Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 272: : Own situation

In the calculations that did not exist above, I should be the person most likely to violate the law of heaven, but I did not even lead to the robbery of this certificate. At this time, someone wants to induce the robbery of the certificate and wants to reverse the path to heaven?

This exceeded all expectations and existing calculations, leaving them with a sense of speechlessness.

"It used to be unreasonable. Who wants to go to heaven now? Why does he suddenly prove that he is the emperor? There is never such a breath in your memory? Isn't he a person in this world?" On Chengxian Road, there is no war It was so intense before.

Because this is not in the layout of the supreme existence, surpassing the expectations of the highest existence, so they now have to choose hostility and defense, but once such a thing happens, they will feel an indescribable crisis.

In this world, there are some people they can’t calculate, and some people they can’t catch? This is an amazing variable beyond the past and more terrifying than me!

In the vast universe, the boundless catastrophe, the edge of the universe was shattered, the vast universe, with countless stars turned into ashes, a supreme law began to spread.

At this moment, all the ways in the world are wailing, all the order and laws of the universe seem to be suppressed, realizing the path of one person! From now on, he will be very excited, looking down at ten places in nine days!

"Will this really happen? As long as we survive this natural robbery, there will be a master in this life, and from then on, there will be more outstanding people in the history of ancient practice!" The fairy sighed, he There is only one person's skin, now swaying in the wind. He recalls his troubled years and then thinks of his situation. There is really an indescribable sadness and nostalgia. "Well, his breathing is a bit familiar. It seems to have appeared in history, but for a while, he can't remember who he is. He should reform, but who is he?"

Evidences of vast disasters are scattered outside the world, extremely domineering, rushing to all parts of the world, this is the only thing the emperor casts in the boundaries of the world, covering the world.

As long as this person proves that in this world, unless great changes have taken place to reproduce the great age of the ancient emperors side by side, it will be impossible for others to prove it.

Not only those who are above the shocking moment, those who have just appeared, one after another the supreme beings of the kingdom of heaven, emperors, etc., are trembling. You know, they are the most amazing people in this life. They are all wizards who have received various inheritances. They have accumulated in their great lives. They have all recovered and appeared in this world. If this person really proves at this moment If you are successful, it is like breaking everyone's way.

"How is this going?"

"Why is it now?"

"I can not wait anymore!"

In the universe, there are not many people who robbed, such as Wugong, Luoshui, Butcher, Medusa, Emperor, Magic Paradise, Taikoo, Jimei, Kunqi King, Ziqi, Gu Feitian, He Ziming, etc. . From ancient times to the present, everyone is a genius. If it weren't for such an era, it would be someone who can prove it. ..


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