Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 638: : Bailongqi

I retreated. He no longer had the effect of stimulating the dragon's beard tree. He could only support himself. He killed Bi Lao, but his physical condition was not easy, and his mental strength had not fully recovered. At this time, he was facing the attack of wind and heavy rain. It can be said to be very reluctant. The leader of Mulu did not give him any chance to escape, killed him, suppressed him, and he was in danger for a while, and he could not leave with wings.

He gritted his teeth, waiting for the last hope.

"Anton, I swear to kill you!" Mu's leader was completely mad, and he played another trick, using this method to chop off the domineering and incomparable sword. Around me, I was completely suppressed, there is no way to avoid it!

Just like last time, I have to work hard, but my situation is extremely dangerous. He doesn’t have time to use blue wings. He can’t even fly the bleeding beads at such a close distance. He can only resist with his own mental strength. .

He stared at the rapid swing of the sword, his pupils were tight, it was too difficult to take this action!

The white dragon flag finally started to move again, and a white dragon took shape again and rushed straight forward at this most critical moment.

"Bang!" Bailong finally ran into the spiritual sword that was split by Mu Tou.

Mu's head was caught off guard, and his suppression of me finally revealed a gap.

My wings spread, how could he politely treat Mu's leader, so he broke free of his suppression of Mu's leader.

"Don't go!" Mu Tou's leader exclaimed excitedly, hurriedly chasing after me, but everything is over, and the suppression he just created will never appear again. Another fierce roar came from Huang Dazhou. His throat was really about to shout, and he couldn't even hold on to the spirit and spirit of the beast. At this moment, I was in a hurry to get it, and he walked away, avoiding the blue-eyed monster.

"The spirit of life!" I shouted loudly, pulling away suddenly.

Huang Dazhe has formed a conditioned reflex in Chengdu now, jumping in the air, he will quickly run to work, blue flames quickly formed in the palm of his hand, one, two, three!

I picked up the White Dragon Banner in one hand, followed the trend with both hands, and immediately dedicated my life to the leader Mu who followed me.

Once again, the two brothers work together, strong spiritual fire and rich spiritual power, this is the most powerful force that two people can exert today. The two brothers work together again. The strong spirit of the two brothers, coupled with the rich spiritual power, is the most powerful force that two people can exert today.

Ah! Mu's leader shouted loudly, and the burst of spiritual power sounded the sound of hunting his robe. He directly pierced the sword in front of him, the tip of the sword, condensing all the spirit, pointing to the blue flame.

So far, this is the most dramatic fluctuation, and two powerful forces have been eliminated. This offense was almost the result of a tie. Huang and I won a little bit. Mu didn't hurt his head, but he couldn't help taking a step back.

When I pulled the rhubarb species aside, my wings spread and turned around. As soon as he left, the ground occupied by Huang Dazhi made a loud noise, but the aura of the blue-eyed monster hit a deep hole in the ground.

I ran as fast as the wind, and easily passed Mu's leader and blocked again.

This blue-eyed monster was chasing frantically. When he saw Huang Dazhao running away, he immediately chased him as a winner. A wave of gas condensed in his big mouth, and then burst out again. ..


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