"Did the Great Immortal make a move?"

The chatting crowd looked at the sky where the Blue Blood Sword World was cut in half, and looked surprised.

The world will help the Lord: "Welcome Daxian!" Daisen is online! Crying JPG"

Xiongba only felt tears welling up in his eyes.

Attending Zhang Sanfeng's birthday banquet in Yitian World, he was rewarded with 2,000 points for Tianxingdao.

Originally, he planned to trade the Immortal Cultivation Technique from Ye Hao, but as a result, because two newcomers joined the group, and the group task was triggered, he did not have time to trade with the Great Immortal.

However, this time to trigger the group mission, Ye Hao did not enter the Blue Blood Sword World, which made Xiongba extremely uneasy.

In case the Immortal Retreat was not online for a few years, wouldn't he only be able to watch the other people in the chat group cultivate the Immortals.


When the group mission was about to end, Daxian gave them another hand to finish up.

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "Welcome Daxian!" Kneel to the Great Immortal! "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "Welcome Great Immortal!" Kneel to the Great Immortal! "

Master Wing Chun Yip: ""740" welcomes Tai Sin and kneels to Tai Sin "

Princess Changping: "The newcomer doesn't know anything, the newcomer kneels for the great immortal!" "

Every time Ye Hao did not go online, it brought great pressure to the chat masses, for fear that Ye Hao would suddenly retreat.

If it's just a few years of retreat, it's okay, if it's thousands of years, they will be miserable, and their bones will be ashes.

Especially this time, the chat group triggered the group task, and Ye Hao did not appear, which made everyone extremely nervous.

Immortal cultivator: "I'm going to a dangerous place to seek opportunities in a few days, and I'm preparing some equipment." "

There were a total of five major Immortal Refining Realm cultivators in the territory of Zhao Kingdom, and each Immortal Cultivation Sect sent a thousand Qi Refining Realm cultivators, adding up to five thousand Qi Refining Realm cultivators.

Since he cultivated immortals, he had never seen such a big scene.

Moreover, the Five Great Sects of the Zhao Kingdom only knew that elixirs were abundant in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range.

You can even get precious medicinal materials for refining three-pindan pills and four-pindan medicines.

After the cultivators of the Qi Refining Realm entered the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range for trial, although there were some dangers in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range itself, the casualties were far inferior to the mutual killing between the cultivators of the various sects.

As for the specific situation of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, the five great cultivation immortal sects in the territory of the Zhao Kingdom were not very clear.

What if there was any danger hidden in the Elixir Mountain Range.

Ye Hao felt that he had to stabilize his hand!


The chatting crowd gasped one after another, looking horrified.

How terrifying should the place that Daisen thinks is dangerous?

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "If it's too dangerous, can you not go?" "

Zhaoyue was suddenly anxious, very worried about Ye Hao's safety.

Da Qin Zulong: "I believe in the Great Immortal, since the Great Immortal is going, he must have a certain degree of certainty." "

The world will help the Lord: "With the magical power of the Great Immortal, I believe that I will be able to suppress all dangers." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "I wish Daxian a full load and a huge opportunity." "

The chatting masses did not dare to dissuade like inviting the moon, and could only open their mouths to bless.

However, everyone's expressions were a little solemn.

The group mission ends immediately, and the joy of earning points is also gone.

Daxian is the biggest hanging for them by the martial arts chat group!

Immortal Cultivator: "I still have a certain degree of certainty. "

Immortal Cultivator: "When the group mission is over, you can trade whatever you want, and in the next few days, I will concentrate on exploring that dangerous place." "

As an alchemy apprentice of the fourth layer of the Spirit River Sect's Qi Refining Realm, how could he participate in the trial while chatting when he was trying in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range?

Huashan sent Yue to the head: "Don't say anything, kneel to the Great Immortal!" "

The world will Chen Jinnan: "Great Immortal Mercy, kneel to Great Immortal!" "

Daqin Zulong: "Thank you Daxian, sit and wait for Daxian to harvest the opportunity." "

The chatting masses couldn't help but be grateful, and they were also waiting for the end of the group task.

When the Jin Gang sword flew over Dongying Island, it circled around the territory of Daming, and from time to time a sword qi flew down.

