Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1319: : Enter the Seven Star Tower

"I, as soon as you agree to me, I will arrange it. Now there are more and more nine-star alliances, and there are many resources to turn around. You don't need to take these things out."

Gu Chenlong returned the true spirit to me.

"This is the time to reward you. You have been helping to manage the league, ignoring your training, as a subsidy, and improving your realm as soon as possible."

I didn't take it back. Since everything has been sent out, it is impossible to take it back. As his strength increases, I also want my own people to go up the mountain quickly.

After I defeated Dongfang Bai, most of Xuanyuan's disciples chose to join the Nine Star Alliance, and only disciples who rarely supported Dongfang Bai refused to join. I did not force it, some things are natural. Moreover, even Ken and I might not be willing to those stubborn disciples.

"If you continue to practice, I will go to the Seven Star Pagoda to practice martial arts!"

I explained a few words with a few people and walked towards the Seven Star Tower.

In university, if you want to hone martial arts, the Seven Star Tower is undoubtedly the best place. There are both hypothetical and real models. The fake model will not cause death. If the real model dies in it, then it is true death. Live it out.

With a stick of incense, I came to the Seven-Star Pagoda twice, once, just at the beginning, and just added a comment. At that time, I was framed by Meng Zhongliang and almost died in the Seven-Star Pagoda.

If you want to enter the training of the Seven-Star Tower, you also need a contribution point, once is an evaluation, so no need, now to become an official disciple, to enter the Seven-Star Tower, you must have a contribution point to enter.

"The real mode, the middle, three days!"

My super supervisor said, enter the Seven Star Tower.

"Donation needs ten thousand yuan!"

I took out the spirit card, I drew a lot of points from it, and then walked to the real mode, the difficult portal in the middle, one to four levels experienced the Mori me, this time the goal is seven levels. Three steps

Take out the task points, I am going to the real mode, the middle difficulty door, I plan to practice for three days, and I am fully adapted to the block boxing.

Because indifference is too overbearing, and every exhibition will take away most of my infuri desire.

In general battles, there are enough bones. Unless facing a powerful enemy, I might consider using it not emotional. As for fire, I have always been used as a killer and it is easy to not use it.

"I, stop!"

Just as I was about to enter the door, I was suddenly interrupted by a voice, so he stopped and saw six or seven people approaching him.

Some of them recognized them at a glance, and some did not know each other.

"Li Shaohua, are you talking to me"

My tone was cold and I couldn't see Li Shaohua's arm, so I spoke in cold weather.

"Yes, last time you cut off one of our arms, we haven't even evened you. We met today, and we put down the old and the new."

Li Shaohua actually wants to settle the bill with me, because the first floor of the Seven Star Building is the gateway to various modes. There were many disciples there. When they heard that someone was drinking a lot of wine, they looked around.

"Oh, how can you retaliate against me"

I was interested in it, and put my hand on my chest with an indifferent expression.

"I, if you don't want to be arrogant, I can't take care of you. Brother Qi Hui will avenge you."..


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