The world of heaven.

Under Wudang Mountain.

"Finally arrived at Wudang Mountain!"

Looking at the familiar mountain peak in front of him, Zhang Cuishan let out a long sigh, his tense nerves finally relaxed, and tears flashed in his eyes.

"Master is really a clever calculation!"

Zhang Cuishan looked reverent and envious.

Zhang Sanfeng not only calculated that he would return for his birthday, but even calculated when he would return.

If it weren't for sending Song Yuan to meet them, they would definitely not have returned to Wudang Mountain so smoothly.

"Let's go back to the mountain first."

Song Yuanqiao did not explain, he was very worried in his heart, and quickly walked towards Wudang Mountain.

Yesterday, Zhang Sanfeng took three disciples, Zhang Songxi, Yin Liting and Mo Shenggu, into other worlds to carry out special missions.

He was arranged to pick up Zhang Cuishan's family of three.

Song Yuanqiao was very worried about the safety of Zhang Sanfeng and his group, after all, it was entering other worlds.

"Master and a few junior brothers are fine."

As soon as Song Yuanqiao and Zhang Cuishan's group arrived at Wudang Mountain, they saw Zhang Sanfeng with a few disciples looking excited and greeting them from afar, and Song Yuanqiao breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.


Zhang Cuishan threw himself directly into Zhang Sanfeng's arms, and his voice choked.

"Just come back!"

Zhang Sanfeng also hugged Zhang Cuishan tightly, and tears crossed his eyes.

In his mind, his seven 467 disciples were no different from his seven children.

He and Zhang Cuishan have not seen each other for ten years.

"Third brother (third brother), your health is better."

At this moment, Yu Lianzhou and Zhang Cuishan looked at Yu Daiyan, who was also crying with joy on the side, and looked surprised and delighted.

Yu Daiyan was injured by the powerful King Kong finger before, and his whole body was paralyzed, but at this time, he was alive and breathy.

Not only is he fully recovered, but his strength has even gone further.

Especially Yu Lianzhou, he has been away from Wudang Mountain for more than a month!

How could such a big change happen.


Song Yuanqiao was thoughtful.

"Let's go to the room and say."

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the happy faces in front of him, but in his mind was the heavenly machine deduced by Ye Hao.

He absolutely wants to protect everything that is good in front of him.

All the disciples of the Wudang Sect were immersed in the joy of reunion, but no one noticed a chill in the depths of Zhang Sanfeng's eyes.

"What? Master obtained the Immortal Yuan? "

"From today onwards, our Wudang Sect will become an Immortal Cultivation Sect? Use spirit stones to cultivate the five elements of immortal cultivation? "

"The immortals speculated that tomorrow the five major factions would join forces to coerce the Wudang faction, and let me tell me the whereabouts of the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun?"

"Tomorrow, people from other worlds will come to the banquet, and even Qin Shi Huang will win the government?"

"Even the immortals who bestowed on Master Immortal Origin will come to participate in Master's birthday?"

In the main hall, only Zhang Sanfeng and seven disciples, Zhang Songxi, Yin Liting and Mo Shenggu told what happened during this period, and Zhang Sanfeng supplemented, mainly to Yu Lianzhou and Zhang Cuishan.

"Could it be that I left Wudang Mountain not for more than a month, but more than a hundred years?"

Yu Lianzhou smiled bitterly, and her head was a mess.

How did he have a feeling of vicissitudes.

He really didn't expect that he had only left Wudang Mountain for such a short time, and that Wudang Mountain would undergo such a drastic change.

Before, it was still a sect that practiced martial arts, but now he directly wants to cultivate immortals?

"This" (read violent novels, on Feilu Novel Network!) )

Zhang Cuishan's head was blank, and he couldn't help but gasp again and again, and his eyes were not only shocked, but also shocked.

Every message was strange to come out, and as a result, there was so much incredible news that he completely lost the ability to think.

If he hadn't sat in the chair in advance and received such a big impact at once, he might have collapsed to the ground.

"Zhang Cuishan has returned to Wudang Mountain."

When the Wudang faction fell into the joy of reunion, the five major factions of Shaolin Temple, the Laodong faction, the Emei faction, the Huashan faction and the Kunlun faction, as well as dozens of large and small sect gangs such as Shenfist Gate, Haisha faction, giant whale gang, and Wushan faction, all rushed towards the Wudang faction in a hurry.

Since receiving the news of Zhang Cuishan's appearance, the entire martial arts of the rivers and lakes has boiled. (dbbj)

Martial arts supreme, sword slaying dragon, command the world, dare not obey!

It is rumored that as long as the secret of the dragon slaying knife is discovered, he will be able to obtain the power to command the world's martial arts.

Except for a small number of people who inquired about the whereabouts of the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun, in order to seek revenge.

Most of the people are in order to obtain the whereabouts of the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun, so as to obtain the dragon slaying knife and command the world's martial arts.

"Tomorrow is an opportunity, if our Huashan Sect obtains the Dragon Slaying Dao, even if it cannot become a martial arts supreme, it can become a martial arts holy place comparable to Shaolin and Wudang."

In an inn dozens of miles away, the head of the Huashan Sect Xianyu outlined a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said with compassion.

Even if you can't seize the dragon slaying knife, you can adapt tomorrow and use the power of many sects to weaken the Wudang faction, and the Huashan faction will replace the position of the Wudang faction in the rivers and lakes.

"The strength and prestige of the Wudang Sect are getting higher and higher, and even its influence in some places has surpassed our Shaolin Temple."

The abbot of Shaolin Temple Kongwen, and his two brothers, Kong Zhi and Emptiness, walked in the front, followed by a group of elite disciples of Shaolin Temple.

On the one hand, the Shaolin Temple is to ask for an explanation and settle the grudge of the year.

On the other hand, it is to suppress the momentum of the Wudang faction, otherwise, if it continues like this, the Wudang faction may really become a martial arts holy place comparable to the Shaolin Temple.


The abbot recited a Buddhist trumpet, and his mind turned.

He and Kongzhi, emptiness, and Kongjian, who was killed by the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun, are known as the four great monks of Shaolin Temple, and they are also the top masters of this generation of Shaolin Temple.

The reason why all three of them went out was because when the five major factions and the Wudang faction went to war, they would involve Zhang Sanfeng, and then let the other sects besiege the Wudang faction disciples.

Even if the Wudang Sect does not collapse, it will be greatly damaged and will no longer have the qualifications to compete with the Shaolin Temple.

The various sects had different minds, and the night passed quickly.

As the sun rose, the various sects seemed to have a tacit understanding, and everyone gathered in a small town under Wudang Mountain.

Although Zhang Sanfeng is old, many people are still jealous when they think of Zhang Sanfeng's former legend.

However, as more and more people gathered, the fear in everyone's hearts became weaker and weaker.

The entire town gathers dozens of sects, large and small, and the number of people has exceeded a thousand.

So many martial arts masters were able to drown Zhang Sanfeng with a single spit.

"Up the mountain!"

Led by the Shaolin Temple, Emei Sect, Huashan Sect, Songzheng Sect and Kunlun Sect, other small sects followed closely behind, striding towards the Wudang Sect.

If they don't hand over the dragon slaying knife today, or the whereabouts of the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun, they will let the Wudang faction bleed into rivers.

Give Zhang Sanfeng a face and call him a martial arts legend!

If you don't give Zhang Sanfeng face, he will be an old immortal.

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