Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 240: : Sacred Warrior

"This seems to be the legendary polar chaos stone?" After frowning for a while, the steering wheel was taken aback.

The nine lions were also very close, and then his body trembled. Obviously, he is not an ordinary character, and he can't help saying "This is really a messy stone!"

Polar rock is very rare. Generally speaking, it contains a kind of tempered emperor warrior's divine substance inside. Such things are rare in ancient times. In the legend, the Fuxi mirror of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor was refined into a Fuxi mirror, which is rare in the world because a very messy stone was obtained without knowing it.

Now that there is such a big messy stone here, how can we not be shocked?

I watched carefully now. He looked inside carefully with Taj Island eyes. After a long time, his face showed different colors. "I know that this extremely chaotic stone is the core of this node," he said. The demon family has long known that there are sacred substances in the chaotic stone, but no strong demon dared to remove the chaotic stone, because once the chaotic stone is removed, a large number of nodes in this node are equal to failure. This node is easily destroyed! "

"I know, no wonder the evil emperors of the past did not get the raw materials to destroy the royal family, nor did they take this thing away and refine it, because the trial method of the demon clan is closely related to the establishment of the demon clan!" It drove slowly.

Polar rocks, it is a legendary treasure in itself, there is absolutely no problem in using it directly to refine it into a royal soldier, but now the material that can extinguish the divine nature will naturally attract my attention."If the sacred substance inside can be cooled into my fire tower, it is likely to make my Hao Tian tower a sacred warrior!"

I nodded slowly, he was not a member of the demonic race. He didn't want to interrupt the trial of the elves at all, let alone the two nations already opposed to each other. Now that such a good thing appears in front of me, it's really no big deal.

Next, I personally extinguished a scarlet divine substance, and soon the wheel realized that this legendary sun stone was one of the sacred materials of the quenched emperor.

I quickly refined the Sun Stone into my own Chaotian Pagoda, and let the Huotian Pagoda under the bright light unknowingly accompany me as a royal soldier. This weapon was originally bred with my strength, but the correct raw materials have never been obtained. Now it uses the sun stone. It is only natural to become a royal soldier.

After I extracted the sun stone, the smell of the polar chaotic stone became a little fuzzy, but the wheel was still very excited, saying, "Later you help me put this thing away, if you can extract it." My way Will be able to take a crucial step! "

The path of the small wheel is to transform himself from the flesh and become a real creature. This is one of his goals after embarking on the road of human experimentation. As long as he can extract the chaotic stone, he can take a crucial step on this road. Of course he will not miss it.

"Don't worry, do it before you go. The demons are eager to evacuate, and most of them still have a lot of good things to stay!" I held my hand and let him rest assured, at this time This node is a key position. Since the elves have not given up, most of them have prepared a variety of methods. ..


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