Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1361: : Driven by profit

"Today is over? Not necessarily." I smiled, my palms gleaming, and a huge stone tablet appeared in front of me.

Everyone's eyes were in a daze. I don't know what I am doing.

"Isn't this what you want?" Seeing the dullness of these people, I smiled even more. Suddenly, with a wave of palms, the stone flew into the hands of the sun behind several people.

Everyone was trapped, and Zhao Feiyun and Huang Guan were dizzy. They stayed there with a stone tablet on a day in the sun.

In the next moment, the eyes of these three people flashed, and they acted immediately.

Zhao Feiyun burst out of two blood lamps, a ray of blood bombarded the scorching sun, and attacked the yellow substance with one sound!

Huang did the same action, one attack also bombarded the scorching sun, the second time it was Zhao Feiyun!

Check each other, but at the same time want the sun to die!

The sun's reaction was not slow. As early as the opponent's attack, his body ran to the distance. The huge rock shook in his movements and then disappeared.

Everyone knows that the stele has been loaded into his own space object and taken away.

, Nine Peaks!

"Leave the stone!" Two consecutive roars sounded, Huang Management and Zhao Feiyun no longer took charge of me on the spot, and chased them directly to the distant scorching sun.

The origin of the monument is too important. It is the most precious treasure. Even if Zhao Feiyun does not know the source of the specific function of the monument, he also knows that after the huge benefits have been obtained, I seem to be less important.

As for the yellow management, he is for the stone stele of the original god. The sun does not leave, but also for the baby. Now the baby is in his hands. If he gives the big brother, the benefits of his powerful Sun Gate are endless, of course not. Hesitate to leave.

Everything is driven by interests. I saw through this and left the stele, and I was naturally safe.

"Hey, it's like it won't be long before Qizhen Town will set off another **** storm."

Looking at several people elsewhere, Zhang Lao laughed, his body breathing became very calm, and there was a color of appreciation in my eyes.

My own natural strength, courage, and wisdom are already the strongest young man he has ever seen, let alone face the origin of this monument and give up.

Even if there is no power, as long as you give up this kind of courage, it is not something ordinary people can have, and you will be able to accomplish great things in the future, not to mention the things gathered in me, which makes him feel ashamed.

Ask yourself, even if it was him, he wouldn't simply throw away the original monument.

"Well, at least for now, we are safe." I smiled and said, "It's just that we are weak and need to find a quiet place to rest. Mr. Zhang, you are an old man here. Is there any safe place to provide? "It's just that we can also reach an agreement. "

"Oh, there is a place, but I'm curious, did you just give up that stone tablet?" Lao Zhang smiled and said, "But you have other plans."

"It is of course impossible to abandon it. This is just a stopgap measure." My eyes flashed, the original pill contained a special kind of energy. Using that energy and then using his main array equipment, the benefits are immeasurable. How could he give up that thing so simply. ..


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