Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1424: : The Mystery of Life and Death

Compared with the glacier just now, there are only two concepts. The vision around me is very fuzzy, and I am blurred, and many beasts float by.

There were cracks everywhere on the ground, and violent magma flowed through under my feet and couldn't be found.

"Is this a world of demons?"

I was shocked by the cold sweat, was it sent into the heaven?

Confused, I am completely confused. Although the ancient transmission array is simple, its power is absolutely beyond your imagination. It can directly penetrate the crystal wall of space and bring me to the Celestial Domain.

I'm just guessing, and I don't dare to make a judgment. Maybe it's still in the Galactic Realm, so I can comfort myself.

How big the domain is, it is impossible to send it out of the domain by simply transmitting the array. Is this the purpose of the sovereign state?

I suddenly thought that when Master Zhang left, with a faint evil smile on his lips, I seemed to understand.


Violet is in the building, and Zhang Wuliu is drinking tea happily, in a good mood.

"Killing our disciples in Ziwei Palace is a lesson. As long as you return safely from the Devil's Land, you are eligible to participate in the battle for the Ziluo Kingdom."

Zhang Liu said to himself, if I could hear it, I must know what happened.


There was a violent shaking on the ground, another huge volcanic eruption, and strong magma spurted out of the gap. Fortunately, I realized the meaning of wind, otherwise the magma would be enough to dissolve him into fleshy mud.

I didn't dare to be careless, the chairman of the five willow trees scolded a thousand times, and I could only find a way to leave the devil's territory.

"There are biological fluctuations ahead, go ahead."

My **** exudes, feeling that a creature is moving forward, not World of Warcraft, but a demon.

Become a meteor, the anger that shuttles on the flames, the sky is full of magical clouds, I dare not fly too high, flying at low altitude, also swallowed the fairy garden.

From a distance, there is a group of magical people moving on the ground, looking like people, but there is a magical spirit in the eyes, unlike ordinary people, black and white.

"This is indeed the kingdom of the gods!"

I can finally conclude that he is now in the realm of evil, and there will not be so many evil people in the human world.

God has swept through these magicians and discovered that they were ordinary disciples of the magic clan. The highest power was only three robbing the gods, looking for food in the outside world.

The corpse jumped to the ground and killed the sword mercilessly.

, The mystery of life and death

Demons are cruel by nature. They absorb human blood and eat human flesh and blood to help them improve their realm.

Even some demons who like to eat boys and girls are abominable.

There were dozens of people in this group of demons. I fell with a single sword, and there were only a few left, only a few magic, panicked, I don't know how people would break into the kingdom of the devil.

"Tell me where it is!"

I asked coldly, the remaining three magical tremors, on the ground, did not dare to hide.

"This is the Demon Realm of the Heaven Realm. This mountain is called the Magic Flame Mountain. We are disciples of the Huangquan Magic Sect. We come out to find food and see you."

The devil will be their own source, where they are, and what to do, the whole story.

"Then you know how to get out of the devil's kingdom."

I don't care what kind of devil they are, he just wants to leave this place.

"There are only two ways to leave the Devil Kingdom."

This time the clan that had changed into magic replied, and the clan did not dare to die. The sword of killing radiated the cold light of the forest. Once it fell, its head would move. ..


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