Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 21: : In a while

Yongsu categorically said: "No way!" If you insist on this, our Quzefang City will fight for a war without hesitation, and I will kill you here! If you really think you can compete with us, that is a big mistake! When I kill you, I will regret it. We can find a reason to frame it, claiming that you have destroyed the underground spiritual vein of Qu Zefang! "

Sima finally said angrily: "Well, are you intimidating me?" Qu Zefang's four ancestors are indeed hidden, but I also know that except for Ni Xun who maintains daily order, the three of you have been shut down. . Just now you discovered the changes that took place on the treasure line, forcing them to intervene. Yuan Ying will definitely be unstable and may even be destroyed. If you do this again at this time, it will undoubtedly increase the damage. The four of me want to escape as much as I can, and you have no chance to leave us! "

Yongsu changed his aura: "You can try, but don't regret it!"

The two sides immediately exchanged fire, switching their magic weapons one by one, and the war had reached the brink.

Dozens of elder monks who had separated from all over the country came to flee at this time. They saw the secrets of the Treasure Line and Quzefang City, which may prove that the Treasure Line killed foreign monks indiscriminately. This dealt a devastating blow to the reputation of the Quze housing market. So in any case, these people will not be released by Quze City.

However, in front of the eight young monks, escape is a dead end, so no one dares to act lightly. They just hope that both sides can create conditions for their escape.

However, at this time, the situation has changed again! Several escape lights flew quickly from the distant sky. In an instant, they flew past Qu Zefang, and then hovered not far from the confrontation between the Eight Yuan monk.

After a while, a few short-lived lights continued to flood in, and the monks in the Yuan Dynasty rarely went out, but the celebrations in Jindu City invited sects and religious forces thousands of miles away, which was a coincidence. In addition to the rare and precious materials that will appear at the fair, some infant monks will also be invited to come and provide advice and sermons to the monks. Of course, Jincheng's family will also be invited to attend. Will pay a high price for this.

It is precisely because of this family ceremony that has attracted millions of monks, even these little monks nearby are eager to meet the materials they need at the fair. I hope they can get the materials they need at the fair. I hope They can get the materials they need at the fair and hope they can meet the materials they need at the fair.

Qu Zefang had just changed a lot, and was shocked by the monks who had just come here, so it didn't take a moment for them to deviate from this path from various places, especially anxious to see what happened.

The spiritual knowledge of the monks in the meta-baby stage can detect the halo fluctuations for a long time, but Qu Zefang is full of protective layers in the city, and they don't know what happened. Now they saw the whole mountain razed to the ground. There were also eight infant monks who were in a confrontation on Moon Sun. They immediately knew something strange had happened, so they wanted to watch the war curiously.

Jijiang Sanfang

In this way, the four ancestors of Qu Zefang, as well as the opposite of the West Malaysia strategy, immediately reached a deadlock. Once the eight people on both sides went to war, they were destined to lose both sides, but the Yuan Seng outside looked at each other greedily. They are very likely to take away the interests of fishermen. ..


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