Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1523: : Xianfan Channel

"Brother Ye, no, it must be the King of God!"

Song used to call my elder brother, but now it is different. He has reached the rank of God King, at least the address of the older generation, or respect, etc.

"Brother, don't be sarcastic, this is more kind!"

I smiled bitterly, why I didn't publish it, because I was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble. I didn't think about the news or concealed it. It gushed from the Shenshui Palace.

In Jiuxing Villa, there are colorful lanterns every day, and every day, big figures from the fairy world come to the door and send a gift to celebrate my breakthrough in the kingdom of the king.

During this period of time, the number of people in Suzhou City has soared, hoping to join the nine-star villa, but stopped outside the door, I announced late, just said that the time has not come, wait, naturally open the mountain gate and recruit disciples.

"Lord, this is what you need, it's ready!"

In the evening, Quzhi gave a storage ring. In these five days, I asked Qu Zhi to do one thing for him, to find all kinds of miraculous medicines, preferably to extend the life of the medicines.

Yielding to live up to the public's expectations, in five days, countless miraculous medicines were searched, which prolonged the life of the medicine.

"good luck!"

I took over the ring in the storage room and said with great gratitude that it was about his mother's life and I couldn't bear that I was not grateful.

"Lord, if you weren't you, I would become a mud now, maybe I would die in some alley of Tang Fei."

A bitter smile, from the beginning of my understanding, the straight lifestyle has changed.

"Well, you go down!"

I didn't say too much, let Qu Zhi come down and rest first. I have been busy with this matter almost all these days, and the whole person has lost a circle.

"Then I will go first, and the master will rest early!" Qu went straight out and left me alone in the room, homesick, and quickly scattered in every corner of the room.

"Tomorrow we will return to the world!"

I Chaobai said that although I had broken through the realm of gods, I did not fly to the realm of gods, but returned to the world first. After treatment, after the world of gods stabilized, I hope to win the summit and create myths.

"Well, when your parents see that you have done it now, they will definitely be happy for you!"

Mu Bai was not happy for me. After waiting for tens of thousands of years, Mu Bai could finally enter the kingdom of God. It was only a matter of time.

One night passed quickly. Few people knew about the news of my return to the world. It was announced to the outside world that I had been closed for a period of time in a stable state.

The cold people and others have been waiting, their parents and relatives are also below, can't wait to pick up, the family reunion.

Originally, there was no plan to take the Flower Fairy and Han Yi, but they had to go down to see where I lived and understand my past, which was also an emotional increase.

They were put into the pontoon, Sen and I quickly entered a beam of light, and then disappeared. That is the bridge, Xianfan channel.

The current ability can naturally tear the void and power into the world, but it can easily cause instability in the world and may even collapse.


Father-son party

Shuttle on the bridge, I thought to myself, only four years have passed for myself, but my parents have been there for hundreds of years, it is probably autumn water.

Now in the world, after recent years of development, it has entered another cycle. The Nine Star Alliance is still the most powerful family. After all, there are many gods sitting in the city.

But the alliance rarely interferes in secular affairs. Over the centuries, there have also been some brilliant geniuses who have established sects and opened up frontiers.



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