Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1514: :I gave up

Before Li Yang left, his eyes were full of endless killing, and his body was shaking, disappearing in place.

"Bai Qi, I didn't say let you go, you are going to die today!"

I exhaled a fierce lethal force, my voice was cold, and the ring was surrounded by a layer of frost.

Bai Qi had already left the ring. I heard that my book hobbyist wanted to commit suicide. He quickly shrank his neck and ran towards the crowd. As long as I walked into the crowd, I would not want to commit suicide.

"hand of God!"

I, of course, can't kill everyone, execute the big dome, a hand of God appeared, without any signs, directly grabbed Bai Qi.

"This is God training God's hand. How did this boy succeed in practice?"

Shocked by this, I joined Long just a few months ago, and the great dome will be successfully practiced and evolved into the hands of God.

Everyone knows that I can practice "Sky" in just two months. Even among evil geniuses, it takes a year to become illusory. It is not necessarily as close to substance as my book writer.

Even some of his sons were dumbfounded, looking at this hand dumbfounded.

Do not

As soon as Bai Qi fled into the crowd, he was caught by my book writer. The corpse was lifted into the air and struggled ceaselessly. The wound was cut open by a large incision and burst again, and blood dripped from the gap like raindrops.

Li Yang faced the gloomy and terrifying situation, he could help Baiqi, but he was hesitant, because Jiao Yuanming's eyes were staring at him blankly. As long as he moved, Jiao Yuanming would also move.

"Like I said, you are going to die today!"

From the moment Bai Qi took out the charm of the fairy, my book writer announced the death penalty, and he would definitely die.


A big hand squeezed, the white body turned into a pile of blood, squeezed to death by heaven's hands, it was terrible. Some women screamed in horror, covering their eyes, afraid to look into the void.

A rain of blood poured, Bai Qi died completely, only the minced meat wriggling on the ground.

Looking around, I found that many people dare not look directly into their eyes. I nodded with satisfaction. Li Wei's goal has been achieved. With Jiao Yuanming's support, who dares to move himself.

There are still two games. Gong Liangde and Bai Qi compete for three places at a time. It seems unnecessary. Bai Qi is dead and Gong Liangde is naturally three.

The championship will be staged between Xia Wenyu and my book hero. Judging from the current situation, Xia Wenyu wants to beat me too much. Last year, Xia Wenyu won Baiqi, which is his percent strength.

I kill for nothing, almost effortless, no guessing, I should be able to guess the result.

And we also learned that my book magnate must have a hole card, which didn't show it, even Han Yi didn't know.

The great yin and yang, the great cycle, the killing, the thunder, I did not appear.

After half an hour of rest, Xia Wenyu and I went to the ring together. Neither party sold it immediately, nor did Xia Wenyu see breathing fluctuations.

"Senior Brother Ye, to be honest, you have spent a few percent of your effort to get Bai Qi."

Xia Wenyu was not in a hurry, but asked Zhao me.

After hearing Xia Wenyu's words, everyone pricked their ears and wanted to know how powerful I was.


I didn't hide, and my impression of Xia Wenyu was not very bad. From their Gong Liangde just now, it can be seen that this man is still a gentleman.

"Then there is no need to compare, I give up!"

If I use %, Xia Wenyu is going to try it. I say %. Xia Wenyu is not a fool. I must have a hand as a book writer. It is estimated that between% and %.



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