Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1327: : Smart move

At this time, tens of thousands of spiritual insects flew out of the black-winged spiritual insect center, and the huge array of spiritual lingering lingering, just like the general commanding in front, and these thousands of spiritual insects, also A line gradually formed, and I don't know what mystery is.

When tens of thousands of spiritual worms lined up in a row, the souls in front of them also immediately changed. The souls that were originally attached to the barrier had retreated between the amount of information, and it seemed that they were only a long row, but You can observe carefully. They seem to be just a long and thick long line, and the souls that were attached to the fence have receded. This is also a spear. It is no different from the thousands of souls above the center of the array.

I yelled in darkness: "This kind of spiritual worm is really powerful. I know that this way is used to guide the spiritual worm ahead. It seems that this opens up the spirit of wisdom and cannot be underestimated." This is how this spirit tries to break through. The purpose of the obstacle? Although this is a wise move, it does not know how the power of the spirit is gathered. If the power of the soul is difficult to gather, it will fear that the barrier will not be broken. "

We must know that the mantra of white clothes is common, but after all, the real words are not more common than ordinary legal words. The meaning of the latter is a mystery of heaven and earth, and it is not enough to break its power.

In the blink of an eye, millions of gods lined up neatly, the more they looked like a spear, but although the shape had changed, they were of little use.

However, when something strange happened suddenly, the spear gradually glowed like a spiritual worm. The light was so strong that even the spirit itself could not be seen clearly. After the light disappeared, people could only see the spear. Where could the spirit worm be seen.

Li Sanfei shouted: "No, this spiritual worm can actually deform, and this barrier is probably about to be breached." At that time, the spears collected by millions of spiritual insects began to move slowly, growing faster and faster, and finally, like thunder and lightning, the gale brought by the spears was calm and peaceful. A huge wave was set off on the non-fluctuating lake. The air was pierced by the gun, whimpering.

The second practice looked more and more surprised. The white monk's face was iron blue, and his words were impatient. He wanted to strengthen the spherical barrier, but when he saw the spear suddenly rushed over, there was a "bang". , The spherical barrier was obviously pierced and deformed, and it was concave.

After all, the spherical barrier was not pierced, and the first attack of the Black Wing Spirit failed.

Somehow, seeing this array of elven insect guns attacking desperately, a better paradise lacks the meaning of waiting for people to be born and sigh.

As the gun was useless, most of the spiritual worms that assembled the growth gun died, but the blackwing elves did not intend to retreat. Thousands of ghosts were still hovering over the large array, and more blackwing elves came from the row. Flew out. The spear was reassembled into a gun, but it was more than twice the size.

At the same time, the two groups of gods observing the enemies on both sides also began to move. On the left of this group, a group of black beetles with green wings also listed a fencing-like formation, and on the right is a group of red beetles. The formation of this group of souls is like a long knife.

Regardless of whether it is a sword or a long sword, it is only a crude form, but it has not really taken shape. It seems that if the black wing elves attack again, these two groups of souls will be in battle. ..


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