Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 118: Dead end

Oh, is it?" Lu Yang said.

Huo Xiu laughed: "At least, I can strip off all of your clothes and sell them to the junk shop. At least I can sell them for a few cents."

"Unexpectedly, you still want a few pennies." Lu Yang sighed, I was really convinced by you.

"A penny is money, and it is also very important. Wanguan family wealth is accumulated from one penny and one penny." Huo Xiu laughed.

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Okay, I will give it to you."

Lu Xiaofeng suddenly waved his hand, a dozen bronze wallets with a strong force, hit Huo Xiu.

Huo Xiu didn't move or hide.After the copper coins passed through the railings of the iron cage, he waved his hand, and all of the dozen coins suddenly came into his hands.

Huo Xiu's skill is so exquisite, even Lu Xiaofeng couldn't help but sigh, blurting out in praise: "It's really a good skill."

Huo Xiu carefully put the dozen coins into his pocket, and said with a slight smile: "When I have money to collect, my skill is always better than usual."

"Unfortunately, this kind of skill is still a little bit worse than mine." Lu Xiaofeng smiled.

Lu Yang was just like that, smiling silently from the side.

Huo Xiu laughed and said, "Do you want to motivate me to go out and fight you?"

Lu Xiaofeng sighed: "I do think so, but it seems that you are not on the hook."

Huo Xiu smiled and said: "Then I advise you to quickly dispel this idea and think of other ways."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "In other words, you wouldn't come out even if you die?"

Huo Xiu said: "Even if I want to go out and fight you now, it's impossible."

Lu Yang said: "Why? Don't forget, there are three great masters here."

Huo Xiu said: "This iron cage is made of refined copper with a net weight of 1,980 catties. Even if it is cut iron like mud, it may not be able to cut it, not to mention that kind of sword. Only in the myth."

Lu Yang said: "Of course no one can lift the iron cage weighing 1,980 catties, and no one can break those iron bars with internal force."

"Absolutely not, I won't do things that are uncertain." Huo Xiu smiled.

Lu Yang smiled and said: "So, not only can you not get out, but I can't get in either. Therefore, after you leave, we will have to wait to die."

Huo Xiu nodded: "Yes, so you can only watch me leave, and then you are here to die."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "You use this iron cage to lock yourself up first, so that you are afraid that we will fight with you?"

Huo Xiu said: "I'm already an old man half-lengthed into the soil, and I have no more interest in women, let alone fighting?"

Lu Xiaofeng patted Lu Yang on the shoulder, and then patted the shoulder of Huamanlou.

He sighed: "It seems that we really can only wait here to die."

Lu Yang smiled and said: "It seems that this is his last move. It seems that this move determines the winner or loser. He lives and we die. He won this chess game."

Huamanlou smiled: "He played this move, but we still have one move we haven't played." "Oh." Lu Yang pretended to be surprised, "He is finished, is it our turn to play, or where did we not play?"

Huamanlou smiled and said: "Did you forget Zhu Ting?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled slightly and said: "Of course I have not forgotten him, I have always been thinking about him."

Lu Yang also smiled: "Although I don't know him very well, I still know a little bit, maybe a little bit more than Mr. Huo's handle, but it seems that a little bit is enough."

"So, even now, you can still laugh." Huamanlou smiled.

"So, even you are not anxious at all." Lu Yang smiled.

Huamanlou smiled and said, "So, he shouldn't tie Zhu Ting here."

Lu Yang smiled and said: "It is indeed quite inappropriate."

Huo Xiu's expression seemed to change a little, but he still asked suspiciously: "What happens if Zhu stops here?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled calmly: "There will be no such thing, but in this world, there is no place where he can be locked."

Hua Manlou also smiled faintly: "He has no other strengths, but just happens to be Master Lu's apprentice."

Huo Xiu frowned, as if searching for something: "Master Lu?"

Huamanlou smiled and said: "Of course you should know that Master Lu is the descendant of Zu Master Lu Ban, and is also the number one master of the production organization in this world."

Lu Xiaofeng continued: "And after Master Lu dies, naturally this number one master will be boss Zhu Ting."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "It seems that Zhu Ting is really a treasure. You should be very thankful that you have such a good friend."

Huo Xiu said: "So, as long as he is here, you will definitely escape safely."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and nodded: "It is true."

Huo Xiu said: "He is indeed here."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "I know."

Huo Xiu said: "Just behind, where you saw me last time."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "I know."

Huo Xiu said: "Since there is no place in this world that can hold him, why hasn't he appeared yet?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Of course he will appear."

Huo Xiu smiled and said, "Even if he can come out now, it is too late."

Lu Yang said in astonishment: "Oh, you still have such a calmness. It seems that you also have a few backs."

Huo Xiu knew: "The central office of this place is under the place where I sit."

"Oh," Lu Yang said.

Huo Xiu smiled and said: "As long as I go out, of course I will not forget to destroy this head office immediately. Even if Master Lu is reborn, there will be no way to use this institution..."..


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