Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1378: : Day and night go by

"Well, the boy didn't know how tall he was. He dared to fight his brother. This time he died. He didn't know what happened. Why did the law enforcement hall cover him secretly."

Some disciples who followed Tang He didn't seem to understand why the law enforcement court would secretly protect this piece of Sen me.

"Even if there is a law enforcement hall, if he comes out, I will kill him, you have to monitor him, as long as he comes out, notify me immediately!"

Tang He left his seat, returned to the room, and started practicing.

"Yes, Brother Tanghe!"

Before I knew it, there were several Tang disciples lurking around my wind tunnel, seeming to be waiting for me.

All this, I don't know, the joy of practicing silently, only to see his body getting faster and faster, almost like a white thread, shuttled in the wind tunnel.

My body was a meter away from the entrance of the cave and entered the central area of ​​the entrance of the cave. The hurricane there was even stronger, and the power of the boulders even exploded with thunder.

In the wind tunnel, there is an eruption of thunder and lightning, which is the sound of thunder. When the wind speed reaches a certain speed, thunder will be produced.

The floating stones fly without a trace, sometimes to the right, sometimes to the left, and sometimes unimaginable. It is a huge challenge to my body.

Rao Shisen I have a strong body, a weird body, or I can't escape all of it, there are some scars on the body.

Especially clothes that are worn out should not be overused.

The strange stones were scattered in the air, and more and more, as Sen I continued to deepen, these stones gradually increased, making Sen I more difficult to avoid, forming a layer of blood on the body.

But after this day, my physical skills have been rapidly improved, my body has been constantly blown up by hurricanes, and my physical strength has also increased.

Day and night passed.

I have been exercising my body, and I have almost never stopped. The vitality in my body is consumed rapidly. Fortunately, I still have a lot of creative pills, so I don’t have to worry about lack of vitality for the time being.

Two days, I was deep again, the thunder became louder and louder, and it turned into a real thunderstorm. The wind passed, and the thunder was rolling and deafening.

This time, not only the rubble on the wall, but also the rocks on the ground, flew towards Mori. Like rain, Mori almost avoided and sought refuge in the narrow gap.

Rao was like this, I was still affected a lot, and almost my entire right arm was scrapped and bloody.

Fortunately, I have a real dragon body, and my recovery ability is equivalent to that of evil. In a short period of time, the injured area quickly recovered, and the muscle strength is stronger than before the injury.

What is wind, an intangible substance that cannot be touched or grasped. Isn't this the essence of the mark of fog?

I suddenly understood the nature of the wind, and went with the wind like a shadow.

My body suddenly disappeared, completely disappeared, and the whole person was atomized. This is the highest state of mist. I will finally practice all the successful atomization.

"Wonderland, I am coming!"



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