"Wang Ye is fine, it's okay, that devil is gone, we will be safe hiding here."

Outside the Pingxi Royal Mansion, in a garbage heap, Pingxi King Wu Sangui and two personal guards hid in it, shivering.

Today, Wu Sangui went to inspect the barracks, and halfway through, he received a pale-faced and terrified guard who told him that a heaven-level killer wearing iron armor who claimed to be covering the sun had washed the blood of King Pingxi.

"Really gone? We... Hide for another three days. "

Wu Sangui shivered, and the whole person was frightened and incontinent.

However, he sent 10,000 iron horses to surround and kill the man called Cover Sun, and as a result, 10,000 iron horses were directly killed and defeated.

If he hadn't reacted in time, taking advantage of the chaos of the whole army and hiding in the garbage heap, I am afraid that he would have been killed by the cover sun.

"Look at what is in the sky? It seems to be a golden sword, it is an immortal, it must be an immortal! "

"It must have been the immortal who sent down the heavenly punishment and killed Wu Sangui, a dog traitor."

"Good kill! It is best to kill Wu Sangui's entire family. "

"Meet the immortals! Ask the immortals to let me live a safe life. "


Although Wu Sangui in the garbage heap was curious about what was happening outside, he did not dare to come out at all.

His courage had already been frightened.


In the sky, a golden sword qi descended from the sky and flew down to Yunnan City, instantly strangling all the officials, generals, soldiers, and bannermen.

At the same time, Wu Sangui, who was hiding in the garbage heap, and his two personal guards also died silently.

"Almost didn't find it."

A smile was outlined at the corner of Ye Hao's mouth, and after killing Wu Sangui, he continued to control the golden sword qi to strangle other targets.

Even if the Eight Flags soldiers fled to the deep mountains and old forests, he did not let go.

In the Qing Dynasty, the officials who surrendered to the Central Plains, the gentry who met the welcome, and the merchants who colluded with the barbarians, Ye Hao was all destroyed.

"And one more!"

A golden sword qi flew down above Wutai Mountain, directly cutting half of Wutai Mountain into nothingness.

The Shunzhi Emperor became a monk here, and the temples and monks of Wutaishan naturally could not stay.

It only took a dozen breaths for Ye Hao to successfully solve everything.

Xiao Li flying knife: "Fortunately, I was wise and flew down from the sky early, my mount was already paralyzed, otherwise I would have fallen from the sky today." "

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "Great Immortal Shenwei, Great Immortal is invincible." Kowtow·JPG"

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "Thank you Daxian, thank you Daxian, kneel to Daxian." "

The world will help the lord: "I saw with my own eyes that a city was instantly wiped out by a sword qi of the Great Immortal. "


The chatting masses experienced a great sense of oppression that they had never felt before.

What a moment!

Unexpectedly, all the forces involved in a dynasty were uprooted.

If the relevant literary dictionaries are destroyed again, then everything related to the Qing Dynasty will become memory.

Perhaps decades later, many people will wonder if there really was a Qing Dynasty.

"Is this the means of the immortals?"

Gai Nie, Donghuang Taiyi, Fu Nian and the others were stunned in place, their expressions extremely shocked and in awe.

Just for a moment, the thousands of Qing soldiers who were still alive in front of them disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Ordinary people are not hurt at all.

"Can I really be a handmaid of the immortals?"

The four pairs of beautiful eyes of Luna God, Tian Yan, Shao Simei and Xiaomeng looked at Ye Hao, colorful one after another, and ripples rippled in their hearts.

Traveling heaven and earth is only in a moment, erasing a dynasty is also in the mind.

"Ding-dong! The mission to kill through the dynasty is completed, and a total of 100,000 points are awarded. "

"Now according to the distribution of contributions, the immortal cultivator gets 50,000 points, the Great Qin Zulong gets 35,000 points, Xiao Li Feidao gets 4,000 points, and the World Association Gang Lord gets 3,000 points, ...

The prompt of the chat group sounded and instantly brought everyone back to their senses.

Great Qin Zulong: "Hahaha..." Thirty-five thousand points, I actually got thirty-five thousand points. "

The world will help the Lord: "Damn it! I didn't even have as many bonus points as Li Xunhuan. "

Although Xiongba said this, he couldn't help but show an excited smile on his face.

Three thousand points, whether it is trading with the Great Immortal to deduce fate, or trading cultivation resources, there will definitely be a lot of gains.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "It's great that I actually got 2,000 points!" "

Tianxia Guild's chief helmsman: "I got 3,000 points. "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "1600 points." "

Master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "1200 points." "

Huashan Paiyue is in charge: "...

Yue Buqun's face darkened, and he only got 200 points.

[Great Qin Zulong sent an exclusive red envelope to Ye Hao. 】

Great Qin Zulong: "Great Immortal, I want to trade cultivation resources. "

[The Heaven and Earth Society's Chief Helmsman Chen sent an exclusive red envelope to Ye Hao. ] 】

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Master Chen: "Great Immortal, can I trade a Essence Cleansing Pill?" "

[Master Wing Chun Yip sent an exclusive red envelope to Yip Hao. 】

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Tai Shan, can I trade a Essence Cleansing Pill?" "

[The master of the Shifting Flower Palace sent an exclusive red envelope to Ye Hao. 】

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "Great Immortal, when will you have time to instruct me to cultivate?" "

"100,000 points! I'm going to set foot in the middle of the Jiedan Realm! "

Looking at the exclusive red envelopes in the chat group, the chat masses were happy, and Ye Hao was even happier.

Because, all these points will return to him and become part of his strength.

If the cultivators of the Immortal World want to break through from the early stage of the Jiedan Realm to the middle of the Jiedan Realm, it will take several years for even the absolute geniuses.

And he only broke through to the early stage of the Jiedan Realm yesterday.

"Receive the red envelope!"

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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