Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1350: : Soul Mix Dan

It seems that the red moon will not reach a high level, and can only affect some people with lower power. As for the generation of power, it can only be a short-term impact, and the ninety-eight earth altar will soon be restored.

There was enthusiastic applause around, and the words of the red moon made the atmosphere more enthusiastic.

"I will not miss everyone's time. I hope your auction goes well."

The high platform slowly fell, Hongyue disappeared behind him with three or four girls, only three old people were still on the high platform.

Watching the red moon disappear, many people faced the disappointment and had to put down their thoughts and watched the high stage, the auction was about to begin.

"Today, we will bring out things at the ends of the world, including martial arts, weapons, rare resources, Danyao, and incomplete relics of ancients. I hope you all have fun."

Said the old man in the middle.

Suddenly there was silence all around, and the episode of the Red Moon was forgotten. Because the auction had begun, the old man waved behind her and walked out of the darkness. A young girl was holding a plate made of pure gold in her hand. It's covered with red cloth, I don't know what's inside.

Everyone is very focused and want to know what an auction will be. The biggest auction every year, Tianya Haijiao can come up with some heavyweight treasures. I don't know what the results will be this year.

"One of the items auctioned is a martial arts book. Although some are incomplete, it does make you think it is worthwhile." This is an ancient war technique that is different from today's martial arts. It has great power and little practical experience. It can open mountains, rocks, and make great achievements. It is not difficult to move mountains and fill the sea. "

Although the old man brags himself, he still attracts many people.

"Beyond the foresight of war skills, the wave of boxing matches! The reserve price of Lingshi, every time you increase by no less than that, Lingshi can bid now."

The old man raised the red cloth behind him, revealing an old book.

Soul Mix Dan

When the old man announced that a large number of people showed a hot color, hoping to buy this martial art.

I seem to be very calm. Even the martial arts of the immortal level cannot make my heart. He can kill for seven days with the martial arts of the gods, so this is a wait-and-see situation.

"I have two thousand stones!"

On the right side of the third floor, the price was quoted and a thousand stones were added.

"Three thousand!"

There is a sound on the second floor.

"four thousand!"

On the fourth floor not far from Sen and me, a young man added another thousand stones.

The number of spiritual stones is rising at a rapid rate. I am looking at the dark tongue. Here, I only know how poor they are. Even if there are hundreds of thousands of stones, hundreds of thousands of real soul pills are still not one. Money man.

Soon it rose to Lingshi, and it was still rising. Finally, it was fixed in Lingshi. Beyond this number, it has exceeded the value of martial arts itself. This was unnecessary and was finally bought on the third floor by a middle-aged man who was over a year old.

The beginning went smoothly. An incomplete martial art sold for 10,000 yuan, which exceeded the initial budget. The old man who presided over the auction was very satisfied. With a wave, behind the other girl, he held a long sword in his hand and waved.

"This is a semi-legal weapon. As long as it is continuously tempered, it becomes a real magic weapon. More importantly, it is Master Liao's masterpiece. The minimum price is three thousand stones, and the price increase is not less than one thousand yuan each time. "

The old man drew his sword, and the halo on one of the swords burst out from the quarrel. ..


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