Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 133: Jin Jiuling

"It's a fox, so he will definitely show his feet. No matter how deep he hides, there will always be a mistake that makes people find him." Lu Xiaofeng said.

"Brother Lu will definitely not let him go." Hua Manlou smiled.

Dare to move the **** of the sky is to fight against Lu Yang, the first foundation painstakingly created, how can it be destroyed!

There was a cold light in Lu Yang's eyes.

What's more, there is still the world's first arrest, it depends on who finds the bearded first.

Master Bitter Gourd sighed: "I haven't figured it out until now. Why did he eat public meals in the first place? It doesn't fit his character at all!"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Do you want him to be a monk like you?"

Master Bitter Gourd said: "The monk at least doesn't have that much trouble!"

Taoist Mu smiled and said, "But the monk does not have a wife!"

Master Bitter Gourd stopped talking.

Everyone in the arena knows that the biggest problem in Jin Jiuling's life is romance.

When he entered the public door, the biggest legend is for a woman.

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Jin Jiuling is recognized as the first master of the six doors in 300 years. No matter how big or small the case is, as long as it gets into his hands, there is nothing that cannot be broken."

Master Bitter Gourd sighed: "So I always think that his biggest problem is that he is too clever and too clever. Too much cleverness and cleverness will often make people recruit enemies everywhere. Everyone understands the principle of being too clever."

"Anyone who can be able to have the ability to do it, at least, he has the ability to do it." Lu Yang smiled.

Lu Xiaofeng said, "But no matter how smart people are, there must be a problem that he can't solve one day."

Master Bitter Gourd agreed.

Lu Xiaofeng said, "He may not be able to solve this case, so he must find a helper!"

Master Bitter Gourd also admitted this, because the protagonist of sixty or seventy major cases is definitely not weak!

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Since you only have such a junior, you care about this junior, so of course you want him to find a helper!"

He sighed and smiled bitterly: "The worst thing is that Lu Yang and I happen to be the most ideal helpers. Whoever encounters problems that cannot be solved will always come to us, so..."

Master Bitter Gourd said: "So how?"

Lu Xiaofeng sighed: "So you invite me to have this meal, even if I am not smelly, you don't care about it, I'm afraid it's not very kind."

Master Bitter Gourd said: "Don't forget that you bumped into the door yourself, and I didn't invite you to come!"

Lu Yang smiled bitterly and said, "Maybe we happen to be unlucky, so we bumped into here!"

Taoist Mu smiled and said, "You seem to have been dying lately!"

Lu Yang had to admit that because of that big beard, the Skywalk Escort had suffered heavy losses.

If it's just wealth, anyway, the money of the Tianxing Escort is comparable to the national treasury, but it is a pity for those first-class Escorts.

Lu Xiaofeng said: "But this time I said I won't cooperate with him at all. Either we will take care of it, or he will do it, or we will take care of each other. See who digs out this beard first!"

Master Bitter Gourd said indifferently: "He didn't want you to take care of this with him, so why bother with yourself!" Lu Yang was stunned, and said, "He didn't?"

At this time, they only heard one person smiling and saying: "I really don't!"

This person is naturally Jin Jiuling.

Many people in the arena know that there are two things in Jin Jiuling that few can match. His clothes and his eyes.

Jin Jiuling's eyes are not particularly big, nor are they particularly bright, but as long as he has seen them, he will never forget them.

The clothes Jin Jiuling wears are always the most noble material, the style is always the latest, and the handwork is always the most exquisite.

The folding fan in Jin Jiuling's hand is also a fine piece of gold, which can also be used as a weapon in battle.

Jin Jiuling's skills in recognizing acupoints and playing acupoints are all top-notch in the world. In fact, he is top-notch no matter what he helps.

It's not the first-class wine, he can't drink it; it's not the first-class woman, he doesn't look good; it's not the first-class car, he never goes to sit.

But he is not the first-rate rich man. Fortunately, he still has a lot of money-making skills.

He is good at distinguishing antique calligraphy and painting, and he is good at matching horses. Based on these two examples, he has been able to live the best life forever.

What's more important is that he is still a very handsome and attractive man, not very young.

This makes him often save a lot of money than others on one of the easiest things to spend money on.

So he has always lived a very rich life, and has always been well maintained.

Jin Jiuling now looks absolutely not like a frightened martial arts master in the underworld, but like a dandy who walks along the stage.

Seeing him coming in, Lay Gu Song immediately asked: "Have you found any boutiques recently?"

The biggest hobby of Gu Song's life was collecting antique calligraphy and painting.

Jin Jiuling smiled slightly and said: "The world's fine products have been brought to Huangshan by the layman, what else can I find?"

Gu Songju Shidao: "Don't even have a good picture?"

Jin Jiuling pondered for a moment, and said with a smile: "I won't say if it is good to paint, but there are some flowers that are close to people."

There was light in the eyes of Gu Song: "Then take it out and take a look."

Jin Jiuling smiled and took it out.

It was a bright red satin, with a black peony embroidered in the center of the satin.

Lay Gu Song was stunned and said: "What kind of treasure is this?"

Jin Jiuling smiled and said: "Needle embroidery is very popular recently. Now everyone knows that embroidery is a real skill."

Gu Song: "Could this be the work of Mrs. Xue?"

Jin Jiuling said: "No, this is embroidered by a man."

Gu Song said in surprise: "Is this the flower embroidered by the man who can embroider?"

Lu Yang said: "It seems that you can't go wrong."

Jin Jiuling sighed: "Yes, I brought this one from the Pingnan Royal Mansion. He embroidered it in the treasure house of the Royal Mansion."


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