Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 29: Dynasty

The bohemian Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng listened to King Great Jinpeng in such a quiet manner.

King Da Jinpeng's expression was so excited, it seemed that everything was still in sight.

"Although our dynasty is said to be declining now, the blood shed by every royal family in our dynasty is still the blood of the royal family. As long as one of our royal family members is alive, our dynasty will still exist. It has not been wiped out. Will not be wiped out."

King Da Jinpeng's face was so excited, his tone was so powerful, not only proud, but also confident.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng believe that this kind of self-confidence is innate, and they definitely have complete confidence.

In front of King Great Jinpeng, they found that their confidence was not so full.

Involuntarily, they were affected by the great Jinpeng King's momentum.

Maybe this is Wang Qi. It is completely different from the atmosphere of the rivers and lakes on Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng suddenly felt that this old man in his twilight years indeed had something worthy of their respect.

To say the least, no matter how the time invades, this old man will never be knocked down by time and changes.

He is definitely the kind of person who can get up right away if he falls down. Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng have always respected such people.

The innate ability and confidence in this kind of people are not something acquired, and this is also one of the secrets of their success.

King Jinpeng went on to say: "Although our dynasty was established in a very far, far away place, our dynasty world is all peaceful, rich, rich in land, and rich in harvest. There is even more in the deep mountains. Sands and Treasures. It is a rich dynasty."

Lu Yang couldn't help but interjected and asked, "Then why have you fallen and come to Zhongtu?"

King Da Jinpeng's face dimmed, and his eyes were full of pain and hatred, which was an indescribable hatred.

"It is because we are so rich that we have aroused the envy of neighboring countries, and they even joined the Cossacks to attack."

Princess Danfeng held his hand, the thin hand of King Da Jinpeng was tightly held in hers, his hand trembling.

King Jinpeng sadly continued: "I was young at that time. It was fifty years ago. My father always paid attention to the rule of culture and ignored martial arts. Of course, he could not resist the Cossack's powerful cavalry, but he decided to share with the kingdom. Survive and perish until the last person."

"So, he sent you to Zhongtu to escape the catastrophe and make a comeback afterwards." Lu Yang said.

King Jinpeng nodded and said: "Yes, in order to leave a bloodline to our dynasty, but also to preserve our strength, and to make a comeback in the future, not only did he not let me stick to it, but he divided the wealth of the treasury into four and gave it to him. Four confidant ministers of China, let them help me to Middle-earth."

There was an expression of immense gratitude on his face, looking at Princess Danfeng and saying: "One of them is my uncle Shangguan Jin. He took me here and used his part of his wealth to buy land and houses here. Home, so that our family can live carefree, this kindness, we will never forget."

Only then did Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng figure it out. It turns out that, to be precise, Princess Danfeng and King Great Jinpeng are actually the relationship between the king and the minister.

Lu Yang said, "Shangguan would like to stay by your side all the time, so how about three others?"

King Da Jinpeng's face became heavy, and his gratitude to Shangguan Jin turned into anger.

"Since the day we left the palace, I have seen them again, but their names will never be forgotten in my life!"

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng had basically sorted out their clues now, and they had guessed the purpose of the Great Jinpeng King inviting them.

Lu Yang asked immediately: "What are their names?"

King Jinpeng clenched his fists tightly, and said with hatred, "Shangguanmu, Ping Duhe, Yan Liben."

Lu Yang believed that if he held a piece of stainless steel, it would definitely be crushed!

It can be seen how deeply the King Great Jinpeng hates those three people.

Counting it, fifty years, fifty years of hatred concentrated, it's not generally comparable.

Just ask, who vented a fifty-year hatred, and what would be the consequences.

Lu Yang absolutely believed that if that were the case, there would definitely be a storm.

This storm must be extremely fierce, and it will wipe out countless people.

Lu Xiaofeng thought for a moment, and said, "I am well-informed in the arena and I know many people, but I have never heard of these three names."

Lu Yang just smiled. These are all in his grasp. His ideas have sprouted. This is an opportunity!

"Actually, you have never heard of their names, but you have definitely met their people, and you have also drank alcohol." Lu Yang smiled.

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Oh?" The surprise was beyond words.

King Da Jinpeng stared at Lu Yang for a long time, just like Lu Xiaofeng and Ximen Chuuxue, he couldn't see Lu Yang clearly.

"It is true that as Lu Yang said, as soon as they arrived in Middle-earth, in order to avoid the enemy's pursuit and to prevent me from finding their whereabouts, they changed their names and lived in seclusion."

King Dajinpeng made a gesture to Princess Danfeng, and Princess Danfeng took out a book of pictures from a strong and ancient cabinet behind the seat of Dajinpeng.

"It wasn't until a year ago that I found out their whereabouts. I think you basically know the six people on this screen."

King Jinpeng said bitterly.

The picture scroll has many pages, all portraits of people, and they are painted vividly.

On each page of the scroll, there are two portraits, one is a portrait of a young man and the other is a portrait of an old man.

But what is certain is that the two portraits are definitely one person!

Although the vicissitudes of the years have worn away many traces, the basic characteristics still remain.

"The young image above is what they looked like when they left the palace, and the old image behind is what they look like now."

King Da Jinpeng motioned Princess Danfeng to take the portrait in front of Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng. ..


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