Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 242: : Who is here

At the end of a long street, a figure rushed out at this moment. This was a spiritual sword, but at this moment he looked haggard and seemed to be seriously injured.

"It's you. Why are you in the city? I'm still looking for you." When I saw someone, I opened my mouth in surprise.

"I found a way to hide in the north room. It is relatively safe, but the red dust guy is very dangerous. He is now surrounded by a mountain range and may be dangerous at any time." The sword opened quickly, and he wanted to hide. Wait for me here, because in his opinion, I am the only one who can solve this situation.

"Those people are looking for death, I did not disturb them, they will come to the door to find my head!" I sneered, but directly took the two people Shen Jianzi and Yang Feng, let the Wizard Jianzi lead the way, and then the figure rushed towards The sky, the wind gallops away.

A gust of wind roared out, I fell into the front of the mountain, behind me was the spirit sword, Yang Feng followed step by step.

"The red dust comes from the pulse of the red dust, and is born to be integrated with all things, but this integration is not perfect, but with the help of the fog here, it can save lives and make it impossible for people to find him. He is now hidden inside. "Spirit Sword explained a word.

At the same time, he said that they accidentally found a carefree fruit in this mountain range, which is a mature and carefree fruit. For young people who break customs, this matter is really important. So after the news came out, many followers of invincible young people followed them. Even the two of them were called young supreme, but their number was indeed more than them, and the situation was extreme.

At first, he didn't expect me to find me so smoothly, but he understood that this matter was mainly solved by me.

Because, when I suppressed the two of them that day, it was really too easy, as if they could be empty-handed, which made them more invisible.

"Here, there seem to be many masters. Everyone is absolutely young and supreme. The three of us have to deal with so much. Is this joke a bit big?" At this time, Yang Feng was a little surprised. Although he saw me shooting and knew my combat effectiveness was unparalleled, the scene in front of him still scared him.

If he can run, he will run because it is too dangerous to be with this guy. But the question is, where else can he go now? It is estimated that wherever he goes, the people in the magic palace will shoot him to death. After all, he took me into the magic palace. Those in the magic palace have been remembered for a long time.

So even if he doesn't want to, he has to follow me now.

"Who's here?" I looked ahead with a weak opening.

"Many people, people from magical palaces, people from corpses, people from goblins, and followers of ancient monsters." The sword opened his mouth quickly.

It can only be said that this group of people is terrible, not only the origin of their identity is amazing, but their own fighting power is also terrible, they are all young and supreme, in addition to these followers, there is a group of scattered practitioners. They are also very strong. ..


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