Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 126: The miser also enjoys the blessing

Huo Xiu smiled: "I didn't understand until now that carrying too many things on my back will make you too tired. In fact, it is enough to satisfy some. Just like me, I always thought about how much wealth I want. After changing the concept, so much wealth cannot be brought to life, nor can it be brought to death. Enjoyment is the most important thing."

Lu Yang also smiled: "It can be seen that you have grown at least 20 catties in this period of time."

Huo Xiu smiled and said, "To be correct, it is 23 kilograms, with a wide heart and fat body. I think I am ten years younger."

"It seems that Tianxing Escort has not treated you badly." Lu Yang smiled.

"This is not bad. They really treat me like a distinguished guest, serving me with good wine and meat. It's strange not to gain weight." Huoxiu laughed.

He poured a glass of wine for Lu Yang.

Lu Yang drank, and sighed: "Now I am quite envious of you. I only took a few months of rest, and the rivers and lakes were in chaos. Someone dared to move to the head of the Tianxing Escort."

"Indeed, in the past few months, the **** of the sky has been in full swing, and your fame has spread throughout the north and south martial arts. Not many people dare to move you." Huo Xiu sighed.

"So, this time I want to stand up and firmly establish the first place in the world, so I can save a lot of things." Lu Yang said coldly.

"I'm afraid it won't be as you wish. The tree attracts the wind and the wealth attracts the thieves. There will always be people who are thinking about it, even if it is terrible, they want to try it." Huo Xiu sighed.

He drank a glass of wine and said with a smile: "Now, I am afraid you also think that my wealth is also a burden."

Lu Yang does not deny this.

"You have walked the rivers and lakes for many years, so what do you think of the continuous major cases in this period of time?" Lu Yang asked.

Huo Xiu pondered for a moment and said: "I think these big cases are definitely operated by the same person behind the scenes."

"A person?" Lu Yang said in surprise.

"Yes, this person's thoughts are so prudent, I'm afraid it's not under you and me." Huo Xiu said, "Fortunately, I don't have such an enemy, otherwise I will be afraid all day and dare not sleep."

"In your opinion, who is this person?" Lu Yang asked, as long as there is a target direction, everything is easy to investigate.

"I don't know." Huo Xiu shook his head.

"Even you don't know?" Lu Yang asked.

Huo Xiu nodded: "After you destroyed Duguhe, Yan Tieshan, Shangguanqing and me, I really can't think of anyone in the rivers and lakes with such a powerful force, unless it is."

There was light in Lu Yang's eyes: "If we say, we also have a direction to face. Regardless of whether this clue is true or not, we can try."

"Come, have a good drink with me, we haven't had a drink together in a long time." Huo Xiu said with a toast.

"Okay, how can I be less for drinking." Lu Xiaofeng walked in, and his four eyebrows were finally full, still so sensual and charming.

"How can I not make up a share of such a lively thing?" Huamanlou walked in.

He pulled a chair and sat down, poured himself a full glass of wine, and drank it in one breath.

The look of the action didn't look like a blind man at all.

Huo Xiu sighed: "Hua Man Lou is indeed Hua Man Lou, and his eyes are getting brighter."

Huamanlou said with a smile: "No matter what, as long as you are happy, you will naturally see many things that others can't see."

"We finally drank together again. It's been a long time. Anyway, we are not drunk or return." Huo Xiu said with a toast. "Okay, don't get drunk or return!" Lu Yang, Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou laughed.

The wine is good, and the dishes are exceptionally exquisite. The three of them pushed a cup of wine and drank so dimly.

Zhang Fang and his party naturally knew that their relationship was extraordinary.

Very smart, except for serving wine and food, did not disturb them. At first glance, he knew that he was a great man.

The dusk was approaching, Zhang Fang made a light, and the three continued to drink.

I don't know when the drink will arrive, and everyone staggers back to their rooms to rest.

Lu Yang got up early the next morning, and after Lu Xiaofeng, Huamanlou looked a little sluggish.

Indeed, Huamanlou had never drunk like this before, because he had a lower drinking capacity.

Lu Yang asked the guards carefully again, but still didn't get the idea.

Chang Mantian only remembers what happened, but he can't provide any useful clues.

At that time, Jiaoyang was like a fire, especially hot, and the road seemed to be burning under the yellow dust.

Chang Mantian is also a tough guy. He has a high status in the dart board, which is inseparable from the scar on his face.

In such a hot weather, even the scars that often fill the sky are shining from the sun.

Two scars on his face, plus seven or eight internal injuries, took dozens of unhealable scars on his body.

Chang Man's reputation and status are exchanged for his life.

Until the rainy weather, internal injuries on his body will occur, and the joints are extremely sore.

It feels like the whole body is going to split apart.

However, thinking of the hard and **** battles in those years, his heart is full of emotion.

It is indeed not easy for him to live till now.

It is not easy to be able to make the deputy head of the dart board at the Tianxing Escort, with a monthly salary of five hundred taels of silver.

It was really paid for by blood, sweat and life. In the past few years, he has rarely come out to bet a dart himself.

He is the younger brother of Zhang Mu, the head of the Tianxing Escort, and even Zhang Fang must respectfully call the uncle.

In the Skywalk Escort, he has a lofty status, no one can match.

He often only has to practice boxing with his seniors, and drink some wine in the evening, not to drink too much, just have a little fun.

Just like this, I have enjoyed the Qingfu for several years.

With the two "golden guns and iron sword flags", no one of the underworld friends in the arena dared to use the bodyguards of the "Sky Travel Escort".

The most important thing is that everyone in the world already knows that the Skywalk Escort is Lu Yang's, and has inherited Huoxiu's huge wealth.

But this dart is different from the past, it is quite important.

Mr. Zhang Mu pays great attention to it, so please take this trip frequently. ..


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