, a different heaven and ten thousand worlds than us. "

Great Qin Zulong: "There is nothing to be surprised about, in addition to the God Ring, the main God Space, chat groups, and some systems can enter the 5.6 Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms." "

Graphic designer: "When I become strong in the future, I will definitely buy a chat group and be the group leader myself." "

The master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "I still hope to buy a divine ring, so that I can travel to the heavens and worlds and enjoy the scenery of the heavens and realms." "

Qin Shi Huang: "I feel that everyone is better to be sober, even if someone becomes an immortal, it is only the most ordinary immortal, and it is 108,000 miles away from the Daluo Golden Immortal, not to mention the higher realm." "

Rainbow Cat Shaoxiao: "I read a recent exercise uploaded by the Great Immortal, the Chaos Universe Origin Dafa, which mentioned the level division of the Immortal Dao realm. "

Rainbow Cat Young Man: "Earth Immortal, True Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, Golden Immortal, Taiyi Golden Immortal, Da Luo Golden Immortal, Quasi-Saint, Saint, Heavenly Saint, Chaos Great Sage, Chaos Universe Master, a total of eleven realms." "。

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