Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1398: : Master Witch

"Brother, you are now the most dazzling genius in the All-Star field. Not surprisingly, you must have a spot the day before!"

Green Barley came in front of Sen and I was a little envious. Once entered the top ten, the fairy envoy fell and entered the fairyland directly, which shortened the time of hard work.

"I hope so!"

I was a little absent-minded, and only saw sharp eyes. It was Shangguan Xiaoxue and Yu Qiong. The two were just in the crowd and weren't noticed. Until the end of the day of the game, I saw only two people.

And I use destiny to observe my own destiny, and found that this brave world is very dangerous. This danger does not come from the underground world, nor does it come from the saint of metaphysics, and it cannot be said to be unknown.

At first I suspected Xiaoxue from Shangguan, but I quickly denied that this potential danger is not Shangguan Xiaoxue. Maybe he is a powerful enemy, but it is not so easy to commit suicide. Where does this bad omen come from?

"Look, brother, you are not in a good mood, do you have any concerns?"

"The mind does not speak ≈, come on, I always feel that this time the opening remarks are not that simple."

I looked at them with fate and found that they had no bad omen, only myself, which was very strange.

There are many people in this place, and it is impossible to unite against themselves. Where does the bad omen come from? Are they outside the bold realm?

He shook his head because he didn't understand, nor did I think about it. Everyone got together and chatted with each other. Hu Yuan even took out some drinks. We sat together and drank each other, but it was also a great beauty.

When it was quiet at night, everyone dispersed. I called the fire chief and Ding. The seven people gathered together. I had to figure out some things in advance. Once what happened, I was also relieved.

"Master Witch, what do you want to tell us to come here?"

"I have a feeling of anxiety. This time, no matter what happened to me or what happened to me, don't stand up against me. I told people like Hyland Barry that once everything is over, you will Get out of here right away," he said, "I have a feeling of anxiety in my heart, no matter what or what happens, this time is over. "It depends on you going back to the Federation or the Witch. "

My book writer said seriously, as if talking about his last words.

"Master Witch, have you found something wrong?"

There is a trace of worry in the water. Everything I do by the book writer is based on evidence and will never become a goal out of nothing.

The fire and other people also showed worrying colors, no matter what I guessed or what was foreshadowing, otherwise my book writer would not be so heavy, people here will not threaten them, whether there is interference from outside forces.

"For now, I don't know. In any case, you have to live a good life. You must do what I say. Do you understand?"..


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