"Didn't you say that the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen was in the Xiaoice period?"

"There have always been natural and man-made disasters, which are not conducive to the stability of the national fortune."

Ye Hao let Jin Gangjian fly back to the capital again.

"Spring Wind and Rain Technique!"

This was a spell that Ye Hao learned in the early days of the Qi Refining Realm in order to cultivate Spirit Field.

It can condense a certain range of spiritual energy, turn into spiritual rain, and water the spiritual field.


Although the Spring Wind and Rain Technique was just an ordinary first-grade spell, at this time, under the actual battle of Ye Hao, a cultivator in the late stage of the Jiedan Realm, it faintly affected the entire Blue Blood Sword World.

The aura in the rest of the Blue Blood Sword was all induced by Ye Hao's mana, and frantically gathered towards Daming, forming a drizzle that sprinkled towards all parts of Daming.

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~"

At the same time, countless high-yield crops such as sweet potatoes, corn, potatoes, and pumpkins flew to Daming from all over the Blue Blood Sword World and fell into areas suitable for planting them.

Moreover, it grew rapidly under the nourishment of spiritual rain.

Even get a certain abnormality, the yield is much higher. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And ordinary people are nourished by spiritual rain, and their bodies become healthy.

This is just the beginning!

"Buzz!" , "Buzz! "Buzz! "

The golden sword seems to turn into a huge brush, making a picture on the territory of Daming, and every stroke that falls, a smooth and wide canal is drawn on the territory of Daming0...

In a moment's effort, the entire territory of Daming was covered with densely packed Grand Canals, even several times more than the rivers of the modern world.

Ye Hao basically just thinks of anything and does it.

The roads in Daming were also dredged by him, forming a dense traffic network, no worse than modern highways.

Open up the passage between Daming and Tianzhu, open the passage between Daming and Annam, open the passage between Daming and Siam, and so on.

In all countries that were close to Daming, Ye Hao had opened up a smooth and wide road.

"Ding-dong! The task of revitalizing Daming Qi Luck was completed, and a total of 150,000 points were awarded. "

"Now according to the distribution of contributions, the immortal cultivator gets 100,000 points, the Great Qin Zulong gets 30,000 points, Xiao Li Feidao gets 5,000 points, the Tianxia Gang Lord gets 3,000 points, and Princess Changping gets 3,000 points"

Just when Ye Hao still wanted to continue the operation, the prompt of the chat group sounded.

[Great Qin Zulong sent an exclusive red envelope to the immortal cultivator! ] 】

[The World Society will help the Lord send an exclusive red envelope to the immortal cultivator! ] 】

[Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist priest sent an exclusive red envelope to the immortal cultivator! ] 】

As soon as the group prompt tone ended, a dense red envelope appeared in the chat group.

"The two tasks of the Heavenly World, to ensure the normal implementation of the mission of the birthday banquet, for the task of the Sky Walking Road, the group members have obtained a total of 46,000 points."

"Plus 150,000 points for the task of revitalizing Daming's luck."


Ye Hao couldn't help but gasp and look excited.

"Put away the red envelope!"

Without any hesitation, Ye Hao received all the red envelopes on 5.1.

[The immortal cultivator received a red envelope! ] 】

[The immortal cultivator received a red envelope! ] 】

[The immortal cultivator received a red envelope! ] 】

Some people in the chat not only gave Ye Hao all the points obtained from the task, but even the points for signing in were also sent to Ye Hao.

【Points: 196774】

[Realm: Seventh layer of Jiedan Realm (0/80,000). 】

[Exercises: Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Technique. 】

[Spell: Ten times the Instant Kill Technique (0/10,000.] 】

[Alchemist: Yipin (0/10,000.] 】

[Danfang: Condensing Qi Pill (Perfection), Essence Cleansing Pill (Perfection), Zhuling Pill (Perfection). 】

【Sky Pilot: One product (0/10,000)】


"I can go up two floors again!"

"You can also upgrade the Instantaneous Killing Technique once!"

Ye Hao hurriedly threw himself into the personal page, looking at the points that skyrocketed again, and his heart was ecstatic.

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