"You guys... Who is it? "

Kangxi's face changed drastically, his pupils shrank sharply, the pride and smile on his face instantly froze, and his voice trembled a little, and said.

These people were too terrifying, too scary, much more terrifying than Ao Bai's usual breath, making him tremble all over.

He had a very bad premonition.

Could it be that these people were all martial arts masters recruited by Ao Bai?

Was he happy too soon?

Today's final winner is Ao Bai?

"It's over!"

Kangxi collapsed directly to the ground.

If you say that Ao Bai only wanted to be a powerful minister before, after today's calamity, he definitely gave birth to a different kind of mind.

Even if he does not attempt to usurp the throne, he will let this emperor die in a very short time and re-support a puppet emperor.

"Don't move! Otherwise I'll kill him!" "

Wei Xiaobao's face was also very ugly, but as soon as he rolled his eyes, a dagger was inserted into Ao Bai's neck and threatened.

As long as the bow is in their hands, it is not certain who will die the deer.

What's more, these people should not dare to kill the monarch in broad daylight.

"Well done!"

Kangxi's eyes revealed a hint of joy, and he forcibly endured the fear in his heart, constantly calculating the next response in his heart.

Ao Bai is still in his hands, he has not yet lost, he still has a chance to turn over.

"Who are you?"

Ao Bai first looked pleased, and then the smile on his face was instantly frozen, extremely puzzled.

There were more than a dozen figures around, and he didn't recognize any of them.

The thing that frightened him the most, he didn't seem to find out how these people appeared, silently, as if they appeared out of thin air.

Moreover, the breath of these people was like Mount Tai pressing down and stormy, which made him a little breathless.

He is not an ordinary person like Kangxi and Wei Xiaobao, he is a strong man in the late stage of the Houtian Realm.

Are these people people or ghosts?


Kangxi, who finally recovered a trace of calm, heard Ao Bai's words, only felt that his scalp was numb, his body couldn't help but tremble violently, and his face instantly became bloodless.

These people are not people who worship?

Mantis cicada catcher yellow finch behind?

And a man behind it all?

In his mind, he even had a script planned by the black hand behind the scenes, the anti-thief Ao Bai assassinated the emperor, and then was besieged and killed by the emperor's Buku youth, and both sides died.

"The strength of Ying Zheng's subordinates is so strong!"

Xiongba's face was very ugly, and he directly ignored Ao Bai, Kangxi and others.

He also wanted to take the emperor's head alone, but he didn't expect that the masters under Ying Zheng were so fast, and their speed was not slower than him at all.

He even sensed several killing intents to lock him, and once he made the first move, he would definitely be surrounded and killed by several martial arts grandmasters.

Even these martial arts grandmasters may besiege him together.

"How about the little emperor hand over to me to kill, I owe His Majesty the First Emperor a favor."

Xiongba promised, said.

"Your Majesty previously ordered that the Little Emperor is a target that must be cleared."

Gai Nie said lightly.

He did not have any soft-hearted thoughts because Kangxi was not old, but he was murderous.

In order to strengthen their belief in doing things and prevent them from being soft-hearted, Ying Zheng also showed them the history of the Qing Dynasty.

It was a history that no Kyushu would want to recreate.

"Your Majesty the First Emperor? Your Majesty? "

Kangxi and Ao Bai both thought that some prince and nobleman planned all this, but listening to Xiongba's words, they looked puzzled.

Is His Majesty the First Emperor the First Emperor of Qin?

It's been almost 2,000 years since I died!

Could it be that the mastermind behind the scenes is a descendant of the former Ming Dynasty?

However, it should not be called His Majesty the First Emperor?

"Aren't they all the way?"

However, listening to the argument between Xiongba and Gai Nie, both Kangxi and Ao Bai became active in their hearts.

If they had been all the way, they might have died today.

If it is a multi-way horse, maybe they can survive in the end.

"Gentlemen, I am willing to appoint the people behind you as the lords of the clan, and kings like Wu Sangui, the king of Pingxi, and Geng Jingzhong, the king of Zhennan, will rule the military and political power of a province."

Kangxi promised.

As long as he survives, he will have the opportunity to clean up these people in the future.

"I am willing to divide half of the world, as long as you release me."

Ao Bai couldn't help but open up bigger chips.

The little emperor was unkind to him first, and don't blame him for being unrighteous.

"Worship you dog thief, you are just a courtier, how can you be qualified to divide the world?"

Kangxi reprimanded Ao Bai while looking at the reactions of Xiongba, Gai Nie and others.

"Can't you really give it to me?"

Xiongba only felt that the voices of Kangxi and Ao Bai were like mosquitoes buzzing, and continued to ignore them, staring at Gai Nie with a furious face.


Ganie was unmoved.


"This is going to fight!"

Kangxi forcibly endured the joy in his heart and secretly rubbed his legs that were soft with fear.

As soon as the two parties fight, they immediately run away.


Xiongba clenched his fists and did not move further.

He also threatened Ganie, and if the other party backed down, he would make a lot of money.

Since the other party was unwilling to give in, he couldn't beat so many top experts.

"In that case, don't waste time, let's shoot and kill him together!"

Xiongba could only reluctantly compromise, pointing to Kangxi, who was secretly looking for an opportunity and preparing to slip away.

Kangxi: "??? "。


Gai Nie, Donghuang Taiyi, Fu Nian, Cover Sun and others hesitated, but also agreed.

Whoever takes the head of Kangxi is a great merit.

These merits can be exchanged for resources such as spirit stones and elixirs.

Gai Nie, Donghuang Taiyi, Cover Sun and others did not want Xiongba to kill Kangxi alone, and they also did not want others to kill Kangxi alone.

Therefore, sharing the credit equally is the best option.


More than a dozen martial arts grandmasters completely erupted with breath, without any left hands, and the terrifying aura directly appeared in the warehouse, dense cracks, and then collapsed.

It's about them!

"I shout 1, 2, 3, and then the moves hit him together, and if anyone does not comply, attack him in groups!"

Xiongba warned.

Gai Nie, Donghuang Taiyi, Cover Sun and the others did not have any hesitation and nodded one after another.

Fair enough!

"Three points to the vitality!"

"Hundred Steps Flying Sword!"

"Saint King Sword Technique!"

"Yin and Yang Mahamudra!"


Kangxi: "??? "。

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