Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1352: : Open the sky

It's too late. I must recover as soon as possible. When facing martial arts, there can be no negligence.

"Son, you really opened my eyes. Your little vision actually subverted my cognition!"

Wu Peng's face is still full of disbelief. Today, my book writer gave him so much shock that he couldn't imagine that one day he turned against the heavens in martial arts. An absolutely impossible thing appeared on the scene today.

"That just means you are the frog at the bottom of the well!"

I ridiculed, ignored it, continued to mobilize my true energy, fell into the autumn killing, and prepared for a second attack.

"Well, don't think you are strong, like running away from my palm, playing with you, and then I will see how you died!"

Wu Peng's face was fierce, and he let out a sneer, danced with a sword in his hand, his posture changed and became more powerful, as if a mountain pressured Sen.

The strong momentum is more than twice that of just now. This Wu Peng actually hides a lot of power. My eyes remain unchanged. Even if the opponent is ten times stronger than him, he wants to kill his opponent today and get out from here.

In the angry sky, the long sword in Wu Peng's hand gave out a lot of anger, and the distant sky was a cloud of fire.

"Child, you are proud of dying under my sword!" This is Wu Peng’s killing technique. It has been passed down from ancient times. Although it hurts a lot, it was also practiced by Wu Peng to a very high level. This burned a sword and burned some of himself. The blood makes the style more powerful and can even open the sky. But this is a bit exaggerated.

"Really, let you **** ruthlessness, lawlessness, and kill this world!"

My cynical smile broke out in a merciless moment, this time my strength was a bit stronger than before.

Every time I oppressed, my true qi would become pure, and the nine-day true qi was like a flood, and like a breakwater, pouring down, seeming to flood the entire gap.

In the fall, the powerful oppression dared to fight back in the past, the terrible power set off the waves, my face flushed, this blow exhausted more than% of his body’s real gas, and there were thousands of real spirit burning, I don’t Being stingy, compared with life, the real spirit pill is just a resource to help you practice.

Above the sky, there are two cracks, the cracks are fast approaching, and a thunder blasts across the starry sky in the distance. I seem to be summoned by the magic god, and the ruthless power is rising rapidly.

Therefore, it is ruthless and lawless. My momentum is not ruthless enough. Only by cutting off ruthlessness can I be truly ruthless.

My Yutang seems to understand the essence of this meaningless style, it is meaningless, but I knew it before my book writer, and realized that these are two different things. In his eyes, there is only endless killing. I saw a sea of ​​blood in the mountains of corpses, as if I was back in the valley of gods and demons. A world full of corpses.

Magic Valley is called Killing, the mysterious old man is the real killer, killing the world, even if he is God, he must succumb to his own feet. This is killing God, and the intention of killing God is to kill everything, and it has no meaning. This is also the essence of the "Seven Kings Killer" style.

After Sen, there seemed to be a dragon. This was an angry dragon going out to sea. It warned Sen to take a new road. A brand new road appeared. I live and kill God, and everything in front of him is ruthless destruction. Only killing. Only in this way can the style of Tianqi go further, and the method of nine changes of gods and ghosts can be interpreted into a real world of gods and demons. ..


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