"Who are you?"

Huang Taiji, Dolgon, Doduo and the others changed their faces greatly, and quickly drew their sabers, looking at Donghuang Taiyi, Ghost Guzi and others with shocked and vigilant expressions.

This is the handsome tent of the Qing army, surrounded by 110,000 troops, not to mention a person, even mosquitoes are difficult to fly in.

However, now dozens of figures suddenly appeared in the tent, silently, as if appearing out of thin air, which was too weird and terrifying.

If it weren't for years of conquest and long-term killing, they would probably have been paralyzed by fright.

"Let's do it like last time, let's kill all these people together."

The hero couldn't wait, Dao.

There are still 110,000 Qing troops waiting for him to kill outside.

"This person won't be Ao Bai, will he?"

Gai Nie was slightly startled, and looked at a burly man who was very similar to Lu Ding Ji World Ao Bai, but much younger.

"It's kind of interesting, this should be the second worship we killed."

Donghuang Taiyi was interested and said.

It is a pity that the last Ao Bai has already been killed.

Otherwise, he would definitely grab the two Ao Bai and return to the Daqin World to study it well.

"I have a good offer."

Oniyako brushed his beard, not in a hurry, and said.

The questioning of Huang Taiji, Dolgon, and Dordor was directly ignored by Donghuang Taiyi, Xiongba, Ghost Guzi and others, these people are all fish on the chopping board, there is a dead end, and there is no need to communicate with them at all.

"Since we killed Huang Taiji and Dolgon, these high-ranking Qing officials, with our strength, we can also kill at most the 110,000 troops outside."

Oniyako analyzed, Dao.

"If you have anything, we can talk about it."

"Even if you kill Xuan, the Zhenghuangqi under Xun are all diehard loyalists of Xuan, and there are enough 20,000 iron horses."

"If some of the other Eight Flags Iron Horses join, there will be at least 30,000 or 40,000 Iron Horses, or even 40,000 Iron Horses to surround and kill you."

"I think it is impossible for the immortals to escape the siege of so many iron horses."

When Huang Taiji heard this, he quickly said.

He did not exaggerate the loyalty of the eight flags, but analyzed it according to reality.

He wanted to let the group of mysterious people in front of him know that it was easy to kill them, and it was difficult to leave alive.

At least face tens of thousands of iron horses who are not afraid of death.

"If you are willing to join the Great Qing, Xu is willing to make you princes, and when Xu captures the Central Plains, you can choose one of them as your dojo among the mountains and rivers of the Central Plains."

"A hundred miles around the dojo, all belong to your territory, and you have all the power of life and death."

Huang Taiji once again opened a huge bargaining chip.

"We can control Huang Taiji and Dolgon, and let the eight flags kill each other,"

Ghost Guzi smiled mysteriously at Huang Taiji and said quietly.

The strength of Huang Taiji, Dolgon and others is too weak, and with their strength means, they can control these people in a short time.

"Huang Taiji and Dolgon and Dodo have a vendetta against their mothers, and they can let Dolgon and Dordo hack Huang Taiji to death in public, which should trigger a big battle between the yellow flag, the yellow flag, and the white flag and the white flag."

"There is also the blue flag lord Zir Harang, Huang Taiji imprisoned his father Amin to death, and can also participate in the team of hacking Huang Taiji to death."

With the narration of Ghost Guzi, the faces of Huang Taiji, Dolgon, and Dorduo all changed drastically, and they had a very bad premonition.

"The lord of the blue flag is Haoge, the son of Emperor Taiji, and he didn't take revenge when he saw his father being hacked to death?"

"Daishan, the lord of the Zhenghong Banner, was the eldest among the Emperor Taiji brothers, didn't he want to be the emperor? He can also participate in the team of hacking Emperor Taiji to death. "

"Although the Red Banner Lord Yue Tuo is the son of Daishan, he is a diehard loyalist of Emperor Taiji."

"Exactly four against four, we mediate in the middle, and whichever side has the advantage, we suppress which side, until both sides die."

When Ghost Guzi finished speaking, Huang Taiji, Dolgon, Daishan, and the others were bloodless, with a thick fear in their eyes.

"Who the hell are you?"

Huang Taiji couldn't help but question, his voice trembling, and said.

If this group of mysterious people can really manipulate their behavior and follow this plan, then the eight flags will suffer a lot.

Moreover, there is also a Ming Dynasty army in Songshan City Jincheng.

Once you see the eight flags killing each other, you will definitely be tempted to join the battle.

If this trend continues, the Eight Flags may be wiped out.

Once the Qing army in the Songjin battlefield is completely destroyed, then the Qing Dynasty will only have one end, and the country will be destroyed.

There was no need for the Ming Dynasty to make a move at all, and the surrounding small countries, as well as slaves who submitted to the Qing Dynasty, would tear them to pieces.

"If so, how do you distribute the contribution?"

Xiongba tangled, Dao.

Of course, this plan is perfect, but this plan was proposed by Oniyako, who belongs to the camp of Yingzheng.

"It's very simple."

"The person who gave the order is not alone, after letting Dolgon and Dordor hack to death Emperor Taiji, you are responsible for following Dolgon to lead the Zhengbai Banner and other banners to kill."

"Don't let Dolgon die, let him fight to the last soldier."

"Then, you bring Dolgon to the meeting place, and we will bombard these Eight Flags Banner owners together."

Ghost Guzi obviously has a good plan and has already considered all aspects.


Xiongba agreed without any hesitation.

Although in this case, the credit for winning the government is even greater.

However, Oniyako painted the pie even bigger. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If he followed his previous way, they would at most kill Huang Taiji, Dolgon and others together, and then attack and kill some of the generals of the Eight Banners and scatter the Eight Banners.

"Donghuangtai, let's start out!"

Oniyako turned his gaze to Donghuang Taichi and smiled.

Donghuang Taiyi was the most proficient in illusion among them, and coupled with the cultivation of the peak of the Great Grandmaster, it was still very easy to control some of the people in the most Heavenly Realm.

Moreover, there is no need for Donghuang Taiyi to control for too long, at most a few hours.

"No problem."

Donghuang Taiyi agreed without hesitation.

That's a huge contribution!

The credit is the spirit stone!

He is also an immortal cultivator now, and he needs spirit stones!

"Let's start with you!"

Donghuang Taiyi first walked in front of Ao Bai and began to perform the Yin Yang Technique, and in about a dozen breaths (Zhao's), Ao Bai's eyes became distracted.

"Ao Bai, cut off the left hand of Emperor Taiji."

Donghuang Taiyi ordered, said.


Without any hesitation, Ao Bai waved his knife a little stunned, and directly cut off Huang Taiji's left hand.


Huang Taiji screamed and trembled.

Not only this sword, but also because this group of mysterious people can really control them.

That is, someone else will cut him next.

Dolgon, Dordor, Zilharan and Daisan will also cut him.

Soon, in the shuai tent, except for Huang Taiji, everyone was briefly manipulated by Donghuang Taiyi with Yin-Yang Technique.

The reason why he had such strong control was not only because of the peak realm of the Great Grandmaster.

What's more, because he also stepped on the Qi refining layer, his spirit underwent a certain qualitative change, which greatly increased the power of the Yin Yang Technique.

"Don't come here!"

Huang Taiji looked at the strange scene in the handsome tent, and the miserable scream cut through the sky.

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