Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 750: : The sword shrank back

"Then you can easily subdue her?" Hazel asked suspiciously. "So, she killed three people completely because you weren't ready?"

"And our weapons" a guard added. "At very close range, this spear is useless. If we hold a sword and shield, we will only hurt one person at most."

"What do you think of the level of that female killer?" Hazel asked.

"To be honest, that's the level of an ordinary soldier." The guards glanced at each other and finally got the big man's answer. "It can be seen that she has received a certain level of training and has more power than an average woman, but this is what she can do. On a one-to-one basis, she may be able to beat one of us, but we There are ten people in the team."

Hazel waved them to step down. Did he read it wrong? Impossible! Is there anything else? He clearly knows the level of his two bodyguards. Even if they are attacked, they will not simply die in the hands of an assassin who is "just an ordinary soldier".

Then the dungeon entered his bedroom.

"Did you obey my orders and send that woman there?" Hazel asked in an extremely strict tone. Several guards looked at me, I looked at you, and finally they all focused on one person.

"My lord, I personally sent it there." Finally, the man answered with all his strength.

"Are you alone?" Hazel looked at the guard, gritted his teeth. He knows that such tasks are usually done by two people.

"There is another person who volunteered to help." The guard quickly explained. "It's one of your servants. I remember. He seems to have called me. The man who accompanied you to the dungeon that night was the one with the torch behind."

"It's easy? Then what?"

"We sent the woman to the same place. Later, he stayed voluntarily. Look at the woman." Under God's stern gaze, the guard finally hesitated whether to tell the truth. "But I swear that before I left that day, I saw hordes of werewolves coming out from a distance. Even if I wanted to take the woman away, it was too late. He didn't come back the next day. I thought he was also eaten by ghosts. . But I think I heard that he came back. I had a conflict with the third team tonight. In the end, he seemed to pick up his luggage and left. I think he must be frightened by what happened that night."

In other words, I probably saved it. Well, a man looks at a woman, so he is sympathetic. Or do they work together? But it doesn't look right?

"Are you sure you saw the ghost appear the last time?" Hazel asked.

"I swear, my lord! On my father’s grave, I must have seen a ghost! I can’t run away with that female assassin. He can’t run alone. I didn’t look at it because my horse smelled the ghost and lost Control."

Hazel did not continue to ask. The news he received seemed to be a labyrinth, with forks and traps everywhere, firmly covering the truth. In the end what happened? First of all, the woman must not move that night, and if there is no rescue or miracle from her companion, she will be eaten by the ogre. In other words, unless it is Scud, it is impossible to elope with that woman.

But even though I am a hidden scud, enough to take that woman away from the ghost, why does an ordinary woman suddenly become a terrible assassin? A woman can directly break a strong man’s neck with the strength of her arm. The only possibility is that she has done very strict exercises, or has taken some special drugs, and has extraordinary strength in a short time.

These powerful drugs are understandable, but such fast and flexible actions cannot be accomplished overnight. Or is that woman not the same person? Like twins? Perhaps this is the only reason for the explanation.

Hazel vaguely felt that something important had happened in the dark, which he could not see. Some terrible power he was not familiar with interfered with him.

When he thought about it, his whole body trembled from his bones.


After a long period of twists and turns, Hazel finally lay on the bed. In fact, it was almost dawn and Dongfang showed Baiyu's belly, his head was hit on the pillow only once. Uneasiness and fear deprived him of sleep, so he lay on the bed, opened his eyes, and looked at the ceiling.

There was a sharp scream from the door, and Hazel jumped up excitedly. Only when human beings cry when they are dying and are full of pain and despair can they scream. Then Hazel heard someone knock on the door.

He took the sword and walked to the door step by step. "Who?" he shouted.

A sword suddenly pierced the wooden door. Although Hazel retreated in time, he still wiped his arms. He had no armor, so the sword immediately left a small wound on his arm and spewed blood.

"I'm not going to kill you like this" a woman was talking at the door. "Remember my father? You killed him in a despicable way! Now you have to pay the price! I will give you fear and pain until you repent of your crime and pray that I will kill you!"

The sword shrank back. Then, he heard shouts around, which meant that his group of guards, they were always a little late, had arrived. After a while, someone knocked on the door again, this time with a male voice, and Hazel recognized that the speaker was one of his small captains.

He opened the door and guessed what happened outside the door. The two soldiers in charge of the guard were dead, and one of them had his throat cut, and all the cries were sealed under his throat with a sharp knife. Another person was pierced in the chest and was finally able to shout to death. Both were killed in the raid and did not fight.

If in any doubt, it has now completely disappeared. Because the two guards were standing at the door with their backs to the wall, they could not surprise from behind. At this time, the sky is also bright, and it is impossible to get close lurking in the dark. In other words, two soldiers were attacked by each other at a short distance, and then killed in a short period of time without even having time to react. This kind of speed, strength and skill is by no means unattainable by ordinary soldiers.

There is this voice. There is no doubt that this female killer is that person's daughter! How could he forget the past? It was by helping Ryan to obtain the honor of Baccarat that he was promoted from an ordinary knight to a real nobleman. Legally speaking, a knight is a nobleman, but Hazel has a higher standard than others, and he finally won his current position. .

What happened that day? An ordinary woman fell into the hands of a villain and suddenly became a top assassin. come back? Hazel didn't know what happened. But answering this question is not the key now. The point is that his life is indeed in danger.

If the woman's attack was not against his bodyguard, she is himself. All you need is a dart, a flying vector, or just a bullet. I'm afraid he can't stand here thinking about it anymore.

During the dawn, the Lord’s mansion was full of tension and chaos. As expected, the guards who searched everywhere found nothing. The woman had just disappeared a second time but Hazel was sure she would return after dark. ..


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