Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1192: Sleepless night

They even had to discuss for a long time what Hong Qigong wanted to do.

Hearing what he said, the man in black immediately said: "We don't know the details of this person, but he is a young man who seems to be the righteous brother of the Beggar Gang..."

When he said, the man in white was shocked. Although there was no expression on his face, the man in black felt his fear.

He was a little curious, who made this weird man so scared.

After a while, the white-clothed man sighed and said: "Immediately withdraw all horses and watch the changes!"

"Ah!" The man in black was taken aback, he hesitated: "But..."

The white-clothed man frowned and said, "My words are the words of the little prince, why don't you listen?"

The black-clothed man quickly said: "The subordinates dare not!"

Without looking back, he strode away. Leaving the man in white, the man in black sighed.

With your order, our brothers who have been hiding here for so many years rushed around the night and were tricked by the beggars. I don't know how many people died. With another order, these dead brothers died in vain.

It is said that Song Guo has exhausted his qi, if Jin Guo is like you, his qi will not be long!

He shook his head and left helplessly, but he didn't go very far, a dark shadow flashed past, and the person was fixed and fell to the ground.

The dark shadow attacked in mid-air and didn't land until the man died. He glanced at the corpse of the man in black and murmured: "Even Ouyang Feng's attendants are here, how much trouble has this man caused!"

He shook his head, sighed like a man in black, and then disappeared into the night sky like a ghost.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for many people...

Early the next morning, the people in the city suddenly discovered that there were many more corpses in the city overnight. Some of these corpses were in the city, and some were in remote mountains.

The only difference is that some of them are dressed in black, while others are dressed as beggars.

The government that got the news was furious, and suddenly there were more corpses in the city. How much silver is needed to settle this!

Therefore, officials in the city met urgently to discuss how to deal with this matter.

Ouyang Ke also got up early. In fact, he didn't sleep much all night. He wanted to closely monitor the behavior of the middle-aged man, fearing that he would run away in the dark.

When he woke up in the morning, he went for a walk. As soon as the door was opened, the body of the man in black was found.

Ouyang Ke was taken aback, and then he found dead bodies in the backyard, on the roof, and in every corner of the house.

Ouyang Ke didn't dare to stay here. He wasn't sure if Lu Yang did it. So far, only Lu Yang has this ability.

But if it was Lu Yang, why didn't he kill himself? Is he afraid that Yang Kang will blame him?

No, if you really wanted to kill yourself with that master's temper, you probably wouldn't have so much regard for it.

Does he like me and can't bear it?

Ouyang Ke touched his face, then denied it. From the way he beats himself, this is impossible!

But no matter what, this place can't stay. Ouyang Ke made up his mind, wherever he was willing to wait, he immediately fled and left.

Lu Yang didn't sleep well this night, and the feeling of Huang Rong between his lips and teeth never faded. It took a long time to calm down, Xindao, this little fairy really couldn't get it by himself, and it was probably a heart disease. The next morning, as soon as Lu Yang got up, Guo Jing came.

"Brother, according to your instructions, we finished attacking all the golden spies. But it seems that they did something."

Lu Yangen said, "Is there any livelihood!"

Guo Jing nodded and said, "We have caught a spy from the Golden State, waiting for your release!"

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Well, let him be handled by the Beggars!"

Guo Jing was taken aback, and said in doubt: "Big Brother doesn't interrogate him personally?"

Lu Yang shook his head and smiled: "I interrogated him for what he was doing. This matter was originally meant for us to help the beggars. They have to make their own decisions. Besides, why should we be such a bad guy!"

Guo Jing nodded. Although he didn't understand, he still obeyed Lu Yang habitually.

In the mountain temple, a group of disciples of the Beggars gathered together. Although they suffered a loss of endurance last night, they killed them very happily. These years, they have been fighting openly and secretly with the detectives of the Kingdom of Jin and have endured them for a long time.

They were talking happily when suddenly there was a cold snort at the door.

Everyone looked over, and suddenly all bowed together, saying: "See the elder Chuan Gong!"

With majesty in the eyes of the man, he glanced at the crowd and said, "What are you happy about all of you. This night you killed so much, it also exposed our strength. There is a steady stream of Golden State spies. How many we kill, they can still How many come here. What's so happy!"

Lu Youtian heard it and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "It's the subordinates who are reckless!"

The man glared at him, knowing that it would be useless to blame him. After all, he was a righteous brother he helped, and it would be bad for Lu Youtian not to listen.

He snorted coldly: "What is the current situation?"

Lu Youtian said: "After the battle last night, today the Golden State spies are lurking."

The man nodded and said: "Where is Wu Mu's suicide note?"

Lu Youtian said: "Wu Mu's suicide note has been safely protected, and it has been determined that there are no Jin Guo spies nearby!"

"Didn't you say that there is a man in white who is extremely powerful and is also confronting you?"

Lu Youtian also said with some doubts: "It was the same last night, I left early today!"

"What!" The man was taken aback. He guessed the identity of the man in white. I already know who it is.

The man hurriedly concealed his surprise and asked, "Is there any strange behavior before he left?"

Lu Youtian shook his head honestly and said, "No, but when we went today, we found that from the corpses, there were no wounds."

The man frowned and nodded, "Take me to see the corpse!"

When Lu Youtian got the order, he stayed with the man next to the corpses of a few people in black. After watching for a long time, the man sighed and stood up.

Lu Youtian wondered: "Elder, do you know how these people died?"

The man nodded and said: "These people were interrupted by infuriating energy in the air. Because they used infuriating energy to gather a thin line, the hit was very small, and the blow was fatal, so there was no wound. !"

"Ah!" Lu Youtian was taken aback, and he said in amazement: "Who is so powerful that can interrupt people's hearts in a short time!"

The man sighed again and said: "There is only one person in the world who can do this. It is the owner of Taohua Island, Huang Laoxie!"..


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