Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1484: : Everyone

Three days later, my sister and their parents said goodbye, and then left the gate of real martial arts.

What should be done now, the arrangement has already been arranged, I should see a lot of people, everything is done, I naturally don't need to stay anymore, he is going to go to the lunatic asylum and take people back to my sky.

Just when my corpse arrived outside the shrine, my body suddenly stopped, and for a while, he looked at nothing.

The direction of that void is the direction of chaos and chaotic vacuum!

"What's the matter? Where does such a powerful force come from, capable of shredding chaos and vacuum?"

There was a sound from the dark path, then Sen, I turned around, did not enter the shrine, and flew in the direction of chaos and vacuum.

My current talent, chaos is his territory, and the road to nature is a momentary thing, just a few breaths, my body is directly plunged into a chaotic vacuum.

Here, as before, the space continues to tear and condense. It has the same properties as the fault domain of the Wutian domain, but the intensity of the fault domain is much stronger than here.

Suddenly, I waved my brows, "This is so similar to the Takeda domain to the Duanyu, is there any connection here, and what is the connection with the Takeda domain?"

Just like I just proposed this idea, an extremely violent explosion began to sound, only seeing countless torn-shaped spaces, a space channel appeared, and this space channel was very stable. Not at all affected by power here.

"The power of Takeda territory!"

In a flash, in an instant, I confirmed where the space channel was built, that is, someone built the channel from Wu Tian to lead here.

While my book writer was thinking about these things, a figure suddenly appeared from the other end of the strait, and the next moment, he came directly to this blank space.

The man was wearing a sea-blue robe, with a young face and deep eyes, and seemed to have infinite mystery. I saw the man at a glance, and my eyes changed.

"Oh? I seem to be lucky."

Seeing me, the young man frowned. "I thought I would spend some time looking for you, but now it seems you don't have to. You just showed up, which saves me a lot of things."

"The Sea Ape of the Older Generation"

I said at this time: "I didn't expect that in order to deal with a person like me, the sea ape even used a sacred weapon. I don't understand, is this my honor or the sorrow of your sea ape?"


The young man said: "You are honored to be able to release me personally. Although I did not come as an entity, but as an incarnation, this is enough. Of course, this is also the sorrow of my sea ape. I must send My avatar.” This shows that the sea monkey has nothing to do with you, but I can only stand up. "

"As for this?" But I said: "The matter of martial arts, the sacred martial arts in charge, this is against the rules."

"As I said earlier, our sea ape didn't do anything to you, so what can I do without it?" The young man smiled slightly. "So, if you kill so many of our great apes, what are the rules?"

"If you don't follow the rules, I also ask the saint to help me."

I said, "And, quite a lot."

"I know you have many friends, a few, and many heavyweights. I don't want to mess with you. If you are in Takeda, I won't come." The young man smiled and nodded. "But you are not practicing martial arts right now, are you?"..


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