Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 248: :what is that

"Now is not the time. Over the years, you have been lacking the guidance of your master. Although your master has returned in the past ten years, his path is very few and may not be able to guide you. You are a descendant of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. I hope in a hundred years Try my best in the time of one encounter. You can fight with me. "The extreme power doesn't fluctuate at all, so I opened my mouth.

The meaning of this sentence is worth pondering. The four words of the Qing Dynasty seem to be another important point. This extreme power was passed down from the Qing Dynasty, is it true? Otherwise, it's just one layer of my relationship, he won't take care of Huaxi that much, will he?

If he inherited the legacy of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor, it would seem reasonable to take care of Huaxi.

Of course, these are just speculations, and no one knows the so-called truth unless the extreme force says it.

"What do you mean?" Huaxi looked up, and the couple touched my current situation. There was a road lacking roads. From Huaxi's perspective, this was another provocation.

"Isn’t what I mean very clear? Your teacher is very strong, I respect him very much, if I prove in the future, I can let him stand with me. But after all, he has given up halfway, he lost all the rumors of power It's just a joke. His lack of path is the key. Unless he can break free of the shackles, his achievements may not be as good as you in the future. It is one thing for you to respect him, but do you know that letting him teach is another thing? "Facing peace and openness to extreme force.

On the one hand, the appearance of many people has changed slightly. I can't believe Ji Wuhui opened his mouth so bluntly to point out my pain.

Huaxi looked cold and said nothing. Although he did not hear the news that I broke free from the shackles and entered the kingdom of the Supreme Emperor, he trusted his master very much, and he was resurrected even in the dark times. It's just a little restrained now. what is that?

"Not to mention nothing. I'm here today, not to discuss these things, nor to argue with each other, but to discuss some important events. Listen to me, little guy. Come here, don’t be angry for now. If you really I want to trouble this guy, I can help you." Princess Medusa waved to Huaxi.

At this time, Dao Fang stood up slowly, with a very gentle smile on his face, especially when he looked at where Huaxi was, he nodded slightly.

In fact, everyone knows that Taoism and I were once enemies of human judgment, and now it is not good to smile at Huaxi people like this, not knowing how to comment.

However, in the next moment, no one will care about this, because the palms of Taoists are scattered, and there is another light like a placenta in his palms. In the mass of light, the roar of a road came out, and ten thousand laws were hanging on the ground. The whole aisle was directly enveloped in the breath, shocking. ..


